Painting the ceiling with a spray gun - step-by-step instructions

To paint the ceiling surface, different tools are used - a roller, a brush or a spray gun. However, the result of the work looks different. Painting the ceiling with a spray gun allows you to get a high-quality, smooth and uniform surface. The work goes much faster and easier. There are several types of spray guns. They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the units, the characteristics of the color mixture and the frequency of use.

We will tell you how to paint a ceiling with a spray gun, and how to make a similar device from a vacuum cleaner. The video at the end of the article will help you understand clearly how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting the ceiling with a spray gun

If we compare a regular roller and a spray gun, the second device has clear advantages. Painting the ceiling with a spray gun solves many problems and has a large number of advantages:

  • High labor productivity. Compared to painting with a conventional roller, the same procedure with a spray gun increases the speed several times, and you can immediately cover a larger area of ​​the ceiling.
  • Uniform layer of paint, uniform color. Thanks to the device, it is possible to apply paint in an even and thin layer, thereby reducing the drying time of the coating. If it was not possible to apply a thin layer, this can be easily corrected with a sponge.
  • Possibility of processing hard-to-reach areas. There are no places where a stream of air with small splashes of paint cannot reach.
  • Clean workplace. The spray gun applies paint evenly and does not flow, so it does not flood other surfaces and does not stain everything around.
  • No streaks or streaks. This is achieved by the force of surface tension that acts on the paint.
  • Ability to work with putty and varnish.
  • Less paint consumption.

All these advantages indicate that such a device is very effective and easy to use. The only drawback is its price, which is higher than that of a regular roller.

But you need to remember about the savings in paint, time and energy that can be achieved while working with a spray gun. The cost of purchasing the device will soon pay off. A spray gun for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is much more convenient and profitable during operation.

Methods of applying water-based paint

There are at least 3 popular devices for transferring water-based emulsion to the surface: a paint brush, a roller and a spray gun.
Each tool is convenient and effective in its own way for performing certain types of work. The right brush will do an excellent job of painting oversized objects, and larger, smooth surfaces can be covered with a layer of whitewash using a roller. The spray gun costs several times more, but is perfect for both processing small objects and large-scale work. In terms of ease of execution, painting walls with a spray gun using water-based paint occupies a leading position. The spraying device allows you to get the most even layer of coating without requiring a person to spend long hours of practice. To obtain a good, uniform coating, it is enough to prepare the surface, dilute the paint and spray, following 2-3 recommendations, which will be discussed below. In addition to quality and ease of use, the spray gun has a fairly high performance that is not inferior to and even exceeds (for some models) the speed of painting with a roller. An old paint roller is in no hurry to give up the job to a new tool, and with good reason. In addition to being cheap and accessible, this simple tool is very reliable and ends its service life only when the ink roller wears out or the holder becomes deformed. To obtain a high-quality coating, you need to master the technology of using a roller, which not everyone can do quickly. Usually, a more or less decent result is obtained in 2-3 hours of practice. Professional painters create a stunningly even layer, processing areas of impressive size in an hour, even larger than the same spray gun.

The choice between a brush, roller or spray gun should be based on the size of the area to be treated, your experience with the tool, requirements for the quality of the coating and financial capabilities.

Types of spray guns

There are different types of spray guns. They differ in different principles of nutrition.

The most inexpensive. In appearance, this unit looks like a pump connected to a fishing rod. The pump makes it possible to create pressure in the tank, and the “fishing rod” sprays the pigment.

This device copes well with both water-based emulsion and chalk and lime solutions. In an hour, such a device can process up to 225 square meters. This type of spray gun for painting walls and ceilings does not have an electric compressor.

  • Electric sprayer
  • An electric spray gun for painting the ceiling with water-based paint is powered from the mains.

    This is the most popular type of sprayer. During operation there is no need to use additional equipment. There may be several modifications here, but the most convenient and popular is the model, which is based on airless spray technology.

  • Pneumatic spray gun
  • For professional painting work, it is better to buy pneumatic spray guns. The operation is based on the principle of compressed air.

    The location of the tank can be from below or from above. When purchasing a device, this factor should be taken into account depending on the surface you will be working with. In this case, you don’t need to think about what kind of ceiling paint can be applied with a spray gun, because different compositions can be sprayed using a pneumatic device.


The basic criterion for classifying spray guns for paints and varnishes is the design solution. This also includes a different principle of creating a pumping action. Thus, there are three types of spray guns: mechanical, pneumatic and electric.

Manual type

Technically, the tool is considered the simplest. A pump is responsible for moving the paint in this device, the operation of which requires only physical strength. to it :

  • to a container of paint;
  • to the nozzle.

Also, a hand-held spray gun for water-based paint is equipped with a fishing rod. This is a tubular rigid extension that is a continuation of the distribution hose. This way you can cover a larger area (up to 3 meters from the painter) and make it more convenient to work in general. More often today, such a device is used for whitewashing ceilings, staircases, and fruit trees in the garden.

The advantages of a manual spray gun include mobility and autonomy. However, you need to work here with an assistant. Moreover, he must constantly monitor the uniformity of the pumped pressure. As a rule, it does not exceed 0.5 Atmospheres.

Mechanical models Source

The disadvantages include the inadmissibility of working with organic-based paints and varnishes. Regarding the quality of the work performed, it is the lowest compared to other analogues. This can be explained by the different sized drops. That is, the coating is not perfectly uniform. The speed of painting structures can reach 200–250 square meters. meters per hour.

Power tools

An electric spray gun for water-based paint is considered an optimal and effective device for the private sector. There are compact models and entire painting stations, amateur and for professional painting.

Aerial amateur

Simple and easy to use, they allow you to create a good quality coating. This is justified by the balanced operating mode, which is provided by either a remote compressor or a built-in turbine. The last device is considered the most compact.

The power source can be an electrical network or batteries (they are enough for 15–40 minutes of continuous painting). Any paint and varnish materials and primers can act as a working fluid. It is used more often in everyday life and less often for body work.

Air power tool Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in paints and varnishes and related work

When choosing a device, factors such as power and performance are considered. In the case of electrical samples, 400 W and 250 square meters per hour (600 ml/min) are considered optimal. Teflon gaskets will be an additional advantage. They do not deform from contact with solvents.

Airless for large-scale objects

The principle of operation of a spray gun for painting walls is similar to a hand pump. Here, the working fluid is taken from a separate reservoir, which can be located next to the painter. However, in the case of electric models, the pressure in the system is created in the region of 120 Atmospheres, and the productivity reaches 500 sq. meters per hour (1.2 ml/min).

The quality of the formed coating exceeds the results of air painting. The instrument is considered professional and expensive. Therefore, it is purchased by craftsmen for work on large objects. The installations are not used for home use.

Airless electrical installation Source

Pneumatic version

This spray gun is chosen for professional painting, as the result is of the highest quality. However, to achieve this, it is not enough to purchase a device with a compressor and a high-pressure hose. Here, at every working stage, you need to follow strict rules, have knowledge and experience, and patience.

Structurally, the working part of the pneumatic spray gun for water-based paint is made in the form of a pistol with a trigger. A reservoir is attached to the device. Its location can be upper or lower. There are also models with a separate tank, from which the paintwork or primer is taken through a tube.

The driving force here is compressed air. It is supplied through a flexible hose, which allows movement around the construction site within the permissible range. After starting the tool, the air flow enters the sprayer, where a low pressure zone is created. In this case, the needle moves, which opens the nozzles. Mixing liquid with air contributes to the formation of a foggy environment. It is under pressure and, thanks to the shape of the nozzles, is directed towards the surface being treated and has a specific shape (usually a round or flat torch).

Pneumatic device Source

The fundamental difference between such a tool and its analogues is the presence of a control unit. With its help you can regulate the intensity of air supply and primer with paints. It is also possible to control the size of droplets in the resulting plume.

Pneumatic sprayers are distinguished by the operating pressure that is created at the outlet of the nozzles. The table provides an overview of the three main types:

HP (high pressure - high pressure)The pressure in the nozzle is 1.5-1.5 Atm, at the inlet - from 2.5 to 5 Atm. Air flow is close to 190 liters per minute. The main advantages: uniform distribution of paint (due to a wide torch); quick completion of work (due to high pressure). Disadvantages include a low percentage of liquid transfer to the base - about 45%. Under pressure, a torch can raise dust if the walls are poorly prepared.
HVLP (high volume low pressure - high volume at low pressure)At the outlet of the nozzles the pressure is about 0.7 Atm, at the inlet it is from 2.5 to 3 Atm. The volume of air consumed per minute is 230-300 liters. The main advantages of the spray gun: about 65% of the liquid is transferred to the surface to be painted; relatively low speed of the torch at the outlet, which reduces losses of paintwork materials. Of the minuses, users note high demands on the air mass: control over volumes, mandatory cleanliness. The device is used with filter elements that prevent oil from entering the spray stream.
LVLP (low volume low pressure - low volume at low pressure)The output pressure here can be from 0.7 to 1.2 Atm, the input pressure - from 1.5 to 2 Atm. Air consumption is about 170-200 liters per minute. Compared to pneumatic analogues, the main advantage here is to increase the percentage of paint deposited on the object to 70%. The main disadvantage is the high cost of the tool.

LVLP type pneumatic tools Source

How to choose a spray gun

When choosing a spray gun for painting walls and ceilings, you need to consider several factors:

  • Apparatus body. It is best if it is made of aluminum. And the presence of a nickel coating can protect the device from corrosion. The plastic case will not last too long, despite the fact that this device will be lighter in weight.
  • Holes on the cover. Preferably they are also made of aluminum. Possible options are stainless steel and brass.
  • Gaskets for sealing should be of good quality, preferably made of Teflon. Poor quality gaskets can be corroded by the solvent contained in the varnish and paint.
  • Placement of tanks. Where it will be located - below or above - there is not much difference. It is easier to clean those tanks that are made of metal, but nylon tanks make it easier to determine the level of paint consumption due to the fact that they are transparent.
  • When choosing a spray gun, remember the amount of work.

    There is no point in overpaying when buying a pneumatic device when it comes to repairs at your home. For these purposes, the usual manual version is perfect. But for professional painting work, it is better to invest in a pneumatic spray gun, which will definitely pay for itself.

    It is also worth remembering that when buying a spray gun, you need to take care of your own safety - have gloves, a protective mask and goggles.

    So, how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun?

    Before starting painting, the nozzle must be moved to the side. This will make it possible to avoid spraying a large amount of dye. If you see that the paint comes out evenly, you can begin.

    There should be approximately 50 cm from the ceiling to the spray gun during operation. The operating speed is 5 seconds per meter. Pay attention to the direction of the dye jet; it should be perpendicular to the ceiling.

    Visually divide the ceiling into squares; they should be no longer than your arm. These squares need to be treated with paint. You need to paint first across, then along.

    Don't linger in one area. This may result in the paint layer being very thick and starting to run off. It is optimal to paint at the same pace.

    You need to wait until one layer dries before starting to apply another. Otherwise, the paint may not adhere well and will soon begin to peel off.

    Painting the ceiling with a spray gun should be done in stages.

    It is best to apply the first and third layers in the evening or morning. During this period, the lighting in the room is good, but the sun does not blind. But this is not necessary, it is important that the surface being treated is clearly visible, then the defects can be corrected immediately.

    If you follow all the above recommendations for choosing and using a spray gun, you can do the work yourself, quickly and efficiently. After all, this device allows you to create an absolutely flat surface, not to mention the fact that the device greatly saves both time and effort.


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    Any painting work using a brush or roller is quite labor-intensive, complex and takes a lot of time. The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint can be made easier using a special spray gun. In addition, the simplest spray gun can be assembled from a Whirlwind vacuum cleaner, a plastic lid with a spray nozzle and a glass cucumber jar. Let's talk about how to paint a ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun.

  • Painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun
      Preparing to paint the ceiling with a spray gun
  • The procedure for painting a ceiling with a spray gun
  • Mistakes when painting a ceiling with a spray gun
  • Advantages of painting the ceiling with a spray gun

    Using a spray gun when applying water-based paint has serious advantages over using an ordinary roller. Now let's look at them in more detail:

    • Painting ceilings with a spray gun is primarily practiced due to the much greater productivity of the procedure. The difference in speed compared to a brush and roller is several times. In addition, such a device allows you to paint a very large ceiling area.
    • The layer of paint applied using a spray gun is even and very thin, which reduces the drying time of the ceiling. But if you still apply too thick a layer and drops hang, you just need to collect them with a sponge.
    • The problems of uneven coloration of the ceiling are minimized. It is very difficult to apply an uneven layer of paint using a spray gun.
    • When using a spray gun, you can forget about hard-to-reach areas. There are simply no hard-to-reach places for a stream of air that carries small splashes of coloring composition.
    • Paint applied using a spray gun does not flow, so you are less likely to spill paint on the floor and other surfaces, as well as stain your clothes.
    • You can also avoid streaks and streaks when painting the ceiling with a spray gun, because not a single object touches the surface of the ceiling. The paint is affected solely by surface tension.
    • The spray gun is capable of working not only with water-based paints, but also copes well with putty and varnish.
    • Using a spray gun, you will use much less paint than when painting with a brush or roller, so the cost of painting the ceiling with water-based paint will be lower in this case.

    Spray gun for painting the ceiling with water-based paint

    The modern market offers a wide selection of different spray guns for every budget and taste, so when choosing a tool for yourself, the main criterion is only your personal preferences and the amount of money you can spend on it.

    Types of spray guns

    Manual spray guns for water-based paint are the cheapest and fairly simple devices for painting the ceiling. The unit is like a “fishing rod” and a pump. The pump creates pressure in the tank, and the pigment is sprayed using a fishing rod. In addition to painting with water-based paint, this spray gun copes well with chalk and lime mortar. The productivity of the device on average reaches 200-225 square meters per hour.

    Electric spray guns, powered by a 220-volt network, for water-based paint are the most popular type among those new to painting. Their operation does not require the use of any additional equipment, as when using a pneumatic apparatus. There are several modifications of electric spray guns on the market, but the most widely used models are those that are based on the airless method of spraying paint.

    Pneumatic spray guns for water-based paint are already considered professional equipment designed to work with any composition. Most of this type of spray guns on the market operate on the principle of compressed air. Models with a lower and upper tank location are available for sale. This must be taken into account, depending on the type of surface you have to paint.

    Choosing the right spray gun

    When choosing a quality spray gun for water-based paint, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules. Pay attention first of all to the material of the device’s body. The best option is to make the case from aluminum with a nickel anti-corrosion coating. A plastic case, despite its lighter weight, will not last too long, unlike an aluminum case.

    The holes in the lid must also be made of aluminum. Brass and stainless steel also work well as materials. After this, you need to check the quality of the sealing gaskets. The best solution is if they are made of Teflon, because many paints and varnishes contain a solvent that can corrode all low-quality gaskets.

    Spray guns have different placement of barrels. There is no fundamental difference in this, whether the barrel is located below or above. Barrels are made from various materials. Metal barrels are easier to wash, while nylon barrels will help you quickly determine the level of water emulsion consumption, since they are more transparent.

    When choosing a spray gun, remember that if your plans do not include turning painting ceilings into your own business, and you do not have a large amount of work awaiting you, but just minor repairs in your own home, then you should not overpay for a professional pneumatic apparatus. After all, this necessarily leads to an increase in the price of painting the ceiling with water-based paint.

    For such purposes, the simplest manual spray gun without any “bells and whistles” is suitable, the cost of which is about 400 rubles. But if you need to work on a high stepladder, you should choose an electric spray gun, as it is more compact and convenient for carrying and using at heights, and is also simply held on your back with a belt, which makes painting much easier.

    Making a spray gun with your own hands

    It’s not very difficult to make a spray gun yourself, the main thing is to strictly follow our detailed plan for making the device, presented below. To make a simple spray bottle, there is no need to spend money on purchasing special materials. First, prepare a small piece of polystyrene foam, which is used when insulating a balcony or as a soundproofing material.

    Cut out an element of the desired shape from foam plastic. The shape of the element is chosen depending on the paint vessel you choose. Any bottle or jar is suitable as a vessel. In this case, the neck should be wider. The cut out foam element should fit tightly with its lower part into the neck of the vessel.

    Make several holes in the surface of the foam. Better yet, drill, because creating holes can easily damage the fragile foam. One hole is made on the top side of the workpiece; a hollow rod (the empty body of a ballpoint pen) will be installed there.

    Drill another hole horizontally. The rod body is installed in it. When making a hole that is located vertically, you can use a bottle cap as a stop, which acts as a vessel.

    Painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun

    Painting a ceiling with water-based emulsion using a spray gun is not much different from painting some other surface, but nevertheless has a number of its own features, which you can note by watching a video about painting a ceiling with water-based paint, and which are important to consider if you newbie to painting.

    Preparing to paint the ceiling with a spray gun

    It is necessary to begin any painting work, first of all, by preparing the paint for application. Add water to the water-based paint and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly if the instructions require it. For this purpose, a construction mixer or a drill whisk is usually used. Water-based paint does not corrode the skin, so in the absence of mechanical tools, you can mix the composition even with your hands.

    Then you need to add color if you want to give the paint a certain tone. Add the substance in small doses and mix constantly. Remember that it is unacceptable to leave color stains in the mixture. It is better to prepare a portion of paint with a reserve, since if there is a shortage of it, it will be very difficult to catch exactly this shade.

    Keep in mind that the coloring composition in liquid form has a brighter and deeper shade than when dried and applied. As a rule, even a can of paint that has been opened recently contains dried paint particles and various clots that can subsequently clog the spray gun nozzle or leave a similar clot on your ceiling.

    Therefore, the paint composition must be perfectly clean and free of foreign particles. To do this, it is recommended to filter the paint through any moisture-permeable dense fabric that does not have a hydrophobic impregnation. It is necessary to pass the already diluted composition. Filtration will help you get rid of lumps and clumps of dried paint, as well as other debris.

    The procedure for painting a ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun differs from painting using a roller or brush in that a large amount of sprayed composition hangs in the air, which settles not only on the ceiling surface, but also on all surfaces, including your respiratory organs and eyes. Therefore, you must definitely wear a respirator or gauze bandage, as well as safety glasses, as shown in the photo about painting the ceiling with water-based paint.

    It is best to remove all moving objects and furniture from the room until the work is completed. Cover all immovable ones with plastic wrap. Adjacent surfaces on which paint is undesirable should also be covered, fixing the polyethylene with masking tape or other available means.

    The procedure for painting a ceiling with a spray gun

    Painting the ceiling with a spray gun can provide you with an unsurpassed result when compared with using a brush or roller. When painting the ceiling, it is important that the layer of paint that is applied is as uniform and thin as possible. Before painting the ceiling, you should move the spray gun nozzle to the side, as it may initially throw out too much paint.

    As soon as the paint begins to spray evenly, you can begin applying the composition to the ceiling. the appropriate distance that separates the spray gun from the ceiling surface is approximately 30 - 50 centimeters. The optimal speed of nozzle movement is 5 seconds per linear meter. The jet should be directed perpendicular to the ceiling surface to be painted.

    Mentally divide the plane into squares approximately equal to the length of your arm. You will paint these squares one by one, first with transverse and then longitudinal movements. When using a spray gun, under no circumstances should you linger for a long time on any one area, because it will turn out to be too thick, and all the material will flow down in drops. Coloring is best done at the same pace.

    It is recommended to paint the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun in three layers. Each layer must be applied only after the previous one has dried. In no case should you apply a layer on a primer that has not yet hardened or a paint composition that has not yet dried, because water-based paint will not adhere well and will peel off quickly enough. And as a result, you will need to do all the work again.

    The optimal time to create the first and third layers is considered to be morning and evening, when the room is well lit, but not blinded by direct sunlight. It is not necessary to follow this recommendation, the main thing is that all paint defects are clearly visible, and the angle of incidence of the light is as close as possible to constant for a given room.

    Mistakes when painting a ceiling with a spray gun

    But if you still made mistakes in painting the ceiling, you need to find out what they are connected with. If you did not adhere to the technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint, and it collected in drops, this indicates insufficient speed of movement of the spray gun nozzle. As we have already said, excess paint needs to be collected with a sponge, and another layer of water-based paint should be applied on top.

    If the layer is thick and the paint begins to peel off, then you need to take the following actions: putty the places where the peeling occurred, sand them, prime them and then paint them again. Be sure to wait until the material is completely dry and once again go over the surface of the ceiling with a layer of paint to avoid the appearance of previous corrections.

    If, after painting the ceiling, grains or bumps appear on its surface, then the reason for this defect lies in the initially contaminated paint. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to plaster the entire ceiling surface with sandpaper. Use medium to fine grit sandpaper. After this, strain your paint through cheesecloth and apply another layer to the ceiling.

    Thus, painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun will not mar your renovation. You will forever forget about dark stripes, stains and traces of paint borders on the ceiling surface. In addition, you can achieve a perfectly uniform surface, which cannot be achieved with a brush or roller. Let alone remember the time spent painting the ceiling with a paint roller.

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    Home / Secrets of working with a spray gun

    At first glance, painting walls with a spray gun may seem like a complicated undertaking, but in practice everything turns out to be much simpler.

    The main thing is to adhere to a certain technique and sequence of actions. In this case, you will be able to paint the walls yourself using a spray gun no worse than any professional. We offer you step-by-step instructions, after reading which you can easily master a skill that is still new to you.

    Before you start using the spray gun, you need to prepare the walls. If there is old coating on them, it must be removed. The plane of the wall must first be leveled, puttied and covered with a layer of primer.

    It is the primer that ensures high-quality “paint adhesion” to the wall surface. It is important that the primer is dry before starting work. Otherwise, after painting, various defects may appear on the wall.

    Also at the preparation stage you need to dilute a sufficient amount of paint if you are using color. This is necessary in order to avoid a situation where the supply of the substance is insufficient to cover the entire area of ​​the walls.

    In such cases, non-professionals often make a mistake: when preparing a new “portion” of paint, a smaller or larger amount of color is added and the color takes on a different shade from the previous version. Thus, when working with coloring, you initially need to prepare a sufficient volume of the product. If you are using ready-made colored paint, you can omit this preparation step.

    Before starting work, you also need to assemble a scaffolding or “goat” so that you can reach the very top of the wall with paint. If the ceilings in the room are low, you can use an ordinary table for these purposes.

    Considering that work on the walls is carried out with the ceiling already decorated, make sure that the paint does not get on it. To do this, along the border of the wall, using wide masking tape, you need to glue one strip along the entire perimeter of the ceiling so that it does not extend onto the wall. Note that one strip is enough for professionals, but we recommend that you use the same tape to glue newspapers to increase the protective surface on the ceiling.

    Similar work must be done for the floor if it is already decorated (usually floors are decorated after the walls are decorated). If you have already installed a radiator or sockets, they also need to be hidden using masking tape and paper (sockets can be removed during work). In a word, cover up everything unnecessary that may be painted during work.

    Preparing the premises

    Work with a spray gun is carried out only on previously prepared walls. The old coating is removed from them, leveled if necessary and puttied. Before and after applying the putty, the surface is primed - this ensures “sticking” of the paint. Before using the spray gun, you need to make sure that the wall is even - all roughness needs to be rubbed off. After the applied layers have completely dried, you can proceed to the next stage. If the putty was applied in several layers, you can increase the number of priming works - they will only improve the final result.

    It’s not for nothing that the floor takes last place in the queue for repairs - the fresh coating should not be damaged while working on the walls and ceiling. But what to do if you have to paint the ceiling, but you can’t stain the walls? Painting tape will come to the rescue - they need to seal the junction of the wall and ceiling. There is no need to feel sorry for the tape - it is better to make the stripes as wide as possible.

    Before you paint the ceiling or walls with a spray gun, you need to prepare the paint. Usually a color is used that is mixed with white paint - this is the option we will talk about. The paint must be mixed immediately in the required quantity, observing the proportions.

    A lack of material will lead to a forced hasty addition of color - the color of the surface will be uneven. If you use ready-made paint, this step is skipped.

    To gain access to the top of the wall, you need to prepare a strong chair, table or scaffolding, depending on the height of the ceiling. This applies to sockets, switches and other elements. If possible, it is better to completely dismantle them while carrying out decorative work.

    Painting walls with a spray gun - step by step tutorial

    When all the previous recommendations have been completed, you can move on to the main thing. We will not consider the method of painting using a mechanical spray gun, because... today such objects are akin to dinosaurs.

    Let's talk about how to treat walls using a special gun with a paint reservoir, which is supplied by a powerful air stream from a compressor.

    When working, it is important to use personal protective equipment, such as a mask and gloves with sleeves (the latter in case you do not want to get dirty during the work).

    Fill the tank with paint to the recommended level, then bleed it into idle air until the gun begins to spray paint. It is advisable to do this by pointing it at a newspaper.

    Paint should be applied from top to bottom (from ceiling to floor and sideways).

    First, through the scaffolding, go through the upper area of ​​the walls, then the lower one. It is recommended to keep the gun at a distance of 30 cm. from the surface to be painted.

    Move the gun from left to right, “walk” the spray gun along the walls. Try to keep the speed of your hand movement constant. This will allow you to apply the paint evenly.

    For greater color depth, it is recommended to paint the walls in two layers. The main thing in this case is to wait until the first layer dries. Only after this can you repeat the procedure.

    Making your own spray gun

    It is quite possible to build a dyeing apparatus with your own hands if you follow the simple instructions presented below. There is no need to buy any expensive materials. The spray gun can be made from a piece of polystyrene foam.

    We cut out an element of a suitable shape from foam plastic. When choosing a shape, we proceed from the size of the paint container. Typically a jar or bottle with a wide neck is used as a vessel. The foam element must be tightly connected with its lower part to the neck.

    We make a couple of holes in the foam. It is best to use an electric drill, since making holes in other ways can easily damage the material. One of the holes is located at the top of the element. This hole will contain a hollow rod (for example, you can use an empty container from under the pen rod).

    We drill the second hole on the side of the structure. It will be needed to install the rod body into it. An ordinary bottle cap can serve as a stop.

    After painting

    After you have completed all the work, rinse the tool. Depending on the type of paint used, you can use warm water for washing (if the paint was water-based) or a light solvent (if the paint was oil-based). The liquid is poured into the reservoir, after which it must be driven through the sprayer.

    Let the walls dry and only then remove the masking tape from the places where it was glued.

    The work is completed.

    What you should pay attention to when painting with water-based emulsion with a compressor.

    During painting, enough paint dust or microscopic droplets fly in the air, they settle on the floor like coarse flour. This is better than drops, but the surface, like any painting, needs to be protected, for example, linoleum or laminate. Everything turns out neatly, but paint is paint.

    Also, if you overexpose the spray gun, the paint begins to flow down the wall. There is nothing scary about this, you can get it wet with a cloth or spray it while passing over the area.

    Also, an important point is that you will need to paint it 2 times, i.e. The paint is runny and cannot be applied in a thick layer the first time. But even when painting with a roller, a second layer is often unavoidable.


    As you can see, painting walls with a spray gun is not something extremely difficult. Let us repeat that the main thing in this event is to adhere to a certain sequence of actions and technology.

    If you decide to paint the walls yourself, you can save a lot of money on the services of professional painters. If this step still seems difficult to you, then it is better to turn to professionals. Don’t take on a business whose success you doubt in advance.

    Home / Secrets of working with a spray gun

    Painting the ceiling with a spray gun is a great way to get a well-painted ceiling surface with minimal effort, money and time. However, electric spray guns, like any other professional construction tools, require certain skills and dexterity. If skill and experience are not transferred via the Internet, then we can give you some tips and secrets for painting the ceiling with a spray paint completely free of charge.

    What is a mechanical method of painting surfaces with paint?

    Mechanized paint application involves the use of a special sprayer. The spray gun is most often used to treat large surfaces. The mechanical method is used for painting and priming surfaces in apartments, houses, hangars and warehouses, offices, and parking lots. This method is especially justified when processing outbuildings, building facades, fences and other large objects.

    A paint sprayer is an expensive piece of equipment that requires certain operating skills, so when choosing this painting method, it is better to seek the services of professionals.


    Mechanized painting has a number of advantages:

    • high processing speed - up to 150 m2 per hour;
    • economical paint consumption - about a quarter less than with any other method;
    • uniformity of the resulting coating - thorough painting without streaks or missing spots;
    • no hard-to-reach places - spray paint perfectly fills any shape.


    Disadvantages of using a spray gun:

    • noise of the operating device;
    • the high cost of purchasing or renting equipment, which is only advisable if it is necessary to paint a large area of ​​surfaces;
    • operation on electricity, which can be a hindrance in a new building with an unstable network or forced outages.

    What paint to paint the ceiling with a spray gun

    The first and most important issue that needs to be resolved before painting begins is the choice of paint for further work. This choice depends on the functional purpose of the room where you will repaint the ceiling, as well as on your preferences and financial capabilities.

    Rooms. For a hall, living room or any other living room, water-based or matte dispersion paint is ideal.

    They perfectly hide defects in the ceiling surface, so it looks great both immediately after painting and 5-7 years after repair. Try not to use these materials in the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms with a rather aggressive environment. By the way, painting the ceiling with water-based paint with a spray gun will seem much easier to you than with a roller, so if you have a choice between an ordinary, even high-quality roller and this wonderful tool, choose the latter option.

    Bathroom and kitchen.

    Painting the ceiling in the bathroom or kitchen is a responsible undertaking, because the paint in these rooms must “withstand” constant exposure to moisture. Special emulsion paints based on vinyl-acrylic and simple acrylic bases repel water and dirt best. By the way, it’s also nice that they have virtually no smell and dry faster than their counterparts.

    I think you understand the main “tricks” of choosing paint from the functional side. Now let’s discuss a little about other types of paint, which are also perfect for our task. So, let's begin:

    • Acrylic-based latex paints perfectly paint the surface, but they need to be applied in 2 or even 3 layers. Thanks to its elasticity, it perfectly masks cracks up to 1 millimeter wide. By the way, as we already indicated above, it is perfect for the bathroom or kitchen, because it is good at repelling moisture and dirt - its strong point. Attention! This type of paint can only be used on some professional devices; carefully read the instructions for your instrument.
    • Silicate paints can be used for difficult mineral surfaces. If your ceiling is made of brick, concrete or mineral plaster, choose silicate dyes. Of course, they are inferior to latex in elasticity, but not inferior in moisture resistance. They are also anti-fungal, which is very useful for the bathroom.
    • Silicone paint. We believe that it was she who absorbed all the best qualities of the others. It is extremely resistant to moisture and steam, fungi and other microorganisms, and also covers even huge cracks up to 2 millimeters wide. But its price is also quite high.

    How to paint a whitewashed ceiling? Nothing! All whitewash must first be washed off with a solution of water and soap, the surface should be dried thoroughly, and only then you can start painting with tools.

    We paint with our own hands using a compressor

    A modern set of tools greatly facilitates the tasks that beginners, and not only repairmen and finishers, set for themselves. When you decide to do paint and varnish work, you will probably encounter a quality problem. Most likely, it will be difficult for you to apply a thick layer of varnish or paint, so that there are no streaks left from the brush bristles, as well as air bubbles and other unpleasant little things. A spray bottle and compressor will help you cope with all tasks.

    The most important working element, of course, is the compressor. It is a cylinder that is filled with compressed air. Naturally, the balloon itself is not the only component of the device’s design. We will not go into details of the mechanics. It is important to understand that the main task of a compressor is to supply air under pressure.

    The second link that is necessary for painting is a spray gun. In simple terms, this is a pneumatic paint sprayer. A spray gun, or as it is popularly called for short, a spray gun, consists of three main parts: a handle, a container of paint, and a working spray nozzle.

    It is important to choose the right compressor for the job. There are a huge variety of them on sale. They are classified according to the type of compressible gas. You will need an air compressor. Air can be used with or without oil. The second type is used for such banal things as inflating wheels, etc. We are going to paint, so we need to use an oil-based air compressor.

    As for the spray gun: you can use almost any one, but the best thing is, of course, a high-quality product in a metal case and with a paint tank made of a similar material. The tank should not be too small, as it will be inconvenient to add paint to it every time, but not too large, so as not to create difficulties in using the device. In a word, choose the golden mean, in your opinion.

    All that is required of you to paint the product yourself is to control the correct operation of the compressor, filter the paint, adjust the spray gun and, of course, the painting technique.

    As an example, let's look at painting wooden shelving for a storage room.

    1) First of all, connect the compressor to a 220V power outlet. And we wait until he pumps up a full tank of air. The type of compressor used in this example has a volume of 8 atm. It literally takes 5 minutes to fully download.

    2) Using a special hose for the compressor, which has standard adapter nozzles, the spray gun is connected. To check that everything is in order, pull the trigger. After these steps, the air previously pumped into the compressor should come out of the spray nozzle.

    3) Prepare the paintwork (paint and varnish coating). Be sure to pass the paint through cheesecloth. The filtered material will get rid of all lumps and thereby eliminate the possibility of clogging the spray bottle during operation, which in turn will make your work easier and improve the quality of the “output”.

    4) At the 4th stage, paintwork is poured into the paint container on a spray gun. You should not pour it to the top, as the paint can smear the threads on the lid, which will significantly complicate the use of the tool. Cured paint will prevent the paint barrel on the spray gun from opening and closing.

    5) The power and direction of paint spraying are checked and adjusted. To do this, it is best to use an unnecessary rough surface that you don’t mind smearing with paint or varnish. Regulation is carried out by rotating the spray nozzle head. Having selected a convenient operating mode for yourself, you can begin painting the selected object.

    6) In our case, it was possible to apply paintwork by placing a wooden shelf on a table and shining a bright light on it. It is easiest to work in such conditions, since there is good access to all corners, and good lighting helps control the density of the layer and its quality. So, if you have the same capabilities as in the example described, be sure to take advantage of them.

    7) Having completed all the preparations, you can start painting, but first take care of safety precautions! Sprayed paint easily enters the respiratory system, which is naturally not beneficial. Therefore, to maintain your health, be sure to use respiratory protection! It is not necessary to close your eyes, but no one forbids wearing construction safety glasses. If for some reason paint does get into your eyes, be sure to rinse them with water. For comprehensive protection, a special painting suit is used, through which paint dust will not pass.

    8) Painting is carried out as follows: by pressing the trigger, you start the supply of compressed air to the spray gun, where at the same moment the paint supply begins. Mixing with air, it turns into dust. Use smooth movements to gradually cover the entire area to be painted. The distance from the spray gun to the surface to be painted should be approximately 30-40cm. Either way, try to keep your hand at a constant height. From time to time the compressor will automatically turn on to pump air into the tank. In order to achieve layer density, do not try to “fill” the surface with paint at one time. Having sprayed a thin layer of coating, let it dry, then apply a new one and so on until you achieve the desired result.

    9) After completing the work, leave the painted product to dry in a dry, dust-free place. Without disconnecting the spray bottle from the compressor, rinse it with water. After this, the compressor can be disconnected from the outlet.

    Important: heating occurs during compressor operation! The cooling system does not allow a critical increase in temperature, however, if you use the compressor in a cold room or outdoors during the cold season, condensation may occur, which forms directly in the compressed air cylinder. This condensate must be drained using a special tap at the bottom of the cylinder! Otherwise, the moisture will travel with the air, enter the spray bottle and, mixing with the paint, create unsightly, highly visible stains on the surface being painted. To eliminate such stains, you will have to put more than one layer of paintwork on top, which in some cases is not possible.

    Painting at home with a spray gun connected to an air oil compressor is a simple type of work that even a person who does not have much experience can perform efficiently. The main thing in this matter is knowledge and accuracy.

    Page 2

    Choosing an electric spray gun

    We didn't forget or mix up anything. An electric spray gun is ideal for painting the ceiling. The fact is that mechanical analogues are inconvenient to use - after all, the surface for painting is quite high, and for high-quality work you need a strong and uniform jet, which only an electric tool can provide.

    Imagine that you are tilting the tool and covering the surface of the ceiling. With a mechanical paint sprayer, you will be covered in paint, but we generally remain silent about the quality of work. So choose only electric tools with a good nozzle and a directed torch, as well as a motor with the highest power.

    We will not list specific models, but take a closer look at the semi-professional and professional BOSCH line.

    We always cite them as an example, since the Germans in this area are always at the head of the entire movement. Read our reviews, watch videos and check prices. Only after this will it be easier to make a choice.

    How to paint with a compressor?

    The modern choice of tools greatly simplifies construction and finishing work, even for novice specialists. If you are faced with the need to apply varnish or paint to walls, floors, ceilings and want to complete the task quickly and without unpleasant surprises, such as the appearance of air bubbles or brush lint on the surface to be painted, give preference to a spray gun and a compressor (spray gun).

    Compressor operating principle

    The device is capable of supplying paint composition under pressure. This allows you to process large areas efficiently and quickly. The compressor is responsible for supplying air at the required pressure. Externally, it is a cylinder containing compressed air. The role of a pneumatic paint sprayer is played by a spray gun, consisting of a paint container, a handle and a working spray nozzle.

    Today you can purchase equipment of various types and capacities. To carry out paint and varnish work, an oil-type air compressor is used. The option that works without the use of oil is more suitable for purposes such as inflating wheels.

    Before spray painting, you should select the correct equipment model. The metal version is rightfully considered the most reliable. It is better to choose a medium tank volume. A tank that is too small will require constant refilling of paint; a tank that is too large will create difficulties in work.

    How to spray paint - main steps

    • Preparing the premises and equipment

    Check the base for dryness and cleanliness, ensure the room is well ventilated. However, try to avoid strong drafts. The optimal temperature for painting is +10-+30°C, humidity – 60%. So we clean the surface from dust and dirt. If the base was previously painted, sand it. We fill in uneven spots and cracks and prime them. After the primer has completely dried, you can proceed to painting. Mix the mixture thoroughly and strain. Next, at idle, we check the performance of the compressor. This will allow you to determine the presence of leaks at the joints of the hoses. Fill the tank with paint. We position the equipment so that the maximum distance to the working surface is 30 cm.

    Before painting with a spray bottle, make sure that it is filled at least 1/3 with the composition, maximum 1/2. If the paint is too thick, it must be diluted with a solvent and filtered through cheesecloth. Using a thick composition causes the nozzle to quickly clog.

    To paint walls indoors, it is better to prefer a low-pressure spray gun powered by a vacuum cleaner.

    During operation of the equipment, it is necessary to monitor the indicator on the pressure gauge using the air pressure regulator. Pressure readings depend on the viscosity of the composition used. The outlet pressure must be adjusted so that when the unit is first started, air comes out of the nozzle first, and only then the composition itself. You should also adjust the supply volume of paint mass and air directly on the spray gun. This will ensure uniform application of the mixture, eliminating excessive spraying and unnecessary paint consumption. During operation, the device should be moved strictly vertically and horizontally. In this case, it is recommended to create a slight overlap of the previous strip with the next one. Before painting with a compressor, it should be installed so that the sprayer is in a vertical position at a distance of 15-30 cm from the surface to be treated.

    The risk of introducing air into an empty spray gun should be eliminated in order to avoid sudden releases of paint.

    A good result in your work can be achieved if you paint vertically first, and then apply another layer of paint, but this time horizontally.

    • Cleaning the spray bottle after finishing work

    The empty container should be filled 1/3 with solvent and thoroughly cleaned with a brush. Next, press the trigger of the gun and pass the solvent through the nozzle. A clean rag is suitable for treating the internal surfaces of the device, after which the container is refilled with solvent, now ¼ full, and blown through the nozzle.

    The spray gun is disconnected from the compressor. The nozzle and head are placed in a small container with solvent, then the shut-off needle is removed and washed thoroughly, then wiped. Using a brush and solvent, clean the connection between the gun and the nozzle. All parts are wiped dry with a lint-free cloth and the sprayer is assembled. The balloon is filled with solvent (50 g) and passed through the nozzle again. Then refill the container with 50-70 g of solvent, close the lid tightly and put it away until next use. The presence of the solvent in the spray bottle guarantees its working condition during subsequent painting.

    Tips for painting the ceiling

    The quality of work will depend on the uniformity of paint application. To achieve maximum efficiency, experts advise just sticking to the same layer thickness. To do this, you need to maintain a constant length of the jet (torch).

    To put it simply, you need to spray paint from an equal distance over the entire surface of the ceiling. It must be no less than 10 and no more than 60 centimeters. In this case, the torch itself must be located perpendicular to the surface to be painted.

    It is very important not to stay longer than necessary in one place. If you delay, the thickness of the layer will be uneven, too thick. This can not only distort the color scheme, but also lead to paint droplets running off.

    You need to paint with careful and leisurely circular movements at the same pace you choose. Don't rush, otherwise you'll have to repaint. To apply subsequent layers, if necessary, you must first let the already applied ones dry.

    Try to use paints recommended by the tool manufacturer.

    If its thickness is too thick, dilute it with special solvents. The fact is that too thick paint will lead to a poor-quality and uneven layer. In addition, it can negatively affect the operation of the tool itself and the ceiling spray gun will become unusable.

    To avoid splashing the walls, cover them with film, and cover bottlenecks and seals with special masking tape. Believe me, even the most experienced professionals do it so that they don’t have to repaint the walls later.

    It's also worth taking care of yourself. The specificity of this work is such that the paint can fall on your hair, skin and face from top to bottom. Take care of your uniform.

    Glasses, hat, overalls and gloves. It's better to be on the safe side than to wash yourself for hours after work. Yes, you also need to take care of your health.

    Painting process

    Now we will tell you how to paint a ceiling with a spray gun. The first test of the device is carried out away from the ceiling surface. The thing is that at the beginning of work, the electric unit produces a large portion of paint and this can affect the quality of the coating. The nozzle of the device is moved to the side and waited until the stream becomes uniform.

    DIY tricks for painting a ceiling with a roller

    The work is carried out as follows:

    1. First you need to prepare the paint of the desired consistency. To do this, even to a new composition it is worth adding up to 10 percent water and mixing well. If necessary, pigments are added to obtain the desired shade. They are added in small portions and mixed well before adding a new portion. Prepare paint with pigments in reserve, because later it will be difficult to prepare a mixture of the same shade.
    2. It is recommended to filter the paint through a cloth to get rid of small particles that could clog the device.
    3. Prepare the room: remove pieces of furniture, cover the floor with plastic wrap, and seal unpainted surfaces near the ceiling with masking tape.
    4. The unit is kept at a distance of 300-500 mm from the surface to be painted. The nozzle of the device moves at a speed of one meter every five seconds. In this case, the jet of dye is directed perpendicular to the ceiling.
    5. For ease of work, the ceiling is divided into separate squares, which are equal to the length of the arm. The resulting squares are painted one by one, moving the unit in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

    Important! Do not leave the device in one area for a long time, otherwise drops and drips will form. Keep the same pace as you work.

    1. After applying the first layer, it is allowed to dry. Next, apply the second, and after it dries, the third layer. If you start painting before the primer or previous coat of paint has dried, then the coating will quickly peel off and the whole job will have to be completely redone.

    Video of painting the ceiling with a spray gun

    Words are good, but video is better. Especially for you, we are posting an interesting and educational video that will reveal several practical aspects of this work. This video is presented for informational purposes only, so watch, read and do as you decide, and not as in the video.

    I hope you received detailed answers to all your questions. Now all you have to do is buy a spray gun for painting the ceiling and start the repairs prepared both theoretically and practically.

    Most of us prefer to paint the ceiling with a special roller.

    We believe that this tool paints the surface most effectively and efficiently. In fact, this is not so, because in addition to a roller, even better quality in surface painting can be achieved using a spray gun. Of course, the method of painting with this tool is somewhat different from the method of painting with a traditional roller, so you should know how to paint a ceiling with a spray gun yourself.

    Video description

    Here we show how to properly assemble a new hand-held spray gun:
    Finish from the corner towards the exit from the room. The main part of the wall is painted so that the direction of the torch is perpendicular to the working area. Be sure to let the coating dry completely between coats. In this case, each layer is formed across the previous one.

    Recommendations for paint preparation

    The viscosity factor is important in relation to the sprayed mass. To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to dilute the source material. Tap or distilled water is added to the water emulsion; solvents 646 and white spirit are added to the enamels. Some manufacturers of spray guns for painting prescribe proportions in the instructions for using the tool.

    Paint thinners Source

    Advantages of a spray gun

    Unlike other tools, the speed and quality of painting with a spray gun are undeniable. If you need a perfectly even coat of paint in minimal time, then this tool is the best choice. Any place that is hard to reach for a roller or brush can be easily painted with a spray gun.

    Using a spray gun allows you to save your energy and greatly simplify painting the ceiling and walls in your apartment.

    Paint consumption is another advantage that you should be aware of. No other painting tool will allow you to significantly save paint. Savings are achieved through fine spraying of paint.

    When painting with a spray gun, you don’t have to worry about streaks and possible stains, they simply won’t happen.

    Using a spray gun, you can easily reach the most inaccessible places on your ceiling.

    Quite often, the tool in question is used for painting stucco products. Agree, painting a decorative element with a non-smooth surface with a brush or rollers is quite problematic, especially when it comes to the quality of painting.

    Possible mistakes and expert advice

    If during operation you move the device nozzle very slowly or linger for a long time in some areas, then drops will form on the surface. It is recommended to collect still wet drops with a sponge and after the coating has dried, apply a new thin layer.

    If the paint mixture is applied too thickly and the coating subsequently peels off, do the following:

    • First, you should remove the paint with a spatula;
    • re-plaster the surface;
    • sand it with sandpaper;
    • apply primer;
    • After it dries, paint it again.

    Irregularities, roughness, bumps and grains on the surface appear due to poor preparation of the base or application of unfiltered paint. To eliminate the defect, the ceiling surface is treated with fine-grain sandpaper, achieving ideal smoothness. Then the paint is filtered through several layers of gauze and the ceiling is painted again.

    By using a spray gun you will avoid streaks, streaks and stains on the ceiling surface. The resulting coating will be smooth and uniform, and the time spent on work will not be compared with the time spent painting with a roller or brush.

    Safety precautions and preparation for painting

    When painting with a spray gun, you must take care of your personal safety and the safety of surrounding objects.

    When spraying paint, it is important to use protective equipment such as glasses and a breather. As for surrounding objects, all furniture in the room must be removed or securely packed in plastic wrap. The walls and floor must be insulated using the same film or old wallpaper.

    To prevent sprayed paint from entering your respiratory system, you must use a respirator.

    Now you can start preparing the paint. Any paint must be diluted according to the instructions before use. If there are no instructions, you will have to visually determine the consistency of the paint.

    During this process, it is important to achieve the optimal consistency: the paint should not be too thick, but not too thin. Checking the quality of thinned paint is not so difficult; just spray a small amount of it on the ceiling and see how it goes. If necessary, it can be further diluted.

    Before pouring paint into the spray gun, it must be filtered to prevent particles of debris from entering the spray gun.

    Preparing paint for a spray gun

    An important component of successful painting with a spray gun is the preparation of the composition. Its viscosity determines everything - too thick will not dry out evenly, and liquid will flow down. If the manufacturer's instructions are insufficient, you can adjust the viscosity yourself. To do this, you need to hang a thick sheet of cardboard for test splashes.

    1. Dilute the composition according to the manufacturer's instructions. Pour 80% of the volume inside the tank.
    2. Set the torch width and air supply to maximum.
    3. Start spraying at a distance of 25-30 cm. The first splashes may be quite fuzzy, this is normal.
    4. The stain should be uniform, without splashes or smudges. To achieve this, you need to reduce the width of the torch.
    5. Add 5% volume to the tank and spray again. If you are satisfied with the result, you can start working on the wall.

    The color should be applied in accordance with the instructions; with each new mixing there is no need to change the proportions - the shade will turn out blurry.

    Variety of spray guns

    Today there are manual, electric and pneumatic spray guns.

    They all differ in their operating principle and appearance. For household needs, electric and manual spray guns are used. Pneumatic sprayers are used mainly in production when painting metal products that require the highest quality of the painted surface.

    An electric sprayer consists of a paint container, a spray cap and a household vacuum cleaner. Any jar can be used as a container, the main thing is that the lid with the sprayer fits on it freely.

    It is best to use a domestic vacuum cleaner with the ability to blow air back. When using a vacuum cleaner, be sure to first clean the bag of dust and debris.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Spray guns are designed for applying paint by spraying. The technology allows you to carry out work efficiently and quickly, and save on consumables due to the low paint consumption for this technique.

    The classification is carried out according to the design and method of creating pressure in the devices. Thus, there are mechanical (based on a hand pump), electric (air and airless) and pneumatic types of spray guns. The quality of the result increases according to the transfer (as does the cost).

    One of the criteria for choosing a spray tool is the diameter of the nozzle. It determines what paint or primer can be used with a particular nozzle. The universal size is 1.4 mm.

    Knowing the structure and operating principle of the spray gun, you can assemble the device yourself. In this case, a conventional vacuum cleaner with a power of 1500 W will be relevant as a compressor.

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    Let's start painting

    After the preparatory work, you can begin painting. Point the sprayer toward the ceiling and turn it on. First you will see a powerful stream, wait until the spray of paint becomes uniform, and then start painting.

    Water-based paint, before applying to the ceiling, must be diluted with water to the consistency of milk.

    When painting, you should adhere to the following rules:

    1. It is necessary to paint with even, parallel movements, trying to avoid gaps;
    2. Always try to maintain the optimal distance to the surface (from 30 to 50 cm);
    3. The second layer of paint should not be applied immediately, but after the first layer has completely dried;
    4. To obtain good quality of the painted surface, it is recommended to paint at least 3 times;
    5. If in certain places you have overdone the paint, wait until it dries, clean the problem area and repaint it;

    Now you know how to paint a ceiling with a spray gun, the main thing is to take your time and follow the tips given in this article.

    How to paint a ceiling with a spray gun video:

    2015-09-12 How to paint a ceiling with a spray gun? Reviewed by on Sep 12. Most of us prefer to paint the ceiling with a special roller. We believe that this tool paints the surface most effectively and efficiently. Most of us prefer to paint the ceiling with a special roller. We believe that this tool paints the surface most effectively and efficiently. Rating: 0



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    How to paint with a compressor?

    What kind of paint compressor should you use? Which spray gun is better to give preference? Do I need to dilute the dye before spraying? Finally, how to properly paint walls using a spray gun? In this article we will try to answer these and some other questions.

    Equipment selection

    Let's start with what is best to paint.

    There are three types of sprayers on sale: 1. HP (with white or silver markings). 2. LPHV (with green markings on screws).

    3. LPLV (marked in blue).

    Their price varies from a minimum of 300 rubles for the first category of devices to a significant 8-10 thousand for LPLV spray guns. Let us clarify: there are also compact electric sprayers on the market, the compressor of which is connected to the spray gun.

    To operate such a device, only power is required. For household painting of relatively small surfaces, electric sprayers are the ideal choice. What is the difference between different types of spray guns? Why do they differ so much in cost?

    HP (sometimes labeled as CONV) are High Pressure devices used in their current form for almost a century. The operating pressure reaches 5-6 atmospheres with a relatively large air flow. The downside of cheapness is a huge waste of dye: 30-50 percent; most of the aerosol ends up uselessly on the floor.

    LPHV - low pressure sprayers that use a large volume of air (Low Pressure, High Volume). For their operation, an excess pressure of about one atmosphere is required; paint transfer reaches 70%. An additional bonus is much less air pollution from aerosols of organic solvents, most of which are very toxic. LPLV (Low Pressure, Low Volume) operate at low pressure with minimal air flow. As you might guess, they are quite unpretentious when choosing a compressor for painting; More importantly, paint transfer in these devices is close to 90 percent of the volume used.


    What kind of compressor can be used for painting? What criteria should you use to choose these devices? First, let's delve into their classification. Screw and piston A piston compressor is a relatively simple device consisting of a motor, a crank mechanism, a cylinder with a piston and a pair of check valves. During the working stroke of the piston, compressed air is pushed into the discharge pipe; when idle, it is picked up from outside.

    The screw design is much more interesting. Two tightly fitting rotors, rotating, continuously displace air from the groove between them and pump it into the nozzle. This operating scheme provides quite a lot of advantages: • The service life between overhauls is much longer than in any piston design. • The outlet pressure is very stable even without the use of a receiver (air storage tank).

    • The noise level is noticeably lower.

    The only reason why screw compressors have very limited popularity is their high cost. If a high-quality piston device with a power of about two kilowatts can be bought for 6-8 thousand rubles, then the cheapest screw compressors made in Belarus are offered on the Russian market for 110-120 thousand.

    Oil and oil-free Piston compressors are divided into oil and oil-free. It’s not hard to guess what the difference is. What does filling the crankcase with oil affect? 1. For compressor life. 2. On the noise level during operation.

    Obviously, oil-based devices are better, despite the need for periodic maintenance.

    With belt and direct drive Rotation can be transmitted from the electric motor either directly, through a common axis, or using two pulleys of different diameters and a belt. The first scheme is simpler and more compact; however, the second is somewhat better: it allows you to achieve greater compression in the cylinder at lower speeds and less power of the electric motor.

    However: the belt will require periodic replacement. What else should you pay attention to when buying an air compressor? • Electrical power, which determines the performance of the device. It is better to take a closer look at compressors that consume at least 2 kilowatts. Do not be afraid of excessive consumption of electricity: when the set pressure in the receiver is reached, the power will turn off.

    • On the volume of the receiver. It is better that it is not less than 50 liters. The large volume of the air tank often compensates for the lack of performance, allowing the spray gun to waste more air than is pumped into the receiver.


    What does painting walls and ceilings with a compressor look like? preparation 1. The paint is diluted with solvent by 15-20 percent and thoroughly mixed with a mixer. The target consistency corresponds to the density of fat milk. The type of solvent corresponds to the type of paint: water for water-dispersed dyes, white spirit for alkyd dyes, and so on.

    2. Furniture and other household items are removed from the premises. Anything that cannot be taken out is wrapped in plastic. The floor is covered with it; The edges of the film are fixed with masking tape.

    Advice: It is much easier to completely remove linoleum and baseboards during work than to wash them after painting. 3. The surface to be painted is cleaned of dust and other contaminants; Before painting with dyes based on organic solvents, the base is thoroughly dried.

    4. The porous base is pre-treated with a penetrating primer before painting. It will improve paint adhesion and reduce paint consumption.

    How to prepare a spray gun for use?

    1. Connect the spray gun to the compressor. 2. Pour a small amount of solvent into the spray bottle. 3. Set the pressure regulator on the compressor to the appropriate level for the type of spray gun and turn on the compressor.

    4. Unscrew the dispenser screw (usually it is the lower one, located above the handle itself), and blow out the sprayer. After a small amount of air the solvent should come. If this does not happen, the spray gun will have to be disassembled and cleaned.

    5. After the tank is empty, fill it 2/3 with paint and attach it to the sprayer. Attention: it is advisable to filter the paint through double-folded gauze or, better yet, through nylon tights.


    Painting itself is not much different from using an aerosol can of car enamel. However, let's pay attention to the main points of coloring. • To adjust the flow of dye, it is better to practice on a piece of cardboard or hardboard. The paint should be applied in a thin layer, without smudges or sudden bursts. • The optimal distance to the surface to be painted is 15-25 centimeters. With further increase, more dye will be uselessly deposited on the floor.

    • The stripes of paint should overlap each other by a few centimeters.

    • The speed of the spray gun should not be too low. It is better to apply several thin layers than one excessively thick one, which will cause untidy smudges. • The next coat of paint is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. For alkyd and oil paints, the drying time of the layer is at least a day, for water-based paints - from an hour to two, for nitro enamels - 30-45 minutes. The movements of the spray gun are perpendicular to the previous layer.

    • Every two or three tanks, rinse the spray gun nozzle with solvent.


    After the painting is completed, we have to perform a few more simple operations with our own hands to prepare the tools for storage. 1. The remaining paint is drained from the tank into a container for storing it.

    Note: the exception is two-component paints, which are mixed with a hardener before use.

    For obvious reasons, once cooked they are used as completely as possible; the remains are disposed of. 2. The tank is washed with solvent. It can be poured into a separate container for later use when diluting paint. 3. Then a small amount of solvent is poured into the tank and passed through the sprayer. The goal is to remove any remaining paint from the nozzle; The criterion for the spray gun to be ready for storage is a transparent solvent at the exit.

    After washing, all equipment is ready for storage. You can start cleaning.

    We hope that the material presented to the reader’s attention will help him avoid mistakes that are typical for beginners when painting with a compressor.

    As always, you can find additional topical information in the video in this article. Good luck with the renovation!

    Pros and cons of spray painting ceilings and walls

    The capabilities and general principle of operation of the spray gun are completely different from the hand tools we are used to.
    Such fundamental differences, combined with a unifying factor expressed by a common purpose of application, create formal competition between these tools, where each has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about them as objectively as possible further in order to give you the opportunity to draw your own conclusions. Advantages

    • The quality of painting with a spray gun in the hands of a beginner is several times higher than the results obtained with a brush or even a roller from a person who has the same skill in working with the tool. Of course, some craftsmen create an even layer using manual devices, but this requires great skill. If you don’t know how to work with either type of tool, then it’s best to use a spray gun.
    • The operating speed of most types of spray guns significantly exceeds the productivity of a roller roller, not to mention a brush. Depending on the model and type, sprayers are capable of covering from 200 to 400 m² per hour of operation. The productivity of some quick painters reaches similar levels even with the use of a roller, but such work requires a lot of energy and is quite exhausting.
    • The sprayer is convenient for applying the material to hard-to-reach places and on textured surfaces. Painting walls with a spray gun makes it easy to apply the mixture to corners, when with hand tools this can only be done with a brush or a special roller. It is convenient to spray paint batteries, stucco pipes, grilles and similar elements.
    • The sprayed mixture is applied in an even and thin layer, which not only creates a uniform coating, but also saves paint and varnish material. This also leads to a disadvantage, since due to the thin coating, you have to do at least 3 layers (with liquid paint). The thickness of the application is regulated by the viscosity of the paint, but not every device can spray a solution that is too thick.
    • Since the paint is applied through controlled spraying, the surrounding areas remain clean. The paint does not drip onto the floor, but is transferred exclusively to the required surface. Spray painting is considered quite clean, but it is worth noting that a powerful pneumatic tool can create a mist, which will partially settle on surrounding surfaces, including your hair, eyes and respiratory organs (do not forget about protective measures).


    • The high cost of a spray gun is tens of times higher than the price of hand tools. The cheapest thing you can buy are pneumatic paint guns (from 700 rubles), but they require a compressor, which will cost at least 7,000 rubles. Electric models start from 2000, but the most budget models are not very efficient in every sense.
    • The mobility of hand-held painting tools is definitely superior to corded and pneumatic sprayers. Of course, in remote or de-energized places, you can use a mechanical spray gun, but this device does not have the most even application, can only spray aqueous solutions and requires an assistant.
    • The ease of use of the usual brush and roller is, in some ways, ahead of the modern paint sprayer. To work with hand tools, you only need paint and a container to remove excess (when working with a roller). The spray gun requires diluting the mixture, adjusting the shape of the torch, adjusting the supply of material and air pressure. Even an electric tool can raise questions, not to mention pneumatics with pressure gauges, moisture separators and numerous calibrations.

    Basic rules for choosing a spray gun

    To decide which spray gun is best to use for painting the ceiling, you need to pay attention to some details.

    The best option is considered to be a spray bottle with an aluminum body, which is protected by a nickel coating with anti-corrosion properties. In addition, it will last much longer than its plastic version. You can also use a device made of stainless steel and brass.

    You should take a closer look at the sprayer with Teflon gaskets. Many paints contain a solvent that will corrode poor quality gaskets over time.

    Tips and tricks

    Choosing the right tool is the key to easy and high-quality work, so when choosing a paint sprayer you should take into account the most important indicators:

    • compactness of the set;
    • availability of a case for storage and transportation;
    • correspondence of cost to available functions;
    • ease of paint supply control;
    • completeness of the set.

    Thus, the mechanized application of paints and varnishes using a spray gun has firmly entered the list of basic repair technologies that continue to be improved and become available not only to professionals, but also to amateurs.


    Spray gun by application

    The possibility of using a sprayer largely depends on the location of the paint container, which directly affects the quality of the liquid supply. Thus, the paint filling cup for water-based paint is attached to the spray gun itself. When using a thicker paint and varnish material, the upper location of the container, in which the coloring matter flows due to its own gravity, is justified.

    For water emulsion

    A spray gun for water-dispersed compositions must meet the following requirements:

    1. It is better to choose a paint tank and nozzle made of metal (aluminum, stainless steel, brass).
    2. To prevent the gaskets from being damaged by the solvents contained in the water emulsion, make sure that they are made of a resistant material (for example, Teflon).

    For enamel paints

    An enamel sprayer must have a special marking indicating that the device can work with viscous substances, which also include varnishes and metallic paints. The enamel will be sprayed in an even layer only if there is high pressure in the paint gun. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the severity of the enamel particles when applied to the wall.

    The optimal distance between the spray gun and the wall should not be outside the range of 30-40 cm.

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