Types and technical characteristics of glue 88

Brands and specifications

The building materials market offers a wide variety of 88 brand adhesive options. Different types have their own parameters and distinctive features.
To choose the appropriate option, taking into account your own preferences and tasks, you should read the description of each variety. Depending on the brand, the glue is produced in a special container (tube, drum, barrel). The largest containers hold up to 50 liters of solution. The properties of the material remain unchanged for 6-12 months, subject to basic storage rules. The container containing the product must always be hermetically sealed. The optimal ambient temperature for preservation is 10-25 degrees.


Grade 88-CA has a tensile strength level of 11 kgf per 1 sq. cm. Consumption of the product does not exceed 300 g per m. This composition is used for reliable adhesion of building materials such as foam rubber, metal surfaces, rubber, caoutchouc, leather and a number of other products. Adhesive 88-CA holds surfaces for a long time even when exposed to liquid and air. The properties of the solution are not weakened when exposed to ambient temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees. Variety 88-CA is used for construction purposes, the creation of upholstered furniture products, finishing work, and shoe repair.


The maximum level of tensile strength of grade 88-NP reaches 13 kgf per 1 sq. cm. The substance undergoes temperatures from -50 to +70 degrees. The solution is absolutely harmless to the surface being treated and does not cause corrosion. The scope of use includes finishing work, automotive industry, shoe manufacturing, and furniture production.


Waterproof adhesive 88-Lux is designed for adhesion of products made of plastic, rubber, leather, tarpaulin, fabrics, foam rubber, cellulose, ceramics and others. The Luxe variety is consumed in an amount of 100-500 g per square meter. m depending on the absorbency and porosity of the product being processed.


Adhesive 88-N is often used for adhesion of rubber and metal products. The substance does not cause rust and forms a film on the surface that retains elasticity. During storage of products, slight sediment may form, so thorough mixing is required before use.


Special glue 88-NT is a reliable means for fastening products made of ceramics, concrete, steel, and wood. The solution retains a sticky consistency for a long time and immediately after compression exhibits adhesion properties.


This variety has similar characteristics to 88-SA and NP, but is significantly superior to them in reliability and water resistance. The level of tensile strength exceeds 15 kgf per 1 sq. cm. Resistance to ambient temperature varies from -40 to +70 degrees. Most often, the substance is used in the production of motor vehicles and for repair purposes.


A variety created for fixing various products based on rubber and rubber to metal, used in production, for household and construction purposes. The main characteristics of the products include: high strength, resistance to liquids, elasticity and instant setting.


Glue 88-KR is one of the most modern products. The substance reliably connects surfaces and is resistant to many external factors. The strength indicator reaches 25-26 kgf per 1 sq. see. The material is actively used in the automotive industry for the following purposes:

  • interior decoration of passenger cars and trucks;
  • production of body elements;
  • fixing sound insulation and seals on doors.


An especially strong type of adhesive, Moment, has a gel-like consistency and quickly connects various materials. Moment is versatile, waterproof and resistant to extreme temperatures. The glue is easy to apply, does not spread or drip from vertical surfaces.

Methods of using grade 88 adhesives

How to glue with 88 glue to get the best result. First you should mix it well until you obtain a homogeneous consistency. You can choose ethyl acetate as a solvent for glue 88, but you need to check the instructions to select the appropriate thinner and find out the ratio.

Surface preparation consists of cleaning them from all types of contamination, degreasing and sanding to obtain better adhesion. 88 glue instructions for use include the following options:

  • Hot method. The adhesive solution is applied to the product, wait 30 minutes for it to dry. The surfaces are folded and heated to +90 degrees for ten minutes. 3-5 hours must pass before items can be used;
  • Cold method. Apply a thin layer of glue, then dry for 15 minutes, and again cover the surface with the adhesive solution. The parts are pressed and will be ready for use after 24 hours, leave at room temperature.

First you should mix it well until you obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, any type of glue must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. How to dilute the glue if it has thickened depends on the specific brand, so in this case you need to read the attached documentation. Most varieties can be diluted to a liquid state using ethyl acetate, up to a 1:1 ratio. If organic solvents are present in the glue, it can be diluted with toluene or xylene.


The glue is a thick viscous mass of gray-green or beige color, the tones of which can vary. The composition includes rubber, phenol-formaldehyde resin, ethyl acetate, nefras solution. Precipitation may occur. In this case, you will need to mix the substance well. It is worth noting that the glue does not absorb various toxic components for human life and health. It will be safe to work with it under different conditions. It is waterproof, heat-resistant, flexible, and sets quickly. Let's look at the main product options.


This option is usually used to glue difficult-to-join building materials. These include, for example, metal, foam rubber and many others. That's why this brand is quite popular. The glue can withstand temperatures from minus forty to plus fifty degrees. The substance is resistant to mold and has excellent anti-corrosion properties. This option is actively used in the automotive industry, in the construction of aircraft, and in the creation of furniture. You can use it as a mounting adhesive.


This model will allow you to glue vulcanized rubber to concrete/plastic/metal. The substance includes gasoline. The heat resistance of the glue is low. Strength –11.5 kgf/cm2.


This special substance is suitable for a wide range of applications. The option is quite durable and water-resistant, regardless of whether it is fresh or salt water. It glues rubber well to concrete, leather, glass, and metal. The model can withstand significant temperature changes (from minus fifty to plus seventy). This product can be successfully used in the creation of upholstered furniture, in construction, and in the automotive industry. At the same time, there are no volatile elements in the substance that would evaporate during solidification.


This option contains synthetic resins, gasoline, and various additives. Perfect for gluing leather, rubber, metal, wood, fabric. The substance is resistant to cold and heat

The impressive elasticity of the model also attracts attention. Can be used in industry or in everyday life

Complies with all GOST standards.


This option is universal. It glues rubber, textiles, wood, foam rubber, paper, glass and much more. The model is used to create cars, furniture, and radio equipment. Long-lasting stickiness is another advantage of the product. Thanks to this property, the substance can be used on large surfaces.


This versatile adhesive option will help connect metal to other non-metallic products. Strong, durable, waterproof - this is how the model can be described. created this glue. The substance will provide a strong and reliable connection of surfaces. It is worth noting that the material cannot be diluted with toxic substances, with the exception of gasoline. The product contains polychloroprene rubber with increased elasticity. Users also note the quick drying of the product, low consumption, and, consequently, savings.


This option shows a high level of tensile strength. The glue can be used at temperatures from minus forty to plus seventy degrees. As for the scope of application, it is similar to the above models.

We looked at the main options for glue modifications. It is worth noting that the cost of each model is reasonable and affordable. This is another advantage of the product.

What glue 88 looks like and is characterized by

This is a thick viscous mass. The color is beige or gray-green (tones vary). There may be some sediment, but this is normal.

To get rid of sediment, it is enough to thoroughly mix the substance consisting of:

  • rubber;
  • nefras solution (petroleum solvent);
  • phenol-formaldehyde resin;
  • ethyl acetate.

You can work with this glue at home, in a closed workshop, and in production under special conditions. It is impossible to “inhale” glue 88, since it is not toxic.

But it has such excellent qualities as:

  1. heat resistance;
  2. water resistance;
  3. fast setting;
  4. tenacity;
  5. plastic.

In addition, manufacturers present this irreplaceable composition in several versions.


They are used to glue together building materials that are quite difficult to connect. Usually these are: foam rubber, metal, rubber, plastic, etc.

This glue can withstand temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +50 °C.

Mold cannot destroy glue, nor can corrosion. The composition is quite resistant to these negatives. So it is beneficial to use it: when creating furniture, in the process of assembling aircraft and in the automotive industry.

This type of glue 88 is excellent for installation work.


This model is best suited for gluing vulcanized rubber to metal, plastic and even concrete. The composition includes gasoline. Although the strength of such glue is quite high (11.5 kgf/sq. cm), the heat resistance is low, this must be taken into account.


This substance is used very widely. This fairly durable option is suitable in damp environments. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of water it is - fresh or salty. Suitable for bonding rubber to leather, concrete, metal and glass.

The model is able to withstand large temperature changes: from -70 °C to +50 °C. Suitable for working with upholstered furniture, used in the automotive industry and in various construction works.

During hardening, no volatile elements appear; the glue is absolutely harmless even when used indoors.


This composition contains gasoline, synthetic resins, and other additives. It successfully glues: rubber, leather, wood, metal and fabric.

Heat and cold do not affect the substance. This version of glue 88 is valued by both industrialists and mansion owners for its impressive elasticity, strength, and versatility.


The most versatile of all options. It is used for fastening: glass, paper, wood, rubber, foam rubber, textiles and other materials.

The model is successfully used by furniture developers, car mechanics, and workers in the radio engineering industry.

This glue remains sticky for a long period, which is also considered a significant advantage. It is possible to hold together impressive surfaces by trimming them.


Thanks to this adhesive option, it is possible to connect metal with non-metallic materials. It is considered: durable, strong and waterproof.

Such glue creates . Due to the use of the substance, the involved surfaces are connected reliably and firmly. The glue should not be diluted with any toxic solvents; only the use of gasoline is allowed. The composition dries quickly.

It is worth noting that in this version, glue 88 technical characteristics are not only uniquely useful, but also economically beneficial. Its consumption is small, so the user will immediately feel the opportunity to save wisely.


It is used when gluing materials that must have significant tensile strength. Temperature conditions from +70 °C to -40 °C are suitable. Like the above models, this one is used everywhere.

On a note. The main modifications of glue 88 were discussed here. It should be noted that each option can be purchased at an affordable price, accessible both to manufacturers of various products and to meet personal needs.

Glue 88-SA

Attention! Rubber adhesive 88-CA is not toxic, but it is a fire and explosive substance! It is prohibited to carry out work near open flames, near electric heaters, in areas of high temperatures and in places where sparking is possible (for example, near welding work)!

Advantages of glue 88-CA:

  • high elasticity of the adhesive seam;
  • wide range of bonded materials;
  • long-lasting stickiness, the adhesive layer retains residual stickiness for a long time, which is especially convenient when working with large areas of bonded surfaces;
  • non-toxic, when dried and exposed to high temperatures, it does not emit harmful or dangerous substances into the atmosphere;
  • the adhesive mixture does not contain toluene or other solvents that have a narcotic effect;
  • the adhesive connection remains operational in air, fresh and sea water at temperatures from -50 to +60°C;
  • The adhesive mixture is produced completely ready for use.

Directions for using glue 88-CA:

  1. Before use, mix 88-CA glue thoroughly.
  2. Thoroughly clean the surface of the product from dirt, degrease it with gasoline or acetone and dry it.
  3. Lubricate the surfaces to be glued with a thin layer of 88-CA glue, air dry for 10-15 minutes, apply a second layer and dry for 3 minutes.
  4. Roll the lubricated surfaces with a roller or press them together under light load for 2-3 hours.
  5. The product should be used after 24-48 hours.

The adhesive film (formed after the solvents evaporate) retains some elasticity.

Mode of application

  • Roughen the surfaces to be glued with sandpaper, wipe with solvent, dry for 10-15 minutes, coat with glue, dry for 8-12 minutes, coat a second time and dry for 2-3 minutes.
  • Glue the surfaces, press tightly and let cure for 24 hours.
  • Mix the glue thoroughly before use.
  • The glue temperature before use should not be lower than +18°C.

Special glue brand 88-NT Novbytkhim


Special adhesive brand 88-NT is intended for gluing rubber, leather, metal, concrete, ceramics, wood, fabric and polymer materials in various combinations. Special adhesive brand 88-NT is a contact adhesive that, after being applied to the surfaces to be glued and left for several minutes, retains stickiness, and after pressing the surfaces to be glued, it already has an initial gluing strength. Thanks to this property, it is quick and convenient to work with special glue brand 88-NT.

Areas of use:

  • in the household;
  • gluing rubber and other polymeric materials to metal (various sealing elements, gaskets, etc.).


Polychloroprene rubber, resins, modifying additives, organic solvents and thinners.

Mode of application

COLD GLINDING METHOD. Apply an even layer of glue to the cleaned surfaces and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then apply a second layer and after 1-2 minutes press firmly for 5-6 hours. The glued product can be used after 24 hours.

HOT GLINDING METHOD. Apply an even layer of glue to the cleaned surfaces and leave for 10–15 minutes. Then apply the second layer, dry for 40–60 minutes, maintain at a temperature of (90±5) °C for 5-10 minutes and press the parts to be glued tightly for one minute. In this case, the product can be used after 6 hours.

Shelf life: 18 months.

Packing, packaging:

  • 45 ml aluminum tubes with lithography, packed in show boxes of 18 pcs. and corrugated boxes of 50 pcs.;
  • aluminum tubes with a volume of 45 ml with lithography in a blister, packed in corrugated boxes of 10 pcs.;
  • aluminum tubes with a volume of 125 ml with lithography, packed in corrugated boxes of 36 pcs.;
  • galvanized cans with a capacity of 1 liter, packed in corrugated boxes of 12 pcs.;
  • European buckets with a capacity of 20 liters, packed in individual corrugated boxes;
  • other containers (as agreed with the customer).

Storage and transportation conditions

Special glue grade 88-NT can be transported by any type of covered transport in accordance with the transportation rules established for this type of transport. The glue must be transported and stored at temperatures from –30 °C to +30 °C. If the glue is transported and stored at sub-zero temperatures, it must be kept at room temperature for 24 hours before use.

Description of the hazard

Flammable! Toxic! Harmful in contact with skin.

Solvent vapors are toxic, have a harmful effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes, and form explosive mixtures with air.

Precautionary measures

Do not heat! Keep away from fire! Keep away from children! Do not allow it to enter the body. During and after interior work, ventilate the room well. Use personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, safety glasses, and, if necessary, a filtering respirator or gas mask. In basement (underground) rooms, places with insufficient oxygen content in the air, it is necessary to have effective supply and exhaust ventilation.


Certificate of state registration No. RU. dated 09/06/2012

Technical data corresponds to TU 2252-033-45539771-2000.

according to technical specifications actual
Appearance viscous mass from light white to light brown color viscous mass from light white to light brown color
Uniformity absence of undissolved lumps of adhesive mixture and foreign inclusions absence of undissolved lumps of adhesive mixture and foreign inclusions
Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, % at least 20 20–23
Conditional viscosity according to the VZ-246 viscometer (nozzle diameter - 6 mm) at 20 °C, s not less than 80 80–120
Strength of skin-to-skin bond during delamination after gluing at a temperature of (23±5) °C, kgf/cm2 not less than 2.5 3

Composition and application

Rubber is a fairly common material, the use of which covers many industries. This is especially true for shoe manufacturing, automotive manufacturing and clothing manufacturing.

Rubber adhesive 88 NP is used in all of the above areas and is one of the main connecting materials. It is also often used to repair rubber boats, fishing suits, inner tubes, shoes, and belts. At a relatively affordable price, the glue has very good performance parameters and enviable durability.

The use of glue in light industry completely eliminates the possibility of the presence of toxic and harmful chemical elements in its composition. It is made on the basis of neoprene phenol-formaldehyde resin with the addition of chloroprene rubber and a rubber mixture solution.

According to GOST, glue 88 NP cannot contain volatile fractions that will evaporate when hardened. Its components do not enter into chemical reactions with surrounding compounds under normal conditions. This allows you to easily use the glue for repairing shoes and clothing, as well as for installing decorative panels when decorating furniture or carrying out renovations in residential premises.

Application methods

Before processing, both surfaces are cleaned of accumulated dust, degreased and cleaned with sandpaper. The solution can then be applied using one of the following methods:

  1. Hot method, during which the product is applied in a thin layer and dried for half an hour. After this, a second surface is applied and heated for 10 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees. For final adhesion, you just have to wait 3-5 hours.
  2. Cold method, which involves gluing the surface, drying for 15 minutes and then joining the surfaces. Before using the product, you need to tightly compress the parts and dry them at room temperature for 24 hours.

It is important to consider that when gluing porous surfaces, you need to use a primer for pre-treatment. Priming is necessary to reduce absorption intensity

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Glue 88 can come from different manufacturers.

is the manufacturer of the 88-Luxe model, which is optimal for gluing rubber, leather, paper, metal and other objects. This glue is used in the manufacture of furniture, shoe repair, industry and everyday life. The substance helps to glue materials together efficiently and reliably. You can use the product easily and conveniently. When storing, you should take into account the basic recommendations so that the substance serves you for a long time. You can profitably buy 20 liters to save your money and purchase universal glue.

also produces a quality product. It is suitable for gluing materials in industry and at home. The model has good fixation and forms a strong, elastic, moisture-resistant seam.

There are other manufacturers too. All imported products will be characterized by high quality characteristics. Moreover, their cost will be much higher than that of domestic companies.

General information

Chloroprene adhesive (nairit) 88 is produced on the basis of nairit (chloroprene rubber) and a number of other components - nefras, ethyl acetate, phenol-formaldehyde resin. The mixture contains adhesive enhancers and a number of other synthetic resins.

The product is manufactured in accordance with GOST 12172-74. In appearance, the mass has a beige, brownish, greenish color. Precipitation is allowed, which does not reduce the basic properties.

Manufacturing plants produce glue in different packages - in small containers, in cans and sprays, in drums and barrels of 25 - 50 liters. Shelf life - 1 year, storage is carried out at temperatures -40...+30 degrees.

Glue 88 and all its varieties are of consistently high quality. Easy to apply to surfaces, easy to use. The complex composition provides excellent adhesive properties, makes the glue waterproof, elastic, and some compositions are considered a particularly strong material. Each variety has its own characteristics and common features. For example, 88-NP glue can withstand low and high temperatures, while 88-M glue is very tear-resistant.

Manufacturer and form of release of glue

Brand 88 glue is produced by several famous manufacturers. The most common are products with the names “Moment”, “Clayberg”, “Rogneda” and “Expert”. The quality of the product may vary - imported options have improved parameters, but are offered at a higher cost.

The substance is made from a mixture of polychloroprene materials. The composition contains the following components:

  • phenol-formaldehyde resin;
  • nefras;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • rubber.

The consistency of the finished solution is homogeneous and viscous. Color varies from gray to light brown. In some cases, sedimentation occurs, which is a natural process. Regardless of the manufacturer, the products have unique adhesive properties and are used in various conditions.

At each stage of solution production, multi-stage control is performed, which allows us to achieve the highest quality of the product.

What it is?

Adhesive 88 is a universal waterproof composition that is widely used for attaching various coatings, from glass to wood. This glue glues everything that other universal glues can hold together - leather, metal, glass, rubber, they even glue hair to toys. Many people wonder why 88, why not 39 or 74, 51 or 62. The answer to this question can be found in the technical literature, which was published back in the 80s of the last century. As it turned out, any adhesive composition, after its creation, undergoes mandatory test procedures that check its strength and elasticity.

As a rule, the frozen composition is subjected to cooking, exposure to chemical reagents, increased tensile and compression loads, and even lowered or increased temperatures. All these tests last for 7 days, but as the story goes, tests were accidentally carried out with this glue for 8 days. Noticing this at the last moment, they gave an increased tensile pressure of 8 joules - and the glue withstood it all. This is where its name comes from, which indicates unconditional quality, since not all types of glue are able to withstand such experiments. Glue 88 is produced in accordance with current GOST 12172-74.

Application area

This adhesive composition can be used for all kinds of substances, for example, for artificial leather, leather, metal, fabric, wood, glass, cardboard, polymer materials and others. The substance is also suitable for both linoleum and rubber. Glue is also actively used for the shoe industry, and it is precisely such substances that will be easily applied to products at different temperatures, and everything will set quickly. The product will be ready for use after just 24 hours if you glued everything cold, and if you glued it hot, then after 3 hours you can use the product.

As for the methods of using the adhesive composition, or more precisely, gluing, there can be two options:

Hot glue should be spread in a thin layer over the required surface, and after half an hour, the object that was glued should be exposed to high temperatures (approximately +90 degrees Celsius). Next, leave the item under pressure for a while. Using the cold method, you can also ensure reliable connection of products

The substance should be evenly distributed on the required item. After 20 minutes, you can apply another layer of adhesive, and the object that was glued should spend a day under the press.

If we talk about industrial scale, then glue such as No. 88 can be seen on sale even in 25 kg canisters. As for the warranty period, it will be one year, and if the substance was stored correctly, it may be longer (storage temperature should be from +10 to +25 degrees. Such glue is also actively used for the construction industry. It can be used to glue materials onto rubber base or rubber products to reinforced concrete or wooden bases.Glue is also used in everyday life, which allows you to glue not only leather products, but also stick foam rubber on different surfaces

Scope of application

Glue 88 has a high water resistance, instant adhesion and universal use. If a question arises about what kind of work the solution is suitable for, you need to study the instructions on the packaging of a specific variety. The adhesive is used for adhesion of surfaces made of wood, steel and other metals, polymer-synthetic materials, rubber, clay, ceramics and plastic. Glued seams do not come apart even when exposed to extreme temperatures.

How to wash glue off hands

If glue accidentally gets on your hands, it is almost impossible to wash it off with plain water. To do this you will need to use special tools

One common option is acetone, which helps soften the glue, making it easy to remove. Acetone is included in nail polish removers and can be purchased in a large number of stores.

Simply apply the product to a cotton swab or towel and treat the surface of the skin. When the dried glue softens, it will gradually begin to peel off and you will have to carefully scrape off the remains. After using acetone, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands with soap to disinfect.

The most accessible and simple way is to use hand cream. To remove dried adhesive solution, you need to rub the cream until the substance begins to peel off from the skin. An additional advantage is that the cream simultaneously performs a moisturizing function, which reduces possible damage to the skin. It is useful to use the cream to remove material residues from dry hands.

Safety precautions when working with adhesives

One of the features of 88 brand glue is that, under the influence of third-party factors and various chemicals, it does not release hazardous substances into the atmosphere. The use of products is not harmful to human health and the environment. However, when working with materials, several safety rules must be followed, including the following:

  1. Products should be stored away from heat sources to prevent deterioration and fire. The optimal place for storage is a dark, dry room.
  2. When processing surfaces, you need to use work gloves, since quick setting can damage the skin of your hands.
  3. Products that have expired the expiration date indicated on the packaging cannot be used for their intended purpose.
  4. If the solution gets on sensitive areas, you should not try to wipe it off yourself; it is better to consult a doctor.

See also

Types and technical characteristics of Bostik glue, rules of use

Glue 88 - what is it?

Thanks to its unique composition, Glue 88 produces particularly strong adhesion. The consistency is a homogeneous substance with a viscosity consisting of phenol-formaldehyde resin, nefras, ethyl acetate, chloroprene rubber. The color can range from gray-green to light beige.

If a precipitate is visible in the solution, it must be stirred before use. Depending on the type, adhesion enhancers and resins may be added. Thanks to the manufacturing features, the adhesive allows you to create a reliable fixation with concrete surfaces. It can also be used to repair moving objects that also vibrate.

Thanks to its unique composition, Glue 88 produces particularly strong adhesion.

General information and scope of application

The substance is manufactured in accordance with GOST. The product is produced in different types of containers; there are options for aerosols, cans, and barrels. The composition is bottled in different volumes. The adhesive solution is of good quality and easy to work with. The constituent elements help to obtain excellent adhesion, so the solution has waterproof, elastic properties. Glue 88 technical characteristics may vary depending on the type of product; the variety of types makes it possible to choose the appropriate option for different purposes.

You can glue vulcanized rubber, glass, plastic, ceramic and earthenware surfaces with glue. Products are used for gluing metals and alloys to concrete and other materials. Glue 88 is a universal solution, so it is also used for gluing leather, textile, and wooden objects.

Used in the following options:

  • During the construction of ships;
  • In aviation production;
  • In the manufacture of automobile parts;
  • In construction work;
  • In woodworking;
  • During repair work;
  • For household needs.

This solution can be used for joints in car upholstery, ceiling trim, doors and other interior items. For the production of furniture, a composition is also chosen; it is suitable for connecting individual parts and fabric parts. The shoe industry also uses 88 glue, which glues the soles of insoles and other things together. During construction, floor coverings, tiles, and moldings are glued to them.

The adhesive solution is of good quality and easy to work with.

The main advantages of glue 88

  1. The glue is applied to the material quite easily. It is comfortable to work with him.
  2. Material consumption can be called economical. 300 mg of glue is enough to prepare 1 square meter for gluing. surfaces.
  3. The product can withstand large temperature changes: from +70 °C to -50 °C. Weather conditions do not play a role in the application of glue.
  4. You can glue a variety of objects together.
  5. The structural stability of the substance is of particular importance. Even water, which is often in demand when working with different materials, cannot spoil the glue.
  6. Under conditions of exposure to steam, fog, and other environments with high humidity, objects held together with glue 88 do not collapse.
  7. The substance is safe. There are no elements in the tube (canister) that can harm human health.
  8. During the application of the glue, no volatile toxins are formed. So you can work with the composition even indoors.
  9. Buyers highly value 88 for its anti-corrosion properties. They can be used to glue any metal objects without any danger.
  10. High elasticity is maintained long after use.
  11. Can be used to work with objects in motion.
  12. Due to the elasticity of the composition, the glued materials can withstand vibration.

Due to the fact that glue 88 technical characteristics are simply amazing, every self-respecting owner strives to keep it in his home, just in case.

How to use glue 88: detailed instructions

Glue 88 is waterproof, versatile and has instant setting properties. Intended for joining surfaces made of metal, wood, polymer-synthetic materials, plastic, glass, ceramic and porcelain products. This article contains useful tips on how to use glue 88.

Glue 88 glues skin


  1. Adhesive 88-CA has the following characteristics:
  • tensile strength index higher than 11 kgf/cm kV;
  • product consumption 300 g/m.

This type has established itself as a high-quality product that can provide durable connections for such building materials as metal surfaces, foam rubber and many other materials.

  1. Adhesive 88-NP has the following characteristics:
  • tensile strength indicator above 13 kgf/cm2;
  • increased level of resistance to fresh and salt water.

This type has a fairly wide scope of application. For example, it is used when gluing plastic coatings in the construction of cars, and also in industrial and private construction, when it is necessary to bond rubber to a surface made of metal, glass, concrete, natural leather, etc.

  1. Glue 88-M has the following characteristics:
  • tensile strength indicator above 15 kgf/cm2;
  • resistance to temperature changes ranging from -40 to +70°C.

This type is an analogue of 88-SA and 88-NP, but significantly surpasses them in terms of strength and water resistance. It is mainly used in construction for gluing rubber to metal, glass, concrete, natural leather, wood, etc. It is also actively used in the process of repairing cars and motorcycles, as shown in the photo.


This product is a solution of a mixture:

  • rubber;
  • phenol-formaldehyde resin;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • and nefras.

Glue 88, we tighten the ceiling of the car

The consistency of the solution is viscosity and homogeneity. Its color varies from gray-green to beige. According to the instructions, sedimentation is allowed.


This adhesive is a high quality product designed for production scale use. The property of quickly setting has ensured its widespread use in the footwear industry. This product is also valued for its ease of application to surfaces at any temperature:

  • As mentioned earlier, adhesive 88 in construction is used to make connections using the cold application method of rubber based on general purpose rubber to surfaces of metal, glass, concrete, wood, etc.;
  • In everyday life, the product has found its use for gluing leather and textile products during the production and repair of shoes, as well as for connecting foam rubber products to metal, wood and reinforced concrete surfaces.

Glue 88 is produced on an industrial scale in containers of 25 kg, as shown in the photo, with a warranty period for the unchanged technical parameters for 1 year. However, the guarantee remains only if the conditions for proper storage of the product are met: the container with the substance must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a room with a temperature range of +10 to +25°C.

The product arrives on store shelves completely ready for use, and its high quality is guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Application methods

  1. Cold.
    According to the instructions, this adhesive composition is applied to the surface of the material in an even thin layer and dried for a third of an hour. Then the procedure is repeated one more time. After this, the surfaces need to be firmly connected to each other for a couple of minutes and left for another day in a resting position;
  2. Hot.
    According to the instructions, this adhesive is applied to the surface of the material in an even thin layer and dried for half an hour, as shown in the photo. The surfaces need to be heated to 80-90°C, and then firmly connected to each other for a couple of minutes and left for 3 hours.

Let's sum it up

Adhesive 88 is distinguished by its versatility and ability to firmly bond difficult-to-join surfaces. The most common brands are Lux, NP and SA, as can be seen in the photo.

All of them are characterized by unique adhesive ability and are used in different temperature conditions.

Their constituent components are produced by the most experienced companies, which ensures the adhesive composition is of high quality.

Glue 88

The modern chemical industry significantly simplifies technological processes, producing modern products intended for wide use. Today, glue 88 is also a unique development designed for joining seemingly incompatible materials.

Features of glue 88

  1. excellent heat resistance;
  2. unique vibration resistance;
  3. waterproof;
  4. the ability to provide wide combinatorial properties to glued materials.

Properties and technical specifications

Adhesive 88 is made from polychloroprene materials. Its texture is a light brown liquid.

It is used where it is important to ensure instant setting speed while maintaining heat resistance. Glued seams do not separate under the influence of temperatures from minus thirty to plus ninety degrees

Basic physical and chemical properties

  • conditional viscosity not less than 120 s., according to VZ-246 (nozzle 4 mm);
  • when rubber peels off steel, the strength of the connection when using glue 88 is more than 2.0 kg/cm;
  • The adhesive contains non-volatile compounds in a total mass of no more than 20%.

Area of ​​application of glue 88

Glue 88 is often used as a connecting agent for various types of leather products, metal, wood, leatherette, fabric, cardboard, glass, polymer materials, rubber made from styrene, isoprene, and natural rubbers.

Due to its unique ability to set quickly, this type of glue is widely used in the shoe industry. Surfaces are glued using cold or thermal methods, to choose from. If glued cold, the product is ready for use only after twenty-four hours.

If hot glued, the product can be used after three hours.

Adhesive 88 is a high quality product designed for use on a production scale. It quickly found application in the footwear industry, not only due to its quick setting, but also because it is easy to apply to the product at any temperature.

It is universal in its essence, therefore, it is actively used where it is necessary to connect elements that are difficult to glue together.

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