The best way to paint a porch and how to do it right

Painting a wooden porch, photo, is done sequentially, starting with the lower supporting elements, posts and hidden niches, shelves, spacers and supports. Everything that is hidden from the rays of the sun must be painted first, before moisture from the soil penetrates into the wooden surface of the lower tier of the porch. The second step is to process the railings and balusters, and only after that can the boards of the upper porch platform, steps, and stringers be painted.

For a private home or cottage, there is no material more accessible and easy to process than construction wood. Almost any utility work is not complete without the use of lumber, but sometimes it is easier to build a gazebo, benches with a table or a wooden porch than to protect it from rain and sun. The entrance to the house is of special importance, so finding the material and processing method for the best way to paint a wooden porch always remains a small problem.

The technology for preparing for spraying impregnation is standard and includes a number of simple but important requirements. The first step is to treat the surface with abrasive materials to prevent the appearance of cracks and gaps. After this, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust using detergent and warm water. Finally, after the surface has completely dried, you need to apply impregnation in accordance with the instructions for use.

When deciding to treat a wooden porch, you should first select the necessary antiseptic primer or antiseptic impregnation. Both of these products have an identical effect, but the primer additionally prepares the surface for further treatment with varnish or other material.

Protecting the porch from moisture

As an example, let’s look at two products that resist the penetration of moisture into wood better than others.

The medium-viscosity impregnating agent Aidol Langzeit-Lasur, shown in the following photo, is perfect for treating walls, furniture, decorative structures, railings and wooden fences. The product is absolutely safe for people. Suitable for use with any wood, because it has a huge selection of shades from ebony to dark oak.

Colorless, based on acrylic resin, water and a number of additives, Belinka Interier Sauna glaze. The product is perfect for treating wooden porches in hot regions with high humidity. It withstands temperature loads and the influence of aggressive environments very well. The product is applied with a spray or roller in several layers. Let's look at the process of applying this azure in more detail in the next photo.

Protection against fungi and rot

Constant changes in temperatures, seasons and many other natural factors lead to early rotting of wood structures. In our changeable and difficult climate, a wooden porch experiences all the adversities of the environment, and this can lead to wear and tear of the structure.

The best solution for treating a wooden porch is to use a special antiseptic. Basically, antiseptics are produced in the form of solutions and in most cases are universal. Their applications range from antifungal to insecticidal. The most popular solutions are solutions from Pinotex Impra and Senezh EcoBio.

The first is used for hidden wooden structures and parts such as cross beams and roofing straps. It is extremely reliable and provides a lasting antifungal effect for many years. After applying the first coat, repainting is not required.

The second is necessary for impregnation of the outer part of the wooden porch; it partially serves as a primer for subsequent painting. It is applied in several layers, as indicated in the next photo, and protects against rot and mold for up to 30 years.

Impregnations for fire protection

Fire is the most terrible and terrible pest for a tree. To protect and prevent fire and even smoldering, special solutions are used - fire retardants. When a fire occurs, fire retardants in wood turn into a dense protective film that can withstand fire for a relatively long time. Fire retardants are available in the form of solutions, paints, plasters and gels.

The main representative of NEOMID 530 products. This solution allows you to cover a wooden base for both interior and exterior work. After processing, the structure of the wood reliably resists fire and is not disturbed, which makes it possible to further process the porch with varnishes and paints.

Another representative is Pirilax-biopyrene, a complex product presented in the following photo, which provides protection not only from fire and its harmful effects on the wooden surface of the porch, but also treatment from fungus and harmful insects. The product is absolutely safe for people and animals. It is a universal product, so it can be used to cover wood both indoors and outdoors.

Protecting wood from insects

Aqualak Bor is a deep penetration impregnation that prevents insects from entering the wood and destroying it. The solution does not violate the integrity of the wood and its color texture. Basically, the varnish is diluted with water, and it is intended mainly to cover doorways, railings, stairs and walls.

The second representative suitable for treating a wooden porch, shown in the next photo, is a multifunctional decoration product with an antiseptic effect - Tonotex. The solution is able to get rid of all types of insects and at the same time prevent fungi and mold from developing. It has a large selection of shades, which gives a huge field for choosing the color of wooden products from bog oak to red wood varieties.

The varnish is applied with a brush. Each of the three layers is allowed to dry.

Algorithms for applying various types of paint

The durability of the coating depends on how correctly the surface of the porch was prepared and how well the paint was applied.

General requirements for painting

Regardless of the type of dye, it is worth carefully removing the previous layer of paint so that the new one will lay down more evenly and efficiently. You also need to remove all dirt and dust.

The paint should be mixed as well as possible before application. Brushes, rollers or sprayers are used to create the coating. If the consistency of the paint is thick, it must be diluted with a solvent. Each coat of paint must dry for 4 hours or more after application. Only after the specified time has passed can you proceed to the next layer.

Typically, manufacturers recommend carrying out painting work at an air temperature of at least 0 degrees and no more than +40 degrees Celsius.

It is better to start painting the surface with small details of the facade. To begin with, go over all joints and decorative parts with a brush, and only then paint large areas with a roller.

Advice! For a more even layer, paint is applied along the wood fibers.

If it is necessary to increase the service life of the decorative coating, then immediately after the paint has dried, a layer of varnish is applied to the surface of the porch.

Tools needed for painting

Before you go to the store and choose paint there, you should decide on the tools that will help you complete this process as efficiently as possible.

For preliminary preparation, namely removing knots from the surface, a chisel is used. If you need to remove the old coating, a brush with metal teeth and sandpaper will come to the rescue.

After cleaning the surface, it is necessary to putty all uneven areas, if any, and prime the porch to improve adhesion to the paint and varnish composition. For the painting process, you will need a roller with coarse pile and brushes of various widths so that you can paint over small and larger fragments.

If all the necessary tools and consumables are available, then you can start choosing paint.

Now let's look at painting algorithms depending on the type of paint used.

Application of water-based paint

Before painting, as has been said more than once, it is necessary to prepare the walls. To do this, the top layer, dust and dirt are cleaned off and the surface is treated with compounds against fungus and mold. If there are irregularities on the walls, they should be removed with a grinding machine or sandpaper. Afterwards you need to apply a primer mixture with antibacterial components.

Next, the contents of the paint can are diluted until homogeneous and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent. The paint is applied to the surface in a thin layer, all hard-to-reach places are carefully processed.

Important! If the paint remains or is stored for some time before use, then it is worth considering that placing it in places with negative air temperatures is strictly prohibited.

Working with alkyd paints

After painting, such a surface must dry for 4–6 hours to obtain a high-quality coating. Paint is applied with a spray gun or brush

It is worth noting that alkyd paint cannot be applied over water-based paint. Under the influence of the environment, the coating will quickly become unusable

Application of oil paints

When choosing an oil paint for painting a porch, it is worth remembering that it should never be diluted with a solvent. Drying oil is usually used for these purposes.

Important! If you plan to paint the porch at low temperatures, you need to be aware that smudges may form.

Tools and materials

And this is a photo of your reliable assistants who will help you complete the painting quickly and efficiently

Before you go shopping for the right paint, let's determine the list of necessary tools that will help you paint quickly and efficiently.

  1. A chisel will allow you to get rid of knots and defects on the surface.
  2. Metal brush or sandpaper (selected depending on the presence of old coating and type of wood).
  3. Paint roller with large pile.
  4. Brushes.
  5. Paint container.
  1. Primer to improve adhesion.
  2. Putty for filling scratches and cracks.

So, if you have checked the availability of the necessary tools, let’s move on to choosing paint, and believe me: it will not be easy.

How to treat wooden frame posts

The support beam cannot be repaired - if traces of damage are found, it is replaced, since cleaning and processing will not bring the desired results

To prevent damage from happening again in the future, you should treat the new element with all possible attention:

  1. First, the timber is sanded and impregnated with compounds in the described order - against rot, against parasites and against rodents.
  2. Next, the ends of the supports are wrapped in several layers of roofing material. Someone claims that there is nothing better than bitumen mastic, however, this is not so - when saturated with this substance, the wood loses its ability to ventilate, since the pores become clogged. Bitumen, melted to a liquid state, is good only in extreme cases and on a metal frame.
  3. Then the racks are lowered into the ground, fixed and filled with concrete so that the ends of the roofing material are visible from the ground by 2-3 cm. They are soldered together and the improvised glass for support is ready.

The timber to support the entire frame must receive protective treatment in a timely manner.

Types of paints for porches

Before painting the wooden steps of the porch, the type of paint is selected correctly depending on the chemical composition and its main characteristics.

To paint wooden surfaces located in open spaces, the following paints are used:

  • Oily.
  • Alkyd.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Water-based.
  • Reactive.

Each type of coating differs in cost and composition of its components.

Oil paint

The binding components of this paint are flax, soy or hemp oils.

The coating features are shown in the table:

  • Absorbs well into wood.
  • Low cost, almost two times cheaper than enamel.
  • Good adhesion.
  • Used for painting surfaces that are not subject to constant abrasion.
  • Long drying period.
  • Lack of shine.
  • Release of a sharp and unpleasant odor upon application.

Oil paint can be used as a primer. Its main advantage is fast and reliable surface protection.

The coating is applied with a roller, brush or spray onto a previously cleaned and well-dried surface, on which a film forms after application.

Water-based paint

The binders in the coating are water-based components.

The table shows the features of the coating:

  • Dries quickly, just a few hours is enough.
  • There is no pungent smell like oil.
  • Environmentally safe, no ventilation required.
  • Variety of colors. You can add special pigments to white paint to obtain the desired color.
  • Does not burn.
  • Easy to apply with a brush, roller or spray gun.
  • Tools can be easily washed after work.
  • Cannot be used at air temperatures below (+5°C).
  • At sub-zero temperatures it freezes.
  • Cannot be applied to metal surfaces without prior primer.

Water-based paint can be of 4 types.

It happens:


The most common type of coating, it is resistant to minor external influences, dirt can be washed off.


Silicone resins are used to make the coating, which makes it quite expensive. It has good vapor permeability, you can paint over cracks up to 2 millimeters wide. Microorganisms do not multiply in large numbers on the coating, which allows the paint to be used for finishing rooms where there is high humidity.

Silicate. It contains an aqueous solution, liquid glass and coloring pigments.

After applying the coating, no film is formed, and strong physical and chemical connections are created with the surface, which makes silicate paint very resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences. The service life of the composition reaches 20 years.


It is used more often for painting brick and concrete surfaces, but due to its short service life, the popularity of the coating is losing.

Alkyd paint

This coating contains:

  • Vegetable oils.
  • Organic acids.
  • Various alcohols.

These components dry much faster than oil paints; the surface layer becomes more resistant to mechanical stress and protected from moisture.

The advantages and disadvantages of alkyd paint are presented in the table:

  • Good polymerization.
  • Low cost.
  • Excellent protective properties.
  • Increased resistance to aggressive agents.
  • Easy to use.

Other types of paints

In addition to the types of porch coverings considered, you can use:

Reactive paints. They contain two components: a pigment resin and a hardener. The instructions for use indicate the required proportions of the compositions for mixing before applying to the surface. This will allow the formation of a protective film as a result of a chemical reaction between the elements. The main disadvantages of such mixtures are high cost and limited period for application after mixing. But such a coating is resistant to environmental factors and has increased hardness.

Care of varnished surfaces

Natural and artificial protective oils are equally common in stores. The latter may contain polyurethane to increase the strength of the protective coating. The wax used is usually of natural origin.

Solvents are found in both natural oils and varnish. Based on the amount of solvent in the composition, thick oils, medium-viscosity oils and oils with a high solvent content are distinguished. The more solvent in the composition, the faster it dries and the less it is absorbed. It is economical because it requires fewer layers to apply. Oils that contain little solvent are usually used to restore the protective layer.

After which the ladder can be washed, its wear resistance increases. But the main thing is that it can be restored in parts.

Glazing compounds make it possible to create a translucent coating on the surface, which preserves the appearance of the wood and significantly extends its service life.

Secondly, the staircase in the house is very actively used, this naturally affects its mechanical qualities and appearance. Over time, the edges of steps and parts of handrails may wear off, scratches and chips, shoe marks, etc. will remain on the surface of the wood. Without additional treatment, the staircase will very soon become unsuitable.

To treat wooden stairs, it is better to use varnishes with high wear resistance (ideally, special varnishes for coating staircase steps). Such varnishes are thicker, easier to apply to the surface, do not spread and create a durable coating.

Which paint is better to choose

To paint a wooden porch at home or in the country, the first thing you need to do is choose the right paint. The choice of paint material will be largely influenced by the answers to the following questions:

  • Where is the porch located - on the street, under a roof or under a canopy? Do the steps get rain and snow?
  • Do the sun's rays hit the wood directly?
  • How many people walk up the steps every day? How intensively will the porch be used?
  • What are the maximum temperature changes during the day?
  • What type of wood are the steps made of?

All these factors play an important role in determining which paint is best to paint a wooden structure located on the street. Experts advise choosing the following types of paints and varnishes:

  1. Water-based. These paints do not contain any toxic components harmful to humans. These paints and varnishes have virtually no odor and dry very quickly. Water-based compositions protect wood well from atmospheric agents, fungi, mold and insects. However, these paints have a significant drawback - they do not make the wood more durable. Water-based paint is suitable if you need to paint steps in a country house or in a house, but these dyes are not suitable for a porch where many people pass every day. For example, you should not choose a water-based composition if you need to paint the porch of an office or store, since the steps will quickly lose their attractiveness.
  2. Oily. This type of paint is used more often than others. Oil-based paints and varnishes provide wood outdoors with reliable, long-term protection from the harmful effects of the environment and abrasion. Although these paints are inexpensive, they wear out quite quickly, and if you paint the porch with this composition, it will take quite a long time to dry. Oil paints are easy to apply with any tool and have good adhesion to any type of wood. Manufacturers offer a wide range of different shades of these materials. If you paint the steps with this paint and varnish composition, the sharp, unpleasant odor will persist for several days, and the original bright color and shine of the coating will quickly be lost during operation.
  3. Alkyd. They consist of alkyd resins, coloring pigments and hardeners. If you need to paint a wooden porch, along which a large number of people will pass every day, it is better to choose alkyd paint, which is minimally susceptible to mechanical damage. This type of paint and varnish product has many advantages - it is highly resistant to moisture, water, sunlight, temperature changes and other external factors. Among the disadvantages of alkyd dyes are a limited selection of shades and a long drying period. Although the alkyd surface of painted wood is very durable, due to the long drying time, these coloring mixtures are rarely used.
  4. Acrylic and polyurethane varnishes. Some people prefer not to paint, but to varnish a porch made of wood. For wood processing, the most suitable are acrylic and acrylic-urethane varnish. These paints and varnishes provide wood with reliable protection from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, moisture and water. In addition, they emphasize and highlight the natural texture and pattern of wood. To ensure maximum protection, it is advisable to treat the wood with three to five layers of varnish with an interval of 6-8 hours between each application of the composition. Before varnishing, it is advisable to treat the porch with an acrylic primer.

Characteristics of paint and varnish material

When choosing what to paint a wooden porch on the street, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the paint and varnish material.

There are two types of decorative coating.


This pigmented composite composition is based on a resin, an organic solvent, and a film-forming substance.


This decorative coating has only one advantage - the low price of the product. Its main disadvantages are the fragility of the layer and rapid fading in the sun. But oil paint can be used as a primer. To do this, it is diluted with turpentine, white spirit or another solvent.


Acrylic LMS hold a leading position in the paint and varnish material market. They are moisture-resistant, durable, have a rich color palette, and dry quickly. They can be used to paint a veranda, terrace, staircase, or wooden bench. But this paint also has disadvantages: high price and toxic components.

The best manufacturers in this category are:

  1. Pinotex Ultra (Estonia) – consumption: 150 ml per 1 sq. m. Service life 5 years.
  2. BelinkaToplazur (Slovenia) – consumption: 150 ml per 1 sq. m. Service life 5-6 years.
  3. Teknal2460 (Finland) – consumption: 170 ml per 1 sq. m. Service life 3-4 years.
  4. Yaroslavl paints (Russia) – consumption: 150 ml per 1 sq. m. Service life 4-5 years.


The basic base is acrylic and water. This painting material protects the wood from insects and bacteria. It dries quickly, has no odor, and is easy to apply. There are two thousand shades in its color line. But the dye does not protect the surface well from mechanical damage. Therefore, it is better to use it for painting the walls of a veranda or terrace. It is also good to decorate a wooden bench with water emulsion.

The most popular manufacturers:

  1. TIKKURILA (Finland) – consumption: 185 ml per 10 sq. m.
  2. AQUA (Superplast, Russia) – consumption: 135 ml per 1 sq. m.

The use of such paint requires preliminary cleaning, disinfection and priming of the surface.


The pigmented mixture is made on the basis of varnish. When it dries, it forms a dense, opaque film with a glossy or matte surface.

Protective properties of paint: durability, low consumption.

This material is suitable for painting platbands, cornices, support beams and other external parts of house construction.

Disadvantages of this material: the susceptibility of the coating to react to various types of oils and fats. Therefore, experts recommend applying a finishing coat of varnish over the enamel paint layer.

Drying time 5-6 hours.

This decorative material contains natural, synthetic resins and oils. The hard, transparent film emphasizes the natural texture and protects against moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

Painting wooden parts with varnish means doubling the life of your country toilet, porch and veranda.

Varnish is used not only for finishing outside, but also indoors. There are also options for using such material on top of already applied paint, which will provide additional protection for the house or veranda from wood pests or weather conditions.

All varnishes have UV filters, which protect painted surfaces from fading.

The line includes: yacht, oil, alkyd and acrylic compositions.

  1. Yacht and oil are made on the basis of natural oils or resins. According to consumer reviews, they change the color of the wood to dark. They are applied only to clean wood.

Drying time – 4 hours.

  1. Alkyd. This material is frost-resistant and transparent. It can be applied over paint.

Drying time is a day.

  1. Acrylic (water-based). It is often used as an antiseptic. In addition, it is environmentally friendly and fire resistant. When deciding how to paint a wooden gazebo, you should pay attention to this type.

The varnish on the steps wears off quickly. Therefore, it is better for them to paint the least used sides of the porch and veranda.

The composition consumption varies between 100-200 g. per sq. m.

Non-varnish coatings

To protect a wooden porch, it is not necessary to use paints or varnishes. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of specialized non-varnish materials, for example, special wax gels and oil impregnations. Thanks to these materials, you can treat wood once, and this will be enough for 5-10 years. The disadvantage of applying non-varnish material is the high labor intensity of the work. To paint, for example, a porch with alkyd varnish, 2-3 hours is enough, but to treat it with gel or wax mastic will require long-term mechanical polishing.

After applying the non-varnish material, you will get a fairly durable and attractive glossy or matte finish. If the porch is made of wood that has a beautiful texture, then it is better not to paint it, it is advisable to use impregnation or gel.

Oil impregnations are a very popular material for treating wood structures located outdoors. The simplest option is to apply natural drying oil to the surface of the wood. Drying oil hardens in 7-10 days to a hard coating, and it dries touch-free in 2-3 days. Many manufacturers produce oil impregnations; if you follow all the application recommendations indicated on the packaging, you will be guaranteed reliable protection of the wood from adverse effects. Oil impregnations perfectly highlight the natural attractiveness of a wooden porch located on the street and make the wood very beautiful.

Using wood stain

The wood surface should be painted with stain in the same way as with regular paint. The only thing is that this impregnation dries very quickly, so you should work just as quickly, but carefully.

Before completing the work, you must not allow the stain layer to dry, otherwise a seam in this place will be clearly visible, different from the rest of the surface. That is why you should not put a lot of solution on the brush.

To paint a wooden surface with stain, use:

  • Paint brush.
  • Foam roller.
  • Automatic or manual sprayer.

The stain is applied parallel to the direction of the wood grain and therefore should not be applied to another section unless the first is finished. In the place where the two sections are connected, it is necessary to ensure that the applied layers of impregnation do not overlap each other.

Thanks to stain, wood acquires a refined and excellent color. In addition, it protects and enhances the wood grain. After the planed plank floor is laid, it is necessary that it is always clean, otherwise, after applying the stain, all the stains will begin to stand out.

If there are greasy stains on the floor, the stain in this area may not be absorbed into the wood. If the wooden parquet is in good condition and there is no need to restore or putty it, then covering it with such impregnation is an excellent solution to renew the old parquet.

If you need to get a new shade, you can mix several stain colors

You need to stir carefully so that splashes do not fall on the floor, as such stains will subsequently stand out very strongly. It is recommended to mix only compatible components

Types of decorative coatings

Varnishes and paints also have a protective effect. Most of them form a durable coating on the wood surface that prevents mechanical damage and abrasion.

But the main function of such compositions is decorative.

Therefore, if you are thinking about how to beautifully paint a wooden porch, pay attention to the composition of the material, its color and texture, which should be combined with the facade of the house and the area adjacent to it


There are different paints, including covering and glazing (which do not hide the wood texture):

  • The first ones will be a good choice for an old porch, as they will hide all the defects underneath. They are chosen when they want to “make friends” of the entrance lobby with the painted facade of the house, or when they think about how to beautifully paint the steps of a wooden porch in different colors.
  • The latter are used only for new, previously unpainted structures.

All compositions must be designed for outdoor use, withstand significant temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

Among facade paints intended for coating wood, the following are most often used:

Oil paint is the most popular, long-used material. It protects the wood well from weathering, but does not shine and has a pungent odor. It, however, disappears after drying, so this property cannot be considered a minus. But a huge plus is the wide selection of colors and shades.

In the photo - high-quality oil paint from Finnish

Alkyd enamel differs from oil paint by the presence of alcohol and organic acids in its composition. It creates a more durable protective layer on the surface that prevents mechanical damage to the wood. The composition dries quickly.

On the one hand, this is convenient, because you need to climb up the porch into the house, and the faster it dries, the better. But applying quick-drying compounds is more difficult. In addition, the choice of colors for alkyd enamels is not so rich. But they can be matte, glossy and semi-matte.

The most popular enamel PF-115

By marking the steps in advance, you can walk on the painted stairs

Water-based paints are compositions based on water, after evaporation of which a durable coating is formed on the surface. They often contain antiseptics and can protect wood from fungal bacteria even without prior impregnation.

Their advantages also include ease of application, lack of odor and the ability to create any shade by mixing paint with tinting pigments. But such paint does not protect well from mechanical damage.

Water-based paint

Varnishes and impregnations

If you are deciding how to paint a wooden porch so that it lasts longer, or so that it does not hide the beauty of the natural material, choose clear or tinted varnishes. They can be applied both on paint and instead of it.

The polymer film on the surface will repel moisture and keep the wood dry. But keep in mind that the varnish on the steps wears off quickly, so it is better to cover those elements of the porch that are not subject to active mechanical stress. These are posts, railings, balusters, canopies, etc.

The more expensive and better quality the varnish, the longer the coating will last.

The steps can be varnished over the paint, this will give them additional shine and protect them from fading, and also make the coating more durable and durable. Of course, if you choose a composition for outdoor use that is resistant to frost, UV rays and other weather surprises.

What is the best way to paint a wooden porch on the street if the house is built of wood without additional cladding of the facades? Painted structures against their background will look ridiculous and alien.

In addition to varnishes, you can use various glazing impregnations. They come in transparent and tinted, matte and glossy.

Without hiding the natural grain of the wood, they emphasize it, making dark areas even darker and more contrasting. Moreover, depending on the additives included in the material, they themselves can serve as good protection against moisture, mold and bugs.

Protective and decorative impregnation

More details about tree protection in the video:

Which composition to choose

To choose the most suitable paint or varnish, consider the following factors:

  • Color – do you need a covering or transparent composition;
  • Climatic conditions – maximum winter and summer temperatures. The paint must withstand them;
  • Humidity - both the overall air humidity in the region and the amount of precipitation (rain and snow) falling on the porch are important.

Next, the instructions for the selected composition are studied, and the characteristics described in it are compared with your initial data.

What to do before staining

Many homeowners prefer a wooden porch for many reasons: it is easy to make with your own hands, it feels pleasant to the touch and looks beautiful, but most importantly, wood is a living, warm material. However, it is precisely its naturalness that is also its vulnerable feature, since the tree is susceptible to rotting and does not withstand mechanical stress, insect attacks and fire.

Therefore, it needs protection from all these factors, which decorative paint alone cannot provide. But there are many special compounds that can increase the moisture resistance and fire resistance of wood, protect it from pests, the destructive influence of sunlight and other aggressive influences.

Ready-made protective compounds

Wood is heterogeneous in its structure. There are many pores, capillaries, knots and roughness on its surface. Sanding allows you to level the surface so that all protective and decorative coatings are absorbed into it evenly.

Before painting an outdoor wooden porch, it is recommended that you first sand it and then treat it with the following products:

  • Moisture-proof impregnation - it is very important to protect the wood from exposure to precipitation and humid air, as they can cause rapid destruction from rot.

Pinotex – excellent protection against moisture

  • Antiseptic impregnation - will not allow fungi and mold to develop in the material, will protect it from attacks by wood-boring insects.

Antiseptic "Neomid" for wood

  • Fire retardant impregnation - performed with special fire retardant compounds, makes the wood more resistant to fire.

Fire retardant "Ogneza"

These compositions are applied in exactly this sequence, one at a time, with breaks for each layer to absorb and dry.

Advice. You can buy a universal 3 in 1 product, but the effect of each of its components will be weaker than when acting according to the described algorithm.

What can replace special products?

The price of each of the described products is quite high, so instead of them you can use materials that are found in most households:

Type of productProperties and Application

Drying oil

Consisting of turpentine and natural oils, drying oil penetrates deeply into the wood, giving it water-repellent properties.
This material can even be used to process those parts of the porch that come into contact with the ground or go into it.

Used machine oil

The so-called “working off” also perfectly protects the wood from moisture and rotting.

Potassium permangantsovka

A well-known antiseptic that destroys any bacteria and microorganisms. A solution of potassium permanganate has not only disinfecting, but also decorative properties. After processing, the wood pattern becomes clearer and more contrasting, and changes color.

Slaked lime

Unlike many other antibacterial agents, it does not create an airtight film on the surface, allowing the wood to breathe. It is useful to treat ends and saw cuts with lime.

Note! There are no readily available analogues to fire retardant impregnations. They need to be purchased specially.

How to treat a wooden porch

The chemical industry is rich in such compounds, fortunately, the porch is outdoors and you can use really effective impregnations without fear of poisoning or other negative consequences. The problem is that branded compounds are expensive, and given the required quantity for the entire structure of the porch, and maybe even the veranda, it won’t be too cheap.

How to treat a wooden porch without going broke on impregnations? Below are the components that have justified their popularity over time:

  1. Drying oil. An excellent moisture-repellent component that can penetrate deeply into wood. It is a mixture of oils and turpentine. It can be used to process the ends of the posts that go into the ground.
  2. Slaked lime. It is best used at the ends of steps. It has an antibacterial effect, but does not have a film. Therefore, the capillaries of the wood will be saved and the steps will receive regular ventilation without retaining moisture inside.

Manganese. It has long been known for its antiseptic qualities. Popularly, this treatment is called staining.

In addition, the aqueous solution will give the porch a beautiful burnt wood pattern, highlighting the annual rings with its pigment. It will require hard rubbing into the boards and beams.

Waste machine oil. Every motorist has waste materials in his garage.

It is also suitable for impregnating steps and the entire porch frame

It is important to apply it carefully, without sparing: there will be no moisture - there will be no problems with rotting and other defects

In conclusion, we can say that the last layer, the fire retardant, must be of factory quality. If trouble happens, homemade recipes will not save you.

How to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor: small tricks

The staircase “inviting” you to the second floor is one of the important elements of the interior decoration of a home. The harmony and consistency of the taste of the entire house depends on its appearance and style.

To do everything correctly and not repeat painting after a short time, you can use some tricks:

  • If the use of the staircase during painting cannot be avoided, then you can process it one step at a time, and after the boards have dried, finish painting the rest. This will allow you to practically not feel the inconvenience associated with visits to the second floor and not spoil the drying coating. True, this option is convenient for plain painting, without patterns.
  • If the house is built, but the staircase has not yet been installed, then it is more convenient to paint it disassembled.
  • First, paint the top step. True, if there is another exit from the second floor, you can process the lower one first.

The final strokes must be carried out clearly along the structure of the tree. In order for the stairs to dry better, it is worth increasing the drying time by about 5 hours.

The correct technology for painting staircase structures

Before you begin any action, you need to learn how to properly paint a wooden staircase. This issue is very important and requires careful study and preparation. The quality and durability of the finish will depend on the correctness of its application. After you have selected the dye and tools that seem most suitable and comfortable to use, you can begin painting.

Painting such a long staircase puts you in a philosophical mood

The procedure for this technology includes several mandatory steps:

  1. Preparing the wood surface for finishing work. To do this, you will need to eliminate all defects - fill holes and sand irregularities - knots, depressions and scratches. After this, a layer of primer is applied. After this procedure, you should wait a few days until it dries completely and repeat it if necessary. The ideal way to prime the staircase is in disassembled form, however, if this is not possible, finish the structure in finished form.
  2. Painting the staircase structure using a selected coating. A good technique would be to paint the product through the step - this is suitable for finished structures if you want to continue using them. It is recommended to start painting small parts of the product first, gradually moving on to large ones. The dye should be applied along the wood fibers.
  3. Final varnish coating. After the paint, enamel or impregnation has completely dried, the varnish coating is completed. The coating is applied in three layers. Each layer must be allowed to dry and also sanded to eliminate any possible defects or small bubbles.

A competent choice of materials, tools and high-quality execution of all actions for preparing and finishing the product guarantees you an impeccable result.

Let's sum it up

From the outside it may seem that performing such work does not cause serious difficulties and can be done independently. In reality, selecting the right product for a particular tree and applying it requires some experience and knowledge of how impregnation works.

It must be remembered that a log house does not tolerate mistakes. If something was done initially incorrectly, it is often possible to correct the result only by completely replacing the damaged element. Therefore, it is much easier and cheaper to immediately seek help from specialists. The employees are precisely those people who have achieved very high results in their profession - the construction and finishing of wooden houses. To contact us, go to the “Contacts” section.

Calculate the cost of painting and insulating your home right now

Advice from professionals

Every job has its own tricks, and there are some when painting a porch. Experienced professionals share their experience:

Coloring always begins with small decorative details. First, small elements and joints of boards are painted with a brush, and then the porch is painted with a roller. The dye will apply more evenly if it is applied along the grain of the wood. Applying varnish over paint will significantly extend the life of the coating.

The varnish is applied immediately after the dye has dried. When choosing paint and varnish compositions, you need to pay attention to the name of the manufacturer. You may have to overpay a little for the brand, but you will be guaranteed that you are purchasing a quality product

The desire to save can result in additional costs: purchased cheap paint will lose its appearance within a season or will begin to peel off, and you will have to repeat the finishing work.

A wooden porch is not just an entrance to a house, but also a decorative element, and its appearance creates the first impression of the people living in the house. A well-painted porch is the dream of every owner, and it takes very little effort to make the dream come true for many years.

Periodic care

Recently, wooden houses have become fashionable. Indeed, they just have a lot of advantages, but at the same time they are more demanding to use. For example, a wooden house needs special treatment of the outer layer for normal condition in the future.

Next, let's look at what not to do when caring for a wooden staircase:

First you need to treat the old coating. To do this, you can use a hair dryer and a spatula. After sanding, you can coat the wooden staircase outdoors with varnish or paint.

Caring for a home means timely repairs to all its components. And if no special work is required for a brick or concrete structure, then wooden structures are more capricious, especially to external climatic conditions.

Home is a place where you want coziness and comfort. Conditions indoors are more favorable than outside, so you can choose what to cover the steps in the house from a large list of cladding. This includes:

The main facing materials are:

It all depends on the type of structure, its features, and operating conditions. So, how to cover the steps of the stairs? What should you know and consider when choosing cladding?

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