Where and how is it recommended to store plasterboard sheets

The safety of gypsum plasterboards is influenced by the following main criteria:

  1. Temperature . It is advisable to be in the range from +16°C to +18°C. Should not fall below +10°C.
  2. Humidity . The optimal value is 75-80%.
  3. Ventilation . The room must be effectively ventilated.
  4. Presence of a gap between sheets . Should be 10-15 cm, necessary for ventilation.
  5. Position . It is recommended to keep the plasterboard in a horizontal position. The sheet should have 3-4 support points.
  6. Number of sheets in a stack . Shouldn't be more than 25.
  7. Protection from moisture and dirt . It is advisable to cover the material with polyethylene.

Is it possible to sheathe an unheated room with plasterboard?

Dear forum users, please advise. Can waterproof plasterboard be used for interior decoration? Given - the veranda is glazed, we don’t go in winter, the house is not heated. I would like to paint the walls with corrugated paint.

If drywall is not suitable, what can be replaced? Thank you in advance.Lara, two years ago the second floor was partially covered with plasterboard.

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The drywall was secured not with screws, but with a stapler. The joints were closed with slats. They stopped there, didn’t paint, didn’t glue wallpaper.

Finishing with slabs made of chips, shavings and sawdust

Finishing with slabs made of chips, shavings and sawdust

Wall finishing can be done inexpensively with slabs made from waste wood. OSB boards are pressed from wood chips. Glue made from natural ingredients is used as a connecting material. For finishing they have a number of advantages over other materials:

We cover the walls with OSB

The disadvantage is the formaldehyde content, especially in moisture-resistant slabs for the kitchen and bathroom. Supports combustion. When sawing, fine dust is generated. You must wear a respirator.

We sheathed OSB in all the rooms, except the bedrooms, in the country house, which is used seasonally. Its construction was completed last year, and the house was shrinking. A finish was needed that would withstand deformation.

MDF boards do not contain harmful substances. Sawdust ground into dust is glued together with tree resin. My friend and I chose a material with veneer cladding and lined the inside walls in the country house where my aunt lives all year round. The house has heating and was built more than five years ago.

Benefits of the solution

Drywall is a relatively inexpensive finishing option that has many advantages. The main advantages of using such coatings in garages can be considered:

  • Low cost of sheets. When decorating garages, everyone tries to save on materials and gypsum boards will allow you to do this.
  • Sufficient strength of the assembled structure. If you are not too zealous, the gypsum plasterboard surface will withstand quite serious loads and mechanical stress.
  • The ability to create a design of any shape. The sheets are very easily cut into parts of the desired shape using the simplest tool - a stationery knife.
  • Easy to install. Anyone can assemble a structure from a combination of metal profiles and a covering of gypsum sheets.
  • Possibility of laying layers of additional insulation in the ceiling space. When installing the supporting frame, a certain free space is created between the main floor plane and the outer covering, which can be used for various purposes, including laying insulation.
  • If the need for repairs arises, it will not be too expensive, since you do not have to completely disassemble the structure, but only replace the damaged section of the coating.
  • If desired, the gypsum plasterboard surface can be plastered, painted, or not finished at all - aesthetics in garages is far from the first priority in importance.
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    How to store drywall?

    After delivery of the plasterboard to its destination, a number of conditions must be met before proceeding directly to installation. Since gypsum is susceptible to moisture, it must be stored in a warm room to remove excess moisture for two to three days.

    To store drywall, it is recommended to choose a dry, closed room, while storing the panels should be carried out taking into account the distance from the heating source at a distance of one and a half meters, and on a flat surface.

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    If you are faced with a lack of free space and you need to store plasterboard sheets in such a way as to save space, then it would be more advisable to lean the plasterboard on the wall. So to speak, put it “on edge”, and in order to avoid deformation, it is necessary to position the first sheet so that the angle with the wall is fashionably closer to 90 degrees, almost parallel to the wall, and the rest are close to the first.

    It is also possible to place the gypsum board “lying” in the plane of the floor, but it is necessary to place it on pallets or build a structure from boards or any available material. This will help protect gypsum board sheets from destruction due to leakage and moisture entering the drywall from the floor plane. After this, it is advisable to cover it with film, especially in the case of vertical sheets.

    Drywall sheets covered with film are protected from excessive contamination by dust, moisture, paint, or any other liquid will not get on them, and in part the film will protect from mechanical damage during storage.

    So, to summarize, gypsum board sheets are best stored on an “edge” against the wall, at a height of 10-20 ms from the floor plane on a pallet, covered with construction film.

    When stored outdoors, drywall can be stored for up to 6 hours, packaged in moisture-proof material and free of frost. Negligent attitude to the rules for storing gypsum boards leads to deformation of plasterboard sheets, which affects the final quality of work during installation.

    If you decide to store gypsum boards on the territory of a construction site, you must follow the same storage rules: put them on pallets, cover them with film. And under no circumstances should you store it on the “edge”, placing it against the wall on the narrow side of the sheet, i.e. as if standing. When stored in this way, the sheets will bend under their own weight, become deformed, and will either be unsuitable for further use or greatly complicate the installation process.

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    When purchasing drywall of a certain brand, it is recommended that accompanying materials, such as paint, mastic, primer, putty and others, be purchased according to the manufacturer’s advice, in order to avoid future costs associated with inconsistencies in the work performed. You can look at the packaging or ask a representative of this brand.

    And a few more tips. Remember that builders and finishers for the most part do not observe temperature conditions when working with the material.

    Despite the fact that the instructions indicate conditions of 10°C and not lower, this is the mark at which it is necessary to work with drywall. It is at this temperature that drywall should be kept during installation, before and after installation, for at least 5 days (two days before and after installation, without any treatment).

    But as practice shows, these conditions are not met, but rather are grossly violated; temperature changes constantly occur. The workers do not allow the installed drywall to stand and rush to seal the seams. Which leads to damage to the material, cracks and damaged nerves.

    Follow the instructions, and this will allow you to save materials, and as a result, time, money and nerves. See also:

    • Is it true that electricity bills at your dacha will go down?
    • What to do if there is no snow on the site?
    • Agrofitness. Why do summer residents scatter snow over their garden beds?
    • Laws of the new season. What awaits summer residents in 2022
    • What dangers does a warm spring bring?
    • Which bush pepper with edible fruits is best to choose for an apartment?

    Breaking the rules

    A negligent attitude towards the process of saving products can be fraught with the following consequences:

    • slab deformation;
    • the appearance of cracks or chips;
    • swelling due to excessive absorption of moisture, which will affect the quality of the material;
    • change in color of the outer layer of cardboard.

    All these points will lead to a decrease in the service life of the product, a complication of installation work, as well as a deterioration in the quality and properties of the material. All specified storage requirements apply to all types of slabs, even moisture-resistant ones. After all, with prolonged contact with moisture, they will lose their factory performance properties. Storing plasterboard sheets requires the buyer to comply with all conditions specified by the manufacturer. If these conditions are violated, the manufacturer is no longer responsible for his product. Therefore, it will not be possible to exchange it. Be responsible about storage and your repair will be of high quality and durable.

    Thermal conductivity of plasterboard structures: which material is better

    Features of a flexible profile for plasterboard structures

    Introduction. Carpentry workshop

    Sano published a blog entry in Furniture made from slabs, solids, and various differences, September 27, 2022, blog entry

    So I have reached my workshop, which still needs a long and hard time to be equipped and supplemented with various tools.

    But the main thing is to have a warm room, although not your own, somewhere to work until they kick you out.

    This warehouse is quite spacious, if you remove everything that is not necessary, so you will have to do a lot to even get started with work. And the first thing I did was take out the excess and start assembling a large desktop.


    In rare cases, it is allowed to place plasterboard sheets before installation work begins on the street. But there are certain restrictions here. These include:

    • Accommodation is possible for up to 6 hours;
    • products should be packaged in moisture-proof material;
    • no frost. In winter, this type of storage is unacceptable. The temperature outside should not fall below 10°C.

    This method of saving is used only in extremely rare situations and with the obligatory adherence to all the above recommendations.

    Drywall in a country house without heating

    In the absence of heating, a constant low temperature is created in the house, especially in winter. During this season, there are no sharp changes in weather conditions, which contributes to the creation of a certain microclimate.

    For drywall, temperature values ​​are not an important criterion, but humidity plays a very important role. Conventional gypsum board can retain its properties at humidity levels up to 60%. As for moisture-resistant green plasterboard, it can easily be used at a humidity of 80%.

    Another criterion for choosing plasterboard sheets for finishing unheated rooms is the quality of the material. High performance characteristics are guaranteed by foreign manufacturers who work in accordance with strict quality standards.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that it is safer to use high-quality moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets from reliable manufacturers.

    Possibility of gluing with plasterboard

    This method is also convenient when owners want to save on plastering work and do everything themselves, and among professionals this method is called dry plaster.

    In general, the instructions themselves are simple, but when installing sheets in this way, the base must be clean and primed at least 2 times with deep penetration primer.

    Applying glue to the sheet.

    Gluing the sheet to the wall.

    General scheme of work

    In general, a plasterboard ceiling in a country house is assembled in approximately the same way as a standard one, and its installation will be no different from the procedure for assembling the same structure in a standard house. However, there are several points that are often forgotten.

    water-heated floors wooden floors

    The fact is that country houses mainly have interfloor ceilings made of wooden beams. Often, the entire house is built from wood. This means that in the cavity hidden by the new ceiling there will be many wooden parts that can rot and collapse from exposure to moisture.

    Therefore, before assembling such a structure, it is imperative to treat all the parts that will be hidden by the covering fabric with special antifungal impregnations. They will prevent the appearance of mold and fungi and will help the tree to withstand the effects of dampness.

    Without such treatment, the beams become covered with fungus very quickly and not only begin to collapse, but also cause harm to health - fungal spores can enter the respiratory tract, and this is very dangerous to health.

    When the processing is completed, you can begin assembling the frame. If it is made of wood, then all its components are also treated with impregnations. Metal profiles do not have this drawback and are mounted without additional processing.

    The best lathing installation scheme is independent. This means that the plasterboard sheets will not be tied directly to the ceiling beams and, when the structure deforms or the house shrinks, will not be subjected to loads that cause cracks in the coating.

    After installing the frame, sheets of drywall are hemmed. They should be mounted staggered, that is, each adjacent sheet should be shifted a short distance. This will avoid the formation of cross-shaped seams, which are the most common cause of cracks and violation of installation technology.

    After assembling the entire structure, the seams between the sheets are embroidered and carefully puttied, using a painting mesh or a perforated strip of paper. When the seams are dry, the entire surface of the ceiling is covered with fiberglass and puttied. This will allow you not to worry about the formation of cracks and defects on the coating - there will be none.

    The final step will be finishing putty and painting of the finished canvas. Before final painting, the ceiling plinths are installed and the seams that arise during their installation are sealed. The plasterboard ceiling is assembled and will last at your dacha for a long time.


    Plasterboard cladding and finishing

    Holes for lamps are made in the slabs before the sheathing.

    Fastening of plasterboard sheets is carried out with self-tapping screws and a wrench.

    Each sheet is fixed to two metal profiles with an interval of 25-35 cm.

    Interior decoration

    Then they begin to seal the seams, joints, and holes from the hardware heads. The surfaces are primed, dried and finally leveled with putty.

    Next, it is cleaned with an abrasive material and decorated with a finishing coating. The main requirement for a decorative coating is that it must be easy to clean or have dirt-repellent properties.

    When installing drywall without frames, the costs will be lower and the volume of space will not decrease. This type of finishing is possible with fairly smooth base surfaces that do not freeze or get wet. The sheets are coated over the entire area with glue using a spatula.

    Storage rules

    If all manufacturers' requirements are followed, drywall can be stored indefinitely . But, violation of even one of the listed conditions can lead to damage to the material. It can not only become less durable, but often become completely unusable . The main negative factor is humidity . When exposed to moisture, plaster and cardboard become wet, which reduces performance characteristics.

    Sheets should only be kept indoors . They can only be outside temporarily, especially during the cold season. In winter, keeping them in open space is completely unacceptable. It is better to stack the piles in the attic, garage, shed or other utility room. It is important to prevent the material from being exposed to precipitation.

    The maximum shelf life outside is up to 2 days . Moreover, gypsum boards should not be kept without sealed packaging. On the street, moisture can get into the material, leading to soaking of the components.

    To maintain the technical and operational characteristics of drywall, you must also follow the following rules:

    • For transportation, sheets must be folded flat . They should be transported on a trolley to avoid mechanical damage.
    • It is especially important to reliably protect the edges. They are often damaged and chipped.
    • For storage you need at least 3 support points , for transportation - 4-5 .
    • Transportation in a vertical position is not permitted. Vibrations can cause damage to the sheets.
    • The sheets must be folded parallel to each other . Distortions lead to deformation.
    • The material must be stored horizontally . The vertical position can only be used for short-term storage (for example, during immediate work).
    • It is advisable to use pallets as support for the material.

    On the street

    Typically, gypsum boards are not left in open space. Most manufacturers directly indicate that this storage method leads to loss of warranty . However, it is allowed to keep drywall outdoors for a short time, which is important when performing outdoor work. In this case, the following rules must be followed:

    • The shelf life outside should not exceed 6 hours .
    • Products must be sealed in moisture-proof packaging .
    • No frost . The ambient temperature should not be lower than +10°C.

    This option can only be used if there is no other option. If possible, work should be done in the summer, when the weather is warm and dry.

    Breaking the rules

    If storage conditions are not observed, the following consequences may occur:

    • Deformation of sheets.
    • Formation of chips, cracks and other damage.
    • Swelling of constituent substances. Usually occurs due to water ingress.
    • Strength deterioration.
    • Plaster chipping.
    • Changing the color of the cardboard layer.

    Damaged slabs reduce the service life of the structure and complicate installation . The material itself quickly loses its characteristics in unsuitable conditions. There are also special moisture-resistant gypsum boards, but even they are not designed for storage outdoors or in a damp room.

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    Wall finishing with laminate

    Vadik and I each have several aunties who have no one to help except their nephews. At the beginning of spring, we began to prepare for the summer season. We need to start putting the dachas in order. The most labor-intensive work was finishing the walls inside. It is necessary to choose a material that allows the walls to breathe. It is advisable to maintain the design style.

    The task was complicated by the fact that no one lived at the dacha in winter. The room was not heated. Our relatives could not spend a lot of money on decorating the inside. We will do the work ourselves, but the material must be purchased inexpensively. It is easier to choose a combination of price and quality than the cost of the material and its naturalness and environmental friendliness.

    I told Vadik about different finishing materials for wooden houses. As a result, he compiled a table that can be used as a basis when choosing an option for covering wooden walls in a country house.

    Decorating walls in a house with plasterboard

    Positive qualities of the materialNegative qualities of claddingWhere finishing should not be applied
    pricehygroscopicity low vapor permeabilityat seasonal dachas
    ease of installationneed for plasteringin buildings that have not shrinked
    low vapor permeability
    gypsum fiber sheets
    pricedestruction at jointsUnheated dachas
    flexibilityreduced vapor permeabilitydid not shrink
    easy installationreduction in environmental friendliness
    durabilitythe walls don't breatheunheated rooms
    high cost of installation and materialsbedrooms and children's rooms
    cork panels
    environmentally friendlyvery expensivein damp areas
    durablefragileboiler rooms
    aesthetically pleasing
    environmentally friendly materialhigh priceboiler rooms
    durabilityfire hazarddamp areas
    aesthetic appearance
    average costlow ductilityseasonal buildings
    environmental friendlinesshygroscopicitydamp areas
    high vapor permeabilityfire hazardous areas
    no deformation
    plasticpresence of gluein damp areas
    pricesealing joints
    OSB boards
    environmental friendlinesscontains formaldehydebedrooms
    no deformationcutting dustchildren's rooms
    low cost
    wooden lining
    naturalnessbreaks down due to temperature changesUnheated premises
    easy to processlit
    aesthetic appearance
    block house
    average costdifficult installation on the casingdamp rooms
    natural wood
    aesthetic appearance
    glass magnesium sheet
    cheaprequires coveragechildren's rooms
    easylow vapor permeabilitybedrooms

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    Natural materials are more expensive. Savings are achieved due to the lack of finishing of the walls after cladding. There is no need to plaster, glue or paint.

    How to cover the walls of a dacha inside inexpensively, maintain style and clean environment indoors

    At the dacha you can relax not only from the city noise and bustle. Clean air is an integral part of outdoor recreation. Many are tormented by the question of how to cover the walls of a dacha inside inexpensively and maintain comfort. For this purpose, an environmentally friendly material is used that can easily withstand the winter unheated period. It is advisable to preserve the natural, country style of finishing.

    Decorating the walls in the house with clapboard

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