Sequence of apartment renovations: a cheat sheet that will make your life easier

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How to start redecorating a room correctly? Usually the wallpaper is re-glued, the ceilings are whitewashed or tiled. Skirting boards and floors can be painted. If you want additional decoration, the work will cost more than simple cosmetic repairs.

As a result, the room will look new, but only the colors or texture of the finishing materials will change, and all walls, openings, communications will remain in place. When you are satisfied with this update, you can begin redecorating the room. If such finishing is not enough to give the room a presentable appearance, you will have to invest a large amount of money to carry out a major overhaul. This is an incredibly time-consuming process.

  • Overhaul program, where to start

A major overhaul includes all work related to cosmetic finishing, plus the following may additionally be added:

  1. heating system replacement;
  2. changing the flooring after remodeling the premises;
  3. complete replacement of electrical wiring or change of its circuit;
  4. demolition, moving wall structures or adding new ones (except for load-bearing walls).

Thus, during a major renovation of a room, the space is completely reorganized. The room begins to look completely different.

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  • Arrangement of a small apartment
  • Stages of renovation in an apartment
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Where to start a major renovation of a room? A very difficult stage is the removal of previous partitions and the construction of new ones. It's dirty and noisy work. The process of demolishing old walls is always accompanied by a huge amount of construction debris in the room that will need to be removed. Then you need to bring into the apartment the material for new partitions - brick or plasterboard, depending on what exactly you decided to build the walls from.

An important point: are such actions legal? According to our legislation, any redevelopment that leads to a change in the location of the walls on the plan must be formalized accordingly. The cost of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the room.

It is problematic to carry out some work during a major overhaul. For example, you can change the heating system in an apartment only after the heating season has ended. With central heating radiators it will not work as easily as with a regular water supply, whose riser easily closes. This must be taken into account when planning work.

A major renovation of an apartment means a complete replacement of all finishing materials and communications. When only one or a few rooms need to be renovated, such work will be more likely to be a cosmetic renovation.

What's the best way to start renovating a room? First of all, you should think about the appearance of the room. To do this, you need to clearly plan your actions.

We prepare a design project and estimate

Repairs based on a pre-prepared design project save time and money. But most importantly, it will allow you to decorate the premises in such a way that it will be comfortable to work and relax in them. The complete design project consists of:

  • Sketch, 3D visualization.
  • Drawings, working documentation
  • List of materials with their quantity.

Important point! If you are going to replace the furniture, this will also be reflected in the design.

When developing a design, the specialist is guided by GOSTs and SNiPs. It should not only decorate the room beautifully, but also improve its ergonomics. A good designer is guided by the preferences of the apartment owners, whether they have children and other criteria.

A good design project will help you save up to 40% of costs. A specialist will help install utility networks so that they do not need to be moved during repairs. When developing a design project, an estimate is drawn up. If you are going to carry out repairs yourself, then the author of the design must supervise compliance with the project he developed.

Add light

Image: Pixel‑Shot / Shutterstock
One chandelier per room will not be enough. Different areas in the room require different light sources. For example, a floor lamp near a chair is an ideal choice for reading or knitting, plain garlands for creating a romantic atmosphere, and directional light near a table for work.

It’s convenient if all the lights in the room can be turned off with one button - on the wall or on your smartphone. This saves time and makes the apartment more technologically advanced.

We purchase materials

Even at the design project development stage, specialists will draw up an estimate. If you purchase materials from one seller, you can get a discount. Construction companies that are engaged in finishing apartments have big discounts in specialized stores that sell finishing materials. This is another reason to seek help from professionals.

Important point! Companies involved in complex renovations purchase materials directly from their suppliers. Therefore, the customer receives them at a low price. And thanks to the pre-calculated estimate, it is impossible to buy too much.

To level the walls, screed the floor and install decorative coverings, you will need specialized tools. It is not rational to purchase it for one-time use. Can be rented. But why spend extra money if a professional team of finishers has all the tools?

Repair of old walls in a private house: stages of work

After determining the scope of work and purchasing the necessary finishing materials for the walls, you can begin repairs. The process includes several stages:

Dismantling old wall coverings. The technology for removing old coating depends on the characteristics of the material that was previously used. Preparing the wall for finishing and leveling the surface.

At this stage of work there is no need to save or rush, because the final result depends on it.

Using a plumb line and level, check the condition of the wall horizontally and vertically. Before finishing, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer: it guarantees uniform absorption of the new material and ensures perfect adhesion to the surface.

For priming, use a roller or a construction brush.

Only after the wall is completely dry can you begin finishing. Applying finishing material. The technology of work largely depends on which repair method you choose.

In practice, most often the walls are painted, covered with wallpaper, and also covered with ceramic tiles, decorative plaster or natural stone.

Preparatory stage

Even before starting work related to finishing the premises with new decorative materials, it is necessary to prepare the foundations. To do this you will need to remove the old coating:

  • Dye. Removable using drill attachments in the form of metal brushes. You can use special solvents.
  • Tile. Removable using a hammer drill. To do this, use the “Impact” mode and a special lance attachment.
  • Wallpaper. Removed manually using a scraper. To facilitate the process, it may be necessary to heat the coating with a hair dryer.

Important point! Dismantling work is one of the most difficult from a physical point of view. They can greatly increase repair time. It is better to entrust such work to specialists with the necessary knowledge.

After dismantling, pay attention to the base. It must be smooth and free from cracks and potholes. If there are defects, they are repaired using putty. To level the surface you will need cement mortar.

What to do with things

Repair and things are incompatible. Therefore, the issue of furniture and things needs to be resolved in advance - they need to be removed from the room in which you plan to renovate. To do this, you need to choose one of the options, depending on your situation:

  • move to the next room;
  • take it to the balcony or loggia;
  • put everything in the pantry;
  • ask neighbors or friends to hold things;
  • take it to the garage;
  • to the dacha;
  • to a country house;
  • put in a box or storage cell;
  • into a container;
  • put into a warm warehouse.

Each option has its pros and cons. For example, if there are few things, then they can fit in the pantry and will always be at hand, which is convenient. If you are doing renovations in the summer, it is convenient to put everything on the balcony. If there is a lot of furniture and things, and dragging them somewhere is very inconvenient and difficult (you will have to order a truck), then it is easier to use a storage service that has a delivery service so that things are taken directly from the house.

Replacement of doors and windows

Windows may need to be replaced during renovations. It is advisable to replace old windows with new metal-plastic ones. When installed correctly, they will protect your home from heat loss and protect you from extraneous sounds from the street. Installing windows is not difficult, but even one mistake in such a process is fraught with big problems that arise during the operation of such structures.

The choice of interior doors is based on the design project, which is developed in advance. Removing old doors will not be difficult. But installing new ones can be difficult. The door frame is attached at several points around the perimeter. It is important to install this design as accurately as possible. A level is used for this. Even the slightest misalignment will lead to squeaks and other problems when using the doors.

Dismantling and installation of partitions

During renovation, redevelopment of the apartment may be required. It will increase the comfort of the living space. Redevelopment involves dismantling partitions and installing them in a new location. If you are doing the repairs yourself, then when dismantling the partitions, make sure that they are the ones in front of you, and not load-bearing walls, which under no circumstances should be touched.

Important point! Dismantling of partitions is carried out only after this process has been agreed upon by the BTI.

When carrying out such work, it is important to consider what material the partition is made of:

  • Drywall. This type of structure is easiest to dismantle. Remove the plasterboard, dismantle the metal frame.
  • Concrete products When dismantling panel partitions, make sure that they are not load-bearing walls. Dismantling of such structures is carried out using special tools. But even if you have a powerful hammer drill, this work will take a lot of time and effort.
  • Brick. Dismantling the wall begins with cleaning the upper expansion gap. After removing the tow that filled the gap, they begin to dismantle the partition brick by brick.

Rules for dismantling partitions:

  • Use eye and respiratory protection.
  • Start dismantling work from the top of the partition.
  • Use a hammer drill, a heavy sledgehammer, or a special concrete cutter.

Important point! Removing walls involves a lot of risk. Before starting work, consult with specialists.

When installing partitions in a new location, plasterboard structures are often used. Soundproofing materials can be laid between sheets of this material.

Laying out electrical communications, performing plumbing work

The most difficult process during repairs is the wiring of communications and electrical systems. In this case, you won’t be able to do it yourself. Errors when installing wiring yourself can lead to a short circuit. Therefore, such work is entrusted to professionals. They will conduct:

  • Laying water pipes.
  • Installation of heating and ventilation systems.
  • Development of a sewerage system.

When designing any engineering system, specialists will carry out the necessary calculations that will help avoid force majeure situations.

Leveling the ceiling, walls and floor

Before covering walls and floors with decorative materials, it is necessary to level the base. This is important to do if you are going to lay parquet or laminate flooring. A level base will help extend the life of the floor covering and prevent the formation of squeaks and crunches when walking on it.

When decorating walls with wallpaper, paint or textured plaster, it is also necessary to first level the base. The easiest way to level the base is with the help of beacons. Special metal guides are installed using self-tapping screws or on concrete mortar.

Beacons are mounted at a distance of 1 - 1.5 meters from each other. This distance was not chosen by chance. It allows you to level the mixture using a rule. For small differences in the base of the floor, you can use self-leveling mixtures.

Installation of ceiling and wall coverings

The simplest and most durable solution for finishing the upper part of the room is suspended ceilings. But their installation requires the necessary skills and equipment.

To save money, you can finish the ceiling yourself. Budget and simple solutions include:

  • painting;
  • whitewash;
  • wallpapering.

Important point! All these solutions can only be used with a perfectly flat base surface.

More complex ceiling finishing is decorative plaster, wooden planks, mirror tiles, etc. Their use without professional skills is impossible.

How to save money by redecorating a room

To save money when redecorating a room, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Work hard and not be lazy, and also not be afraid of new types of work.
  2. If possible, everything capital that has lost its appearance does not need to be changed; it can be slightly retouched and updated.
  3. When redecorating a room, you should try to extract maximum savings where they are not noticeable and do not impair the quality of the work.
  4. Distribute cash and labor costs over time. For example, when planning to redecorate a room in the summer months, you need to gradually prepare up to this point in order to do everything quickly on time. In addition, the cost of cosmetic repairs of 200-300 thousand rubles is quite significant for the budget, and breaking them down into parts and investing small amounts throughout the year is quite doable.


It's no secret that good professional tools make work easier. However, they cost a lot of money, so buying them is not profitable. It is less expensive to rent all the construction equipment for redecorating a room.


The best time of year to redecorate a room is early and mid-autumn. It’s still warm outside during these months, and you can do exterior work, or open the windows for interior decoration. In addition, before the winter decline in repair work, the cost of building materials is significantly reduced. Consequently, savings can be up to 15% when selling summer surplus items. These are considerable amounts. For example, with the planned cost of redecorating a room at 200 thousand rubles, you will get a good “bonus” of 30 thousand.

Construction sales

Separate mention should be made of illiquid assets. The main expenses when redecorating a room go to finishing materials (putty, plaster, assembly adhesive, sealant) that have a limited shelf life. Construction companies are trying to sell them before the expiration date. Sometimes prices are just “symbolic”, watch out for sales. For example, professionals will not take a 50 kg package of Aquaslayer, which will become unusable in a couple of months, but this amount is enough for you to redecorate your room, and you will also save money.


When redecorating a room with your own hands for beginners, one of the most pressing issues is replacing the plumbing. If it has lost its aesthetic appearance, but functions normally, it can be cleaned and painted. But if there are cracks and chips, you will have to replace it.

Often, new residents (especially in luxury new buildings), when moving into a new apartment, make major repairs and replace the installed plumbing with more prestigious and expensive ones. And completely new equipment ends up in a landfill. The landfill scavengers have created a profitable business from this.

Of course, they don’t consult strangers over the phone. Only through “ours and ours” are they invited to the back room and offered a choice of thoroughly washed plumbing products at a cost equal to 1/3 or 1/2 of the market price.

Construction garbage

An equally pressing issue that arises when carrying out major renovations of a room on your own is the removal of construction waste. The procedure is quite expensive and also troublesome. An easier way is to, after completing the cosmetic renovation of the room, collect the garbage in bags made of plastic sackcloth and put it in a shed, closet, etc. Then, little by little, throw it into the house trash container, there is no crime in this.

Slats, boards, timber and plywood

When redecorating a room, you will need plywood and wooden slats for lathing. In order to save money, you can buy unplaned slats and slabs. The croaker is sold raw. You need to purchase it in advance in March-April and keep it in a dry room until autumn. Then you will receive raw materials that are not inferior in quality to edged lumber.

To redecorate a room, you may need plywood. Packaging waste plywood from used containers can be made waterproof as follows:

  1. We buy a ten-liter canister and two PVA putties; It's cheap and has a consistency similar to very thin PVA glue.
  2. We cover the floor in a non-residential area (in a country house, in a barn, etc.) with plastic film. The air temperature should not be lower than +13 degrees.
  3. We lay the plywood, pour a puddle of putty into the center and spread it over the entire sheet with a brush.
  4. We cover the plywood with plastic, lay the next sheet, putty, etc.
  5. On the resulting stack of plywood impregnated with PVA, we place a heavy load (pieces of concrete, metal, bricks, etc.), evenly distributing it over the entire area.
  6. A week later, we repeat the procedure, turning over each sheet of plywood.
  7. In two weeks, the waterproof, flat plywood will be ready for use. Additional exposure under pressure will only improve its quality.

It is quite common to post advertisements for used cargo pallets for sale. It is easy to make thick timber and boards from them, which may be needed when redecorating a room.

Flooring installation

The most practical and inexpensive way to lay a floor is to use laminate. Installation of this flooring is simple. The planks are assembled together using locking systems. They are laid in a checkerboard pattern. As with ceiling and wall cladding, it is important to prepare the base. Height differences should be no more than 2 mm per 2 m2.

When laying laminate flooring, the following errors must be avoided:

  • Use of “cold” material. The laminate should remain in the room for at least a day.
  • No backing. Use material recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Do not use the gap between the covering and the wall. The distance should be at least 1 - 1.5 cm.
  • Rigid fastening of the coating to the base. Laminate flooring is installed in a floating manner.

How to prevent cracks from forming after redecorating a room

As practice shows, cracks quite often appear on ceilings with rustication (joints of floor slabs) after cosmetic repairs. Therefore, experts recommend using “spider web” - this is fiberglass wallpaper, the loose structure of which prevents the occurrence of cracks. It has a thickness of up to 2 mm and is sold in rolls.

For wooden floors or large uneven areas, it is recommended to completely cover the surface with a painting mesh with 2x2 mm cells before gluing the “cobweb”. It is puttied, sanded, primed with diluted wallpaper glue and covered with a “cobweb”. This “pie” reliably protects the ceiling from cracking.

Should you renovate your apartment yourself or hire professionals?

The main advantage of self-repair is saving. Modern finishing materials have simplified installation technologies. Therefore, even those who have never held a hammer in their hands can handle them. And if you have any doubts about the correct application of a particular decorative material, watch videos on the Internet that describe the technology for using the selected material.

As for the disadvantages of self-repair, there are plenty of them. The most important of them is the loss of time. Without proper experience, repairs are difficult and time consuming. You will not only spend a lot of effort and nerves, but you may also get a result that will not please you. That is why it is advisable to contact specialized companies that are ready to offer a comprehensive repair service. From such companies you can order repairs based on a turnkey design project. Free up time for vacation or visiting your parents. And upon arrival, a renovated apartment will be waiting for you, in which you can live comfortably. A guarantee is issued for every work. Therefore, you will receive high-quality repairs that will delight your family.

Types of apartment renovation

Apartment renovations can vary. If the last renovation was done not so long ago, if the furniture is still functional and looks good enough, then you can probably get by with a cosmetic renovation. With this option, engineering systems and global changes in the apartment design are not affected - only the design changes. Cosmetic renovation is when you just want to refresh the interior of your home: change the wallpaper, update the floor, paint the ceiling.

A major renovation of an apartment involves replacing engineering systems, leveling walls or floors, remodeling (demolition or installation of new walls in the apartment), making changes to the water supply system and other communications. Simply put, a major renovation is the complete demolition of the entire old structure of the apartment, replacing all systems with new ones, installing new equipment and completely replacing all the finishing - walls, ceiling, floor, doors and other things.

The difference, of course, is in price. On average, major renovations will cost 30–35% of the cost of the entire apartment in an old building and 20–25% of the cost of an apartment in a new building. Old houses are much more complex in this regard, since they often have to deal with communications and their replacement. Redecorating, of course, is much simpler, easier and cheaper - its cost depends on how expensive materials you will purchase and how many rooms in the apartment you will renovate. But to have approximate guidelines, you can use the following table:

  • construction, installation and finishing works - 40%;
  • materials - 25%;
  • furniture and appliances - 25%;
  • design project - 5%;
  • unforeseen expenses - 5%.

If desired, you can find finishing materials and furniture to suit any budget.

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