Everything about repairing frame and inflatable pools: the best materials and the best technologies

Why does water decrease in frame pools?

The frame is a structure that ensures the stability and preservation of the shape of the pool. Unlike inflatable tanks, frame tanks are larger in size and more durable. The bowl can be made of high-density polyvinyl chloride film or multilayer vinyl in combination with polymers. And often this fabric is torn or cut through.

Note! During the hot season, water begins to evaporate too rapidly and many people think that it flows away through damage to the bowl, which in fact is not there. Therefore, before sealing a frame pool, you need to determine the exact location of the leak.

To find out if there is damage, take a large bowl and fill it with water, marking the level with a mark. A level mark is also placed on the wall of the pool. If the liquid evaporates almost evenly during the day in both containers, then there is no leakage.

Using such a bucket you can check the integrity of the pool bowl Source yandex.net

The main reasons for the decrease in water in frame pools include:

  • Leaking gasket in the filter
  • Drain valve failure
  • Damage to the suction pipe

To find a leak in a tank, a visual inspection alone is often not enough. This is where special dyes come to the rescue. They are a colored powder that needs to be sprayed into water near the suspected defect. If there is a gap, the paint will immediately be sucked in.

To diagnose leaks in the filter and pump system, the entire system is briefly turned off. And if the water level stops dropping sharply, then the problem is in the equipment.

But most of all we are interested in such a problem as a puncture of the bowl. In this case, the pool will have to be sealed.

How to find a leak?

Finding a leak in an inflatable bowl is much easier than in a frame one. You need to inflate or pump it up well and listen, the damage itself will reveal itself with a characteristic hissing sound.

But if the puncture is too small, then the sound may not be heard. Therefore, there are several reliable methods to determine the location of the leak:

  • if the pool is small, for children, then it can be lowered into a tank of water, and air will come out of the puncture site, creating bubbles under the water;
  • using a soap solution is the oldest and most proven method;
  • a more expensive but reliable method is to use shaving foam - it is worth carefully inspecting the pool several times and lubricating it with soap suds several times rather than missing one hole; it is also worth paying special attention to the seams.

What are pools sealed with?

It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that pools are sealed only with waterproof compounds and tapes. In general, inflatable and frame bowls are made of polyvinyl chloride or polymer fabrics, so any adhesives adhere well to them.

Tape or Band-Aid

If you have a question about how to seal a frame pool, you can remember adhesive tape. This is material for quickly troubleshooting problems.

Adhesive tape for swimming pools Source yandex.net

Here is what the sequence of actions looks like when working on sealing the bowl with adhesive tapes:

  • The puncture site is marked with a pencil or marker
  • The surface in this place is cleaned of dust and dirt, and then degreased with an alcohol solution.
  • Tape or adhesive tape is applied to the damaged area.

Using such materials, only urgent repairs can be made. The result will not be durable and soon you will have to use more reliable means.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in complex installation of internal engineering systems

Repair kit for swimming pools

You can buy a repair kit in the same place as the pool. Although it is not cheap, it is still the best option for eliminating leaks. The kit usually includes glue and several vinyl patches.

Repair kit for sealing pool leaks Source yandex.net

Working with the repair kit is easy. First, a small one is cut out of a large patch, sufficient to cover the specific damage. Then apply glue to both contacting surfaces, apply and press the patch. It is best to put this place under a press.

Be sure to check it after any patch has dried. Pour some water into this place and try to squeeze it out. If no bubbles or streams come to the surface, then the pool is sealed well.

Waterproof glue

Another good option than sealing an inflatable pool. You can buy it at almost any construction or hardware store. However, only compounds that can glue polyvinyl chloride are suitable.

The result of such repairs will be durable and of high quality. Vinyl adhesive is resistant to moisture and, after drying, is not subject to mechanical stress such as compression and tension. Therefore, it is well suited for inflatable pools.

The pool can be sealed with regular PVC glue Source yandex.net

You can also use two-component adhesives. Their peculiarity is that before use you need to mix the components, which are stored separately.

Difference in sealing agents

The method of repairing a reservoir is selected based on two parameters: the type of pool (for children or adults) and the type of damage (on the wall or at the joint). Many owners of inflatable ponds also try to carry out repair work without draining the water. In some cases this is possible, but the gluing technique will differ significantly.

Along a seam or just a hole in the wall

Repairing damage to the wall is quite simple , especially if the pool is without water.

To repair pinpoint cuts and punctures, you can use any method: either adhesive tape or patches. But if the seam is leaking, then you cannot do without draining the water and additional drying of the pool.

To repair a seam, it is preferable to use special repair kits, or to carefully choose the glue and patch material. Moreover, seam repair is a longer and more labor-intensive undertaking.

It is impossible to properly seal damage at the joints with adhesive tape , only a reliable patch and a special waterproof glue, as well as preliminary degreasing of the gluing area and preliminary cleaning of the materials.

With or without water

It is correct to carry out repair work, of course, when the pool is empty, dry and clean. But it is not advisable to drain 3-4 cubic meters of water because of one small puncture. Therefore, manufacturers have come up with special means that can eliminate leaks without even draining the water.

Two methods are suitable for this: using adhesive tapes, of two different types and only in pairs with each other: one tape is glued from the outside, the other from the inside, as well as classic patch repairs.

Having drained the water and dried the reservoir, the owner of the pool has complete freedom of action, since he can use any method at his discretion. The only negative is that a filled pool allows you to quickly find the location of the leak, especially if the damage is minor.

Children and adults

Children's models, as a rule, are made of thinner material , so the use of many types of glue is contraindicated.

But adhesive tape is not the best option, since children's pools also have decorative qualities, because the child should be comfortable in it.

Therefore, there is also the task of performing repair work as aesthetically as possible. To do this, many manufacturers either produce special colorful stylized patches with special glue, or it all comes complete with the pool itself.

With an adult pool it is easier: it is larger, denser, the material is rougher and is not susceptible to corrosion by glue, and aesthetic aspects often fade into the background. Therefore, those wishing to repair a model for adults can choose a repair method based on other factors.

Elimination of leaks in Intex inflatable pools

There are several options for sealing an Intex frame pool. All the methods described above are more or less suitable in this case, but the problem is that often the bowls of this manufacturer are severely torn when damaged. Therefore, the best way is cold vulcanization in a car service center. The process technology is as follows:

  • The surface to be treated is degreased and cleaned
  • A patch is glued to the bowl material
  • The joint is clamped for some time with a vice

The result of such a repair will be the most durable and reliable of all options. Moreover, for a relatively low price, they will do all the work for you.

Intex pools are best sealed by vulcanization Source yandex.net

Step-by-step instructions for sealing an empty tank

The most common ways to repair a drained pool are to use a special patch from a repair kit, adhesive tape and a homemade patch.

Before starting any work, you must make sure that all damage is found, and that the pool itself is dry and clean, and then follow specific instructions.

Patch from the repair kit

Action steps:

  1. Degrease the leak area with acetone or alcohol.

  2. If the pool material is dense, it is worth sanding the area a little with fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. Wipe the work area again with alcohol to remove dust.
  4. Adjust the branded patch to size using scissors.
  5. Apply glue to the patch in an even, thin layer.
  6. Apply the patch to the leak area.
  7. Install the press for a period of time that meets the specific manufacturer's instructions.

Adhesive tape

Repair instructions:

  • degrease the puncture area;
  • cut off the appropriate piece of tape (it is better to do this with a small margin);
  • press it firmly to the site of injury;
  • Do not fill the pool for the next 30-60 minutes, depending on the manufacturer of the tape.

Patch made from improvised means

Action steps:

  1. Cut a patch from a suitable material (tarpaulin, piece of old water mattress, circle or waterproof fabric) of appropriate sizes.
  2. Degrease the leak area.
  3. Using waterproof glue, glue the patch to the leak.
  4. Place under a press for 24 hours.
  5. After a day, you can additionally go over the edges of the patch with a transparent sealant.

Sealing a swimming pool underwater

Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that the effectiveness of such work is very low. It is better to drain the water, dry the pool, and then carry out repairs. But if you need to urgently and briefly patch up your “pond,” then this can be done without draining the liquid. Therefore, we will tell you how to seal a pool of water.

The pool must always be sealed Source yandex.net

For these purposes, only waterproof glue from repair kits is suitable. The fact is that other compounds can spread throughout the bowl, which is undesirable if people are bathing in it. They usually take two large patches to cover the damaged area as much as possible, and apply them on both sides.

Another important point: when gluing under water, you definitely need a long and powerful force, otherwise the glue simply won’t stick.

What to do if you can’t seal it?

In situations where the punctures and damage are really serious and cannot be repaired using sealant or waterproof glue with patches, it is recommended to contact a specialist. It is necessary to find craftsmen who work with rubber and/or polyvinyl chloride materials. Usually in large cities there are large specialized companies that carry out such repair work.

How to seal a pool? (2 videos)

Sealing the pool (22 photos)

How to prevent pool leaks

The best thing to do is not to repair a faulty pool, but to prevent a puncture. And there are a few simple rules for preventing leaks:

  • There is no need to use sharp objects during installation and maintenance of the pool.
  • Inflatable pools cannot be left in the sun for a long time, because the pressure in the air chambers increases sharply, causing the material to deteriorate and tear
  • The pool must be installed at a distance from trees and bushes and on a flat surface

In addition, to prevent leaks, a plastic film is placed under the pool and access to it is limited for pets.

It is better not to let pets swim in frame and inflatable pools Source yandex.net


The duration of operation depends not only on the quality of the product, manufacturer’s warranties, but also on proper use. Simple recommendations will extend the service life:

  • It is prohibited to unpack the pool with sharp objects.
  • The installation site for the pool is prepared in advance: debris, weeds, tree roots, stones, and sticks are removed.
  • It is recommended to lay linoleum or carpet under the pool or pour sand.
  • Do not pump the product, otherwise it may tear when swimming.
  • Release without excess pressure, otherwise the valve will have to be repaired.
  • Contact of pets with the pool is prohibited.
  • You cannot swim with shoes on or jump inside.
  • Pour the amount of water according to the instructions.
  • Every week the water needs to be changed and cleaned with special detergents.
  • You can't make a fire nearby.
  • You cannot take sharp toys with you.
  • During idle periods, cover the pool with film.
  • The storage location should not be accessible to rodents.

As a rule, repairing inflatable pools does not cause difficulties. In rare cases, they turn to specialists for help.

Main causes of breakdowns

Turnkey pool repairs are inevitable in cases where the structures were improperly installed, poorly maintained, or lasted more than 5 years. Main causes of malfunctions:

  • errors in pool design;
  • improper installation of piping of pumps and compressors;
  • errors in electrical connection diagrams;
  • improper conservation of outdoor pools for the winter;
  • irregular filter washing;
  • incorrect setting of the pump operating mode;
  • untimely replacement of worn parts, etc.

Any problem that arises can be solved with the help of qualified specialists.

What is included in a major swimming pool renovation?

The overhaul of swimming pools includes a wide range of work:

  • repair of the pool bowl: waterproofing, restoration of integrity or replacement of PVC film, tiling, mosaic, etc.;
  • repair of swimming pool equipment: repair of pumps, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, filters, countercurrents, lighting, rewinding and replacement of pump bearings, restoration of equipment after flooding, etc.;
  • repair of stairs and handrails, slides and springboards;
  • renovation of the premises, design of the pool area.

The details of turnkey pool repairs depend on the design features.

Masking the taped area

There is no need to mask the location of the defect if a patch made of transparent material or a color matched was used.

In all other cases, you can use the following methods of decorating the sealed area:

  • using a waterproof marker, draw any image at the repair site;
  • if it is decided to paint over the defect, then use waterproof elastic paints;
  • The easiest way is to immediately glue a patch in the form of an animal figure, a sun or a flower;
  • For small models, you can put on a decorative cover that will hide the location of the defect and additionally protect it from new damage.

Repair of composite pools

Composite pools are bowls made of composite material (fiberglass). They are delivered to the site ready-made. Such pools are mainly installed outdoors rather than indoors. Reconstruction of a composite swimming pool includes repairing defects in the coating (gelcoat) and leaks, as well as repairing equipment.

Decoration of the pool area

The outdoor pool area also includes tables and sun loungers for relaxation. In addition, you can make a children's area with swings and trampolines or a barbecue area. The pool area is finished with stone, decking, paving slabs and other wear-resistant materials.

Pavilions have a good effect on the service life of outdoor pools; they protect from adverse weather conditions, remove contamination (for example, fallen leaves), and look very impressive.

Options on the market

The following options for pool repair kits are available on the market:

  1. The repair kit consists of a patch and 40 g of glue. Intex glue glues 3-layer PVC products. It has high adhesion, retains the original properties of the material, and withstands exposure to UV rays. Price from 260 rub.
  2. Intex glue (6 ml) together with a patch (reinforced cord) will help quickly and reliably eliminate flaws in the pool. Cost from 440 rub.
  3. Kokido's inflatable vinyl restoration kit includes two patches, an applicator and 60 ml of glue. For use on dry surfaces only. Cost from 340 rub.
  4. Self-adhesive patches from Kokido can be used to repair vinyl and PVC pools. The set includes 5 self-adhesive patches that are used for working in water. No need to use glue. Cost from 200 rubles for a set of 5 pieces.
  5. Self-adhesive patches from Bestway repair inflatable vinyl and PVC products. Set contains 10 pieces. Cost from 120 rub.

Important! Before purchasing the selected repair kit, it is important to carefully study the instructions for its use so as not to damage the pool and give it the opportunity to continue to serve.

Methods for preventing cuts and punctures

IMPORTANT! To place a pool with a volume of 4 cubic meters. will require approximately 6 sq. m. Don’t forget about a convenient approach on at least one side. This is another 2 - 3 sq.m. If you have a standard plot of 6 acres, you will have to sacrifice some of the beds.

Of course, everyone dreams that their inflatable pool would be:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • hermetic;
  • reliable;
  • convenient.

Before purchasing, we read the instruction manual, which describes all the nuances of using the pool. But we don’t always listen to advice. It is necessary to avoid contact of the pool surface with:

  • piercing objects;
  • cutting;
  • sharp;
  • branches and twigs;
  • pens and pencils.

To do this, the pool should be located away from all branches and construction equipment on a flat sandy bed - without branches and debris. Do not give children any sharp or pointy objects (this could even be a toy like Spider-Man, Transformer) when they swim in the pool.

The pool must be filled in accordance with its parameters and instructions. If there is an excessive amount of water, defects in the form of divergence of pool seams can also occur. And the distance from the barbecue area will guarantee that a spark will not fall on your pool and render it completely unusable.

What types of patches are there?

Types of kits for self-repair of cup bags:

  • self-adhesive patches;
  • vinyl flaps with glue in a tube;
  • “liquid patch”, consisting of liquid polyvinyl chloride with several reagents.

PVC products are sold with repair kits. Repair kits are also sold separately. There are kits with clear patches that can be used to repair containers of any color.

In order not to drain the water from the pool, you can use a repair kit designed for underwater repairs.
This work will allow you to use the bowls until the end of the swimming season.
Reference! After draining the water, before preparing the tank for wintering, the damaged areas can be reliably glued.

Selection of PVC film

During the construction of a pool, before you buy a coating for lining the bowl, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and understand which one is appropriate to use in a particular case.

  • Corrugated or anti-slip PVC film. It has a ribbed surface to prevent slipping while swimming. Perfect for a children's pool, as well as for lining steps.
  • Reinforced and non-reinforced coating. The first option is advisable to use for reinforced concrete pools or coffered pools, where the walls are designed to withstand high water pressure. This type of film has a two-layer thick coating and is the most popular among buyers. But a non-reinforced coating is the cheapest type of cladding, which is not particularly durable. Most often it is used for prefabricated pools.
  • Acrylic coating. Acrylic acts as a bactericidal protection, which prevents bacteria from settling in micro-holes and causing the appearance of fungus or algae. In addition, it repels lime, dirt, and is resistant to chlorine. Its service life is 2 times longer than a similar coating that does not contain acrylic.

Does the manufacturer's brand affect tank repairs?

As an example, it is worth considering the leaders in the production of frame pools - and Bestway. These brands offer good quality products at reasonable prices. These are analogue companies with small but significant differences.

"Bestway" has a durable reinforced bottom, while "Intex" has a single-layer rubberized material. Therefore, the bottom of Intex pools is more susceptible to damage.

But the pools come with repair kits , which are convenient in case repairs are required.

The influence of the material from which the bowl is made

As a rule, in frame pools the bowl is finished with PVC film. This is a durable material with antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

If used carefully, this type of coating can last up to 30 years. PVC exhibits a high degree of adhesion to most adhesive solutions .

The exception is cyanoacrylic adhesive. Its composition produces a hard seam after drying, and during operation, cyanoacrylic begins to crack, which leads to a violation of the tightness of the product.

Without draining water

There is only one way to fix a leak on the inside of an inflatable pool without draining the water or drying out the pond - use adhesive tape specifically designed for this type of repair work, for example, Flex Tape.

This is done as follows:

  • cut out the required piece of adhesive tape;
  • carefully glued to the hole directly under water;
  • This patch must be held by hand for about 5 minutes.

Other methods will help get rid of punctures only on the outside.

Repair kit for boats


  1. The patch from the kit must be additionally cleaned with sandpaper and cut to the required size.
  2. Degrease both the patch and the puncture site.
  3. Glue is applied to the damage and then to the patch.
  4. The patch is pressed tightly against the puncture and held there for 10-15 minutes.

Special patch for children's pool

Children's models can be sealed using a special decorative patch and ordinary sealant. This is done as follows:

  • the damaged area is degreased with industrial alcohol (the use of acetone and solvents is not recommended);
  • the sealant is applied to the patch in a middle layer;
  • the patch is glued to the leak, the main thing is to lower the pool a little so that the air pressure does not interfere with the setting.

What can't you try to repair?

But even for temporary repairs, some products are absolutely unsuitable. In particular, these are:

  • an ordinary plaster or tape is not the best option for repairing a pool, the clutch only holds on the dry pool bowl, and the first time you try to install the pool bowl, the leak will make itself known again;

  • fabric patches and threads are an absolutely ineffective method that will only add unnecessary punctures to the pool;
  • A gasoline-powered blowtorch is too dangerous a tool for heating patches; you can easily and quickly burn the entire pool.


Long-term, high-quality repairs are carried out only in an empty pool. The gluing area will need to be prepared:

  • drain the water and wipe the puncture site dry;
  • degrease the work area with an alcohol solution;
  • Sand the edges of the puncture using the finest sandpaper.

If the repair is carried out in a filled pool, then the puncture site also needs to be prepared:

  • Wipe thoroughly under water with a rag or sponge to remove excess debris;
  • If it is possible to drain the water to the level of the puncture, then degrease and sand the work area with fine abrasive.

Repair of polypropylene pools

Polypropylene pools are sheets of plastic joined by heat welding. The sheets are fastened directly at the installation site. You can create structures of almost any intricate shape, but the more joints and bends, the higher the likelihood of cracks forming. In addition, after winter, in some cases, the bottom of the pool breaks through. Leaks also form due to significant temperature changes. All these damages are repaired by a plastic welder, and equipment repairs are carried out by a qualified engineer.

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