We create a cafe design that will attract visitors

Designing your own home or renovating it is clearly a pleasure. This is a huge field for creativity. Coming up with a design for each room or facade - what could be more interesting? Here you can make all your dreams come true. This applies to a cozy family nest, or a simple bachelor’s apartment - in general, everything for your loved ones. However, with cafe design things are more complicated. After all, you need to focus not only on your tastes, but also on the preferences of potential clients. But we will find the optimal solution for this difficult issue.

Cafes and restaurants are premises whose main purpose is to organize a person’s complete rest from the hustle and bustle of life and the drab work days.

Design project

What is it and what is it for? As with layout, design requires a rigorous approach. You can’t do everything in a hurry, or finish and redo it during the arrangement process. Before you start arranging the interior of the cafe, you should seriously prepare. There is a design project for this.

What is it and what is it eaten with?

These are documents containing all the data necessary for work: design ideas, material for the interior base, location of zones and communications, building drawings and other details of the future project.

To compile them, it is better to contact a professional designer who can fulfill all your wishes without missing out on any nuances.

He will tell you how to properly arrange lighting and seating areas in accordance with the color scheme and design decision of the owner. Will not forget to take care of good ventilation of the rooms. In general, he will be able to combine the technical and creative parts in a single design project.

You can control the further progress of the work yourself.

Where to begin

You should start with an idea and desire. This is fundamental to any business. He who has a desire will set a goal, and, therefore, find ways to achieve it. Desire to eat. Next we need an idea. Having been inspired by a worthwhile idea, it will be easier for you to see the future result in detail, and accordingly, all the shortcomings in the work process. We've sorted out the spiritual, let's move on to the material.

There are many requirements for the design style of cafes and restaurants.

Before moving on to the design of the room, you need to solve all the technical aspects of the issue. You should start with the layout: determine where the kitchen and bathroom will be located. These premises require outlets for sewer and water pipes, and gas must be supplied to the kitchen. Therefore, the location of these premises must be determined first, because communications must be hidden from the eyes of visitors.

A novice restaurateur or cafe owner, of course, needs to have a huge baggage of a wide variety of knowledge and skills.

Next, distribute the zones: where the bar counter will be located (if one is supposed to be), a play area for children, a quiet place for private meetings. In general, first of all, figure out the layout of the space. Then you can move on to drawing up a design project.

There must be originality with constant comfort.

See alsoRestaurant in loft style

Development stages and criteria

The formation of a design project consists of several parts, which must be completed gradually so as not to miss important details.

The main development steps require:

  • Draw up technical specifications;
  • Take measurements of all components;
  • Create sketches;
  • Transfer all data directly to paper.

Don't neglect this part of the repair. This seemingly simple task actually forms the basis of the project, and is its most important part. It gives a start on which the rest of the work depends.

You may need to create a draft or several. However, the game is worth the candle. Approach it with full responsibility.

Let's look at the main criteria that should be taken into account while working on the project.

Room size.

The height of the ceilings, the area of ​​free space, and the space occupied by furniture are important indicators that are the starting point for further progress. Both its functionality and the intended design depend on the dimensions of the building in which the cafe will be located.

  • On the technical side, the dimensions must be taken into account for the correct placement of communications.
  • From an aesthetic point of view, the scale of the room affects the theme of the establishment, the location of zones, the choice of colors and furniture.


The next important factor is the cost of design. Rather, this criterion is on par with the previous one. It is undoubtedly important, but you should not focus only on it and chase cheapness, giving way to quality.

Another stage of work is drawing up an estimate. It is worth calculating the estimated amount for the costs of materials and work of craftsmen.

Also take into account unexpected bumps, and have a small reserve in case of surprises.

A designer or finishing work manager will help you find the optimal choice between quality and price. At the moment, you have the opportunity to find high-quality material at very reasonable prices. Be sure to discuss this issue.


The next factor is more of a design decision. The theme dictated by the purpose of the establishment plays a big role in its further arrangement. The functions of the cafe make it clear what furniture to choose, what color scheme to choose, and other nuances.

In this case, you should focus on the intended audience.

The location of the establishment also matters. If it is located by the sea, an appropriate design should be made; if this is a roadside cafe for tired motorists, you don’t need to draw out the details here particularly clearly, but pay due attention to the kitchen.


The next factor relates directly to decor. If the theme is dictated by the intended purpose and affects the technical part of the project, then the style is a reflection of your “I” and your own fantasies.

Exterior display design

Exterior design plays one of the main roles in the company's prosperity. The window display is decorated in accordance with the stylistic interior and the basic concept of the establishment. It is informative and promotional in nature. The display window design can be transparent or display plot-themed episodes. Its interior must be current and bright, otherwise visitors will pass by the cafe. For example, for an ethnic cafe the following can be used as decor:

  • lace;
  • organza;
  • bows;
  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • artificial flowers.

Lighting (LED, illumination, directional) plays a major role in the design of a shop window. The exterior storefront needs a bold, creative design to express the company's core concept.

Cafe design and decoration

Types of cafes and restaurants

First of all, you need to clearly understand what type of establishment is opening. The whole design concept is based on this.

Sports bar

The audience comes to watch the match and cheer for their favorite team. An important component of interior design is the convenient location of televisions. The decor is dominated by sports symbols. We must not forget about acoustics.

Guests of a sports bar do not always want to watch a match and come just to chat. This fact is built into the project and quieter zones are proposed.

Children's Cafe

A light, bright space with furniture suitable for children and adults. One large area or many corners are required where children can run, play calm games, and participate in master classes.

Safety is very important: there are no sharp corners, sockets are hidden from view. Surfaces are made of easily washable materials.

As a rule, a fairy-tale or fantasy theme is chosen for decoration. Parents will appreciate a cafe if it has a lounge area for adults, from which all the places for children's games are clearly visible.

Cafe Restaurant

A large number of seats are expected. Visitors spend an average of two hours here, so the furniture should be very comfortable and the design should be relaxing.


An establishment with a full menu, but designed for a small number of guests. A cafe for elite visitors provides comfortable seats, separated by light partitions to ensure privacy of the meeting.


A type of cafe with a self-service area.

Dining room

The spacious establishment also offers self-service. Celebrations and banquets are held in dining rooms, so different ways of arranging furniture are thought through in interior design.

Cafe-bar (coffee shop)

A place for business meetings and dates. The menu offers drinks and snacks to go with them. Visitors spend on average about an hour, but will come regularly if the atmosphere is conducive to it.

The setting should have tables on which you can comfortably place a laptop and a cup.

A pub

Night establishment with dim lights. There is often live music here, so there is a stage in the interior. The pub is characterized by solid wooden furniture.

The style chosen is brutal, since the main audience is men.

Fast food

Customers come for a quick bite. Owners of non-chain fast food establishments rarely pay attention to the decoration of the premises and install only a few standard tables.

But psychologically, the guest will prefer to return to a restaurant with a beautiful interior and a pleasant atmosphere. And design will solve this commercial problem.

Healthy food cafe

More often opens near sports clubs. Designed for a quick visit by people with certain food preferences. The interior concept is aimed at a healthy lifestyle.

Art cafe

The target audience is creative young people. A creative space with lots of designer decor. For an art cafe, you should choose mobile furniture to quickly set up spaces for companies with different numbers of participants.

Lobby bar

Located in hotel lobbies. The main audience is tourists and visitors. The interior design of the lobby bar is built depending on the overall concept of the hotel.

Summer cafe

An open terrace at a restaurant or a separate gazebo or awning. Equipped with light furniture that can be easily removed at night. The project pays special attention to the awning, which protects from the sun and rain.

The interior is built in combination with the space surrounding the cafe.

Hookah bar

Oriental style room. It is important to consider ventilation in the design so that guests can enjoy hookah without inhaling smoke coming from neighboring tables.

Karaoke bar

Provides a stage and karaoke system. The interior should include a place for a DJ.

Rock club

A room with high ceilings is often decorated in loft, grunge, or punk styles. The project necessarily includes a stage and a dance floor in front of it, as well as a place for a sound engineer. The tables are placed so that the stage can be seen from any angle.

Acoustics are thought through so that the music playing does not interfere with the conversation of those sitting at the tables.

A pub

The main audience of pubs is wealthy, respectable men. Therefore, the style is chosen accordingly. Quite often, such establishments play live music from a small stage.

Cafe interior styles

Organizing your own business should start with an idea!

Inspired by an idea, the owner of a future cafe or restaurant clearly sees it in his imagination down to the smallest detail. Designers, observing the requirements of the entrepreneur and putting a piece of their soul into their work, are able to create a room to which people will return again and again not only to drink coffee and eat, but also to plunge into the unique atmosphere of this particular establishment.

When planning a particular room for restaurants or cafes, it is important to work with the sensations and sense of inner comfort from all the well-thought-out details in the interior.

That is why, when creating a design, it is impossible to choose and strictly adhere to a specific style. So, for example, when planning a pizzeria, the Italian style is taken as the basis for the design. When decorating a room in a bar or cafe, the lion's share of attention is paid to the design of the bar counter. But with any planning, uniformity of design solutions is impossible, which is why the emphasis is on individuality.

The design of cafes and restaurants and the variety of various solutions for decorating halls are simply amazing!

Decoration in the style of a particular national culture or thematic design, for example: a hunting restaurant, a sports bar, a restaurant in a nautical style, or a children's cafe - is subject to a specific idea, but is embodied in completely different design solutions.

For example, let’s look at the main directions of design styles, in which everything is limited only by the designer’s flight of fancy and is subordinated to one idea.

  • The classic style in design is rigor and naturalness, and at the same time maximum simplicity and comfort from every detail in the design.
  • The Rococo style or decoration in the style of a “dear” client is distinguished by expensive items and refined and strict design.
  • Art Deco style - implies elegant and light decor.
  • Art Nouveau style is a style in which light and sinuous lines are present in the design as the main idea of ​​​​this room.
  • Natural furniture style is characterized by products made from natural wood and other natural materials.
  • Seaside restaurants speak for themselves, and the main idea behind the design of such premises is Mediterranean style .
  • Minimalism is a style of simple color schemes with ideal proportions that are suitable for fast food restaurants and inexpensive cafes.
  • the high-tech style with maximum comfort .
  • English style is a style in which the best cultural traditions of this country are found in the form of really expensive and high-quality interior details, which include not only furniture, but also color schemes.
  • The exotic and alluring style of the eastern culture of Japanese, Moroccan and Chinese restaurants is expressed in the form of various thematic trinkets, certain traditions in clothing and, of course, cooking that is unique to this culture.

Choosing furniture

Any project involves the presence of furniture, and it should not only be beautiful and suitable for the interior, but also have functional characteristics. First of all, convenience for visitors is important, so that they do not have the desire to quickly finish their meal and leave, but want to stay longer. Each room is decorated individually, depending on the theme of the restaurant or cafe.

Furniture should be comfortable so that buyers are not in a hurry to leave

Modern cafe with mezzanine

It is inappropriate to place expensive luxury furniture in a small fast food restaurant. Here the furniture should be simple, and chairs, sofas and tables should be ordinary, without luxurious decoration. People only come here to eat, which usually takes about 15 minutes.

Oriental style combined with modernity

Advice! Furniture should be easy to clean so that accidentally spilled juice or a drop of ketchup does not remain on the upholstery forever.

The bar is an evening club. In the most noticeable place of the hall there is a bar counter, near which there are comfortable high chairs. There are often photographs of a group of friends sitting on comfortable sofas in front of a low table with snacks. This is exactly how the positions at the bar should be, so that you can sit comfortably, lean on your elbows and relax. There is no need for too unusual details, just an intimate and welcoming environment.

Spectacular bar counter

Large bar with soft leather corners

Restaurant interiors use different furniture, depending on the design project. Benches and tables made of solid oak or other types of wood will fit perfectly into a Russian restaurant. Metal furniture with glass inserts will look great in a modern interior. Where Japanese cuisine is served, you can arrange unusual tables in oriental style. And the interior of a children's cafe requires increased requirements for non-toxicity, respect for the environment and safety of furniture.

Excellent high-tech restaurant

Types of cafes

There are typical cafes that people come to for a specific purpose. This is expressed in the desire not only to eat and drink, but also, for example, to think about life. There are also places where it is simply indecent to go without a date.

Surprisingly, the design style and atmosphere make any cafe a meeting place for a certain type of people with certain needs.

  • For example, a cafe in which you see a person reading a newspaper or drinking coffee for hours can easily be classified as a Viennese coffee shop.
  • A cafe with an abundance of various pastries and sweet products can be classified as a bakery cafe, where people enjoy unique moments spent in the company of family over a cup of tea.
  • Finished products are right here and ready to go – this is exactly the slogan of the buffets. Mostly, these types of cafes and catering establishments are located in working-class areas and contain a large number of tables and chairs.
  • The predominance of a clearly Japanese theme in the interior design of the cafe characterizes the kissaten cafe. This cafe should not be confused with a sushi bar. Kissaten is decorated in Japanese style, but the menu contains dishes from a regular coffee shop.
  • In a cafe where alcoholic drinks are completely excluded, and tea in any form predominates on the menu, you can say that you are in a teahouse cafe.
  • The restaurant may have a summer terrace with tables or a small veranda, which is called a shanigarten - one of the types of modern cafes.

Interesting ideas

To attract today's youth, you need to create something new and original. This will be the design of a themed cafe. We offer several live options.

Its style can be completely different.

See alsoTips for sauna design

Theme of the film or series

There are films that boldly declare their popularity for several years. These include fans of Potter, Twilight, Alice in Wonderland, the Home Alone quadrology, etc. They cannot be called popular at a particular moment. However, many fans will be happy to visit Hogwarts or “dive down the rabbit hole.”

You can give them this opportunity.

See alsoWhat should be the design of a hookah bar


Make a cafe of the future, where instead of chairs there are rockets, and the design of the ceiling and walls inexorably wants to send you through a time loop. Such an establishment will be interesting for any age and gender.

With any planning, uniformity of design solutions is impossible, which is why the emphasis is on individuality.

See also Rules for organizing office space: useful recommendations for employers


Retro themes remain no less popular. Modern people would willingly look at the lives of their predecessors. You can choose any century and country. It is best to recreate the mood of that era as accurately as possible by choosing appropriate dishes, outfits and design.

The design style and atmosphere make any cafe a meeting place for a certain type of people with certain needs.

There are many more original ideas. Perhaps you will become the founder of a new style direction. But! While you're passionate about design, don't forget about good staff and delicious cuisine. People who come to have a bite to eat and, in addition, receive aesthetic pleasure and new impressions, will be doubly pleased and will definitely return. They will also bring friends.

Creating an unforgettable atmosphere and bringing the quality of dishes and their presentation to perfection are the main tasks of any beginning restaurateur, which anyone can do if they wish.

See alsoModern beer bar design

Color solutions in the interior of a cafe or restaurant

The color in which the interior design of the cafe is made is very important, as it affects the visitor in a certain way. It should be remembered that color creates a mood and certain feelings of mental comfort or discomfort in a particular room.

What colors should I use?

  • red color will increase the mood and appetite of the visitor .
  • , orange will also perform the same function .
  • Yellow color in the interior will calm and make the visitor think about the eternal
  • Along with these basic colors of mood and appetite, white, brown and green colors in interior design will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

Taking care of the guest

The trend is to take care of your guest with the help of details. Worry about his children, friends and pets. He should feel this in every decision you make:

  • in the location of sockets;
  • quality and access to Wi-Fi;
  • availability of wardrobe and hangers;
  • whether there is a children's room or smoking area;
  • how comfortable are the sofas and armchairs;
  • is the light pleasant, etc.

Trust is trending. Trust in the people you brought into your project, trust in the people who work for you, and trust in the people who spend their money with you.

Cafe interior in the style of "Minimalism"

Design is first and foremost a brand component. When you have not yet opened, but they already know about you, because all the people who worked on the project have already made you in demand.

Children's cafe interior

With a competent approach to the design of a children's cafe, little visitors will not be able to pass by, and their loving parents will not be able to deny them this pleasure.

In order for a business in the form of a children's cafe to increase not only profits, but also satisfied guests, should be brought to perfection and the following should be provided for:

  • Bright colors in the interior;
  • High-quality and believable drawings on the walls, for example, characters from your favorite cartoons.
  • Living life-size dolls and the presence in the interior of artificial dolls and characters from the same fairy tales.

Basic principles of children's cafe design

Don’t think that the interior of a children’s cafe is just dolls and paintings on the walls.

This is, of course, very important, but the fundamental principle in relation to choosing a place of entertainment for any parent is a place where his child will be completely safe and comfortable.


  • The finishing material must be natural and of high quality.
  • The interior should contain only safe and under no circumstances small toys.
  • All communication wires and sockets must be completely isolated from the eyes of a curious child.
  • Surfaces in a children's cafe should be easy to clean and wear-resistant.
  • Furniture should not contain sharp corners.
  • Competent and well-trained staff must be able to communicate with children.

Design project

The design project can be entrusted to a professional. Restaurateurs who are not constrained by budgetary constraints can afford such a step. However, newcomers to the restaurant business often refuse the services of a designer. And we are talking here not only about savings, but also about the opportunity to make the establishment an original one, as they say, “from start to finish.”

If you decide to decorate a cafe with your own hands, then first you will need a pencil, tape measure, drawing paper and cardboard for the layout.

First of all, carefully measure the room, because every meter will be used in the interior. Then they are transferred to a schematic drawing of the room. Measurements will be needed when choosing furniture and calculating the amount of finishing materials. Then, in the cafe drawing, they begin to outline the approximate location of the furniture.

Don't forget to mark the work area for staff - the kitchen and toilet.

By the way, the location of the latter should be chosen so that guests from anywhere in the hall can reach it without attracting unnecessary attention. At the design stage, the stylistic picture is already firmly ingrained in the head, so it is simply transferred to paper.

Then they make a model and polish the situation, eliminating errors.

Bar counter

The presence of a bar counter is not only an attribute of establishments with the same name. It is installed everywhere, since among guests from any category there will be those who want to pass the time with a glass of strong drink. In bars, counters occupy the lion's share of the common room area.

In establishments that focus on delicious cuisine, the “alcohol” corner is located on a small area.

Bar counters are designed in accordance with the general stylistic decision, but they most often become accent areas, highlights of the interior, against which they stand out. They are required to be equipped with high chairs for guests. Spectacular lighting will highlight the peculiarity of the interior object.

Not establishments, but spaces

Nowadays it’s not enough to just open a cafe from scratch if you want people to come to you. In a big city with fierce competition and an abundance of new restaurants, coffee shops and bars, it is increasingly difficult to stand out and attract guests. Gradually, restaurateurs come to create an ecosystem around their business, such as:

  • educational platforms;
  • training courses;
  • halls for presentations, tastings, cupping;
  • coworking;
  • music venue;
  • hybrid establishments where the second business is not related to catering.

The synergy of such solutions ensures more stable traffic, brand popularity, and you become more attractive to investors. Think about how you can complement your business and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Cafe interior in Modern style

Cafe equipment

By equipping a cafe we ​​mean a set of technical equipment that ensures its high-quality operation. Only coffee makers and cocktail shakers behind the bar counters will be visible to visitors. Dishwashers, mixers, stoves, ovens, fryers - all this equipment is located in the kitchen area, which is hidden from the eyes of visitors.

True, experimental options have recently come into fashion, where chefs demonstrate the entire process of cooking for guests through a glass partition.

Even if the equipment is hidden from visitors, this does not mean that you need to save on it. The interior plays a big role, but if terrible-tasting dishes are served in a pleasant environment, no one will want to return to the cafe. It is more profitable for restaurateurs to purchase equipment in a comprehensive manner, that is, as a complete set, since sellers offer good opportunities to save money.

Technology becomes an important part of the interior only in high-tech and modern style, close to it in spirit.

Requirements for a sign

The first impression visitors get is when they see the cafe’s entrance. There is a sign in this area. This is a common, indispensable type of advertising at the entrance to a cafe. Without this outdoor advertising it is impossible to imagine a cafe, since it is the sign that identifies the company and its premises:

  • The sign contains the traditions of the company from the origins of its creation.
  • This is the “face” of the company, its business card, reflecting the level of prestige.
  • The sign indicates the name of the company and the direction of activity. Additional information - address, work schedule - must be placed on legal signs next to the entrance to the establishment.
  • The appearance of the sign reflects the advantages of the company, distinguishing it from competitors, and the uniqueness of its activities.

The main function of a sign is to invite, invite, and promise customers a comfortable stay and a delicious menu. This is a company advertisement that does not require permission. The rules for placing signs are declared by 902PP.

An invitation to visit the cafe can be placed on the facade or outside the window, and the menu can also be displayed. The cost of menu design can be found on our website.

With such spectacular details that greet visitors in front of the decorated entrance to the cafe, a successful business begins, creating a good reputation for the company. Therefore, jeweler's precision and good experience are required when creating advertising.

Advertising should not promote information or images that violate the Laws of the Russian Federation (demonstration of drinking alcohol, smoking). It cannot contain foreign words and sentences that distort the meaning of the text.

Painting walls in a cafe is the highlight of your establishment

Wall pictures will give your establishment a special atmosphere; for different styles, unique paintings are selected to suit every taste and color.

It is performed in various techniques: watercolor, graphics, stenciling, branding, painting on plaster, drawings on wallpaper and painted walls.

Furniture and layout

The biggest challenge is to avoid crowding, provide a feeling of comfort and privacy for visitors and the ability to move freely for staff. That is why you should choose small but comfortable furniture: soft sofas, chairs with armrests or small armchairs.

It is good to use square or folding tables - they can be put together or spread out if a large company comes to the cafe.

Usually, if the room is small, designers try to make it visually larger, but in the case of a small cafe this is not necessary. A small, beautifully decorated room, especially if it has dim lights and quiet music, is very cozy.

The main thing is that it is not crowded, so it is better to place fewer tables, but to provide visitors with the opportunity to speak without shouting over others and without the risk that even what they say quietly will be heard by their neighbors.

The feeling of privacy is facilitated by chairs or armchairs with high backs, screens, tall plants that shade tables, local lamps at each table or small table lamps, candles, corner or semicircular sofas.

If the interior of a small cafe has deep niches, then it is easy to organize very cozy places for visitors in them.

You can also successfully use a wide window sill. It is worth laying a beautiful blanket on it, laying out pillows, and placing a small table next to it, and you will get an excellent corner for relaxation.


Finally, lighting is of great importance in a small establishment. Table lamps or sconces should provide warm light. There is no doubt that cool white or bluish light is beautiful, but faces look unflattering in such lighting.

Make sure that no light sources are shining directly into the eyes of people sitting at tables, and that there are no unfavorable shadows on their faces.

By the way, it is often with the help of lamps that it is possible to literally transform the interior design of a small cafe and make even a very simply decorated room cozy and stylish. Be sure to use this.

Internal advertising

Among the elements of advertising located indoors, customers' corners are used, where legal information of interest to visitors is posted. These include:

  • Set of rules for the provision of services in the field of public catering.
  • Customer reviews encouraging you to visit the establishment.
  • Photocopies of company regulations.
  • License to operate.

The most productive internal advertising includes menu design options. This is a specially compiled list of names of dishes, drinks, prices. If visitors are already in a cafe or restaurant, then the entrance design is impeccable. The functions of internal advertising include the task of captivating guests with delicious treats and good rest. The menu plays a serious role here:

  • A good menu makes you want to keep it in your hands.
  • Old, tattered menu booklets create a backlash.
  • The menu should clearly announce the direction of activity and style of the company.
  • Dishes should have pleasant, sonorous names, descriptions and illustrations.
  • The font is easy to read, and the color design emphasizes the style of the establishment.

Errors in the prices and volumes of dishes are unacceptable. When compiling a menu, the theme of the establishment and a clear structure in the recording of dishes must be observed. A good menu is the key to successful business development for a cafe.

Photo ideas for cafe design

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