How can you calculate cubic meters of premises, types of foundations and cubic capacity?

When carrying out construction and repair work, it is often necessary to perform various calculations in order to determine the amount of materials and their economical use. Most often, calculations concern the area of ​​​​various surfaces - walls, floors, ceilings. But to design an effective heating scheme or select air conditioning equipment, you need to know how to calculate the volume of a room, since these systems are calculated based on the cubic capacity of the heated or cooled space.


What is a square meter

First you need to decide what a square meter is. People who did not study mathematics well at school still sooner or later face the problem of counting the amount of building materials. Therefore, a square meter is the main reference point when determining the area of ​​a room.

If you draw a square (this is a geometric figure with equal sides), and the side is equal to 100 cm, then when multiplied by 100 we get the number 10000 cm. This means that the size of this figure is 10000 cm2. It could be simpler. Calculate in meters: 100 cm is 1 m. We apply the formula for calculating the area - we multiply the two sides, that is, we multiply 1 by 1, we get 1 m. This means that the size of the square is 1 sq.m.

Required amount of lumber for roofing

The main task when designing is to choose the correct slope (in suburban housing, the gable roof type is more popular). If there is the slightest mistake, the roof can simply be blown away by a sharp squall of wind.

Calculations are usually helped by a board cube calculator, but no program can replace a real design specialist. Any software makes calculations based on the given formulas and template. If you need to calculate data for which the calculator is not suitable, then you will not be able to reconfigure it and you will have to do all the calculations yourself.

Tools for calculating square meters

For calculations, you need to prepare a calculator.

If it is not there, then the multiplication table on a regular notebook for a first grader.

If the walls are not 2 or 3 meters, but, for example, 2.5 meters, then a calculator is still better. This is too difficult a load for a brain that is not used to working with numbers.

It is advisable to have a piece of paper and a pen on hand for writing.

You need to measure with a tape measure or centimeter.

Measuring tools

To correctly calculate the total quadrature you will need a tool such as:

  • construction tape of at least 5 meters;
  • pen or pencil;
  • calculator;
  • building level or similar device with a scale;
  • stepladder or stool;
  • a sheet of paper for notes.

    Prepare everything you need to measure the walls

You can also use special services available on the Internet, however, their accuracy is not always correct, and for maximum accuracy it is better to do everything yourself.

Before calculating the area of ​​the walls of the room, it is necessary to provide free access to them and move furniture away to allow unhindered movement. This is very important, because from the initial data obtained from the measurement, we obtain the total volume of the room, as well as the square footage of the ceiling and floor.

For maximum accuracy, it is recommended that before taking measurements, mark a straight line slightly above the level of the baseboards using a building level or any other long and level strip. Next, the tape measure is applied horizontally to the surface above the baseboard and the data obtained is recorded on paper. The next step is to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, again leaning the tape measure against the wall.

Don't forget to write down all the data you receive.

If the room has the shape of a rectangle, then to obtain the total area of ​​the room it is enough to multiply the resulting width by the length. For example, if a wall is 5 meters long and 3 meters wide, then multiply 5 by 3 to get 15 squares.

Similarly, we measure each wall and add the resulting values ​​into one total. For example, in a rectangular room there are 2 walls of 15 square meters and 2 of 8, we add these values ​​15x2=30, 8x2=16, 30+16=46. In total, the total surface area of ​​the walls of the room was 46 squares.

Calculate the area of ​​window and door openings

Before calculating the area of ​​the walls, it is necessary to measure the window and door openings in order to subtract this space and find out the quadrature of only the surface being processed. Readings are taken only along the slopes of openings.

It is important to accurately measure window and door openings

For example, we have a square window whose dimensions are 1.50 in length and 1.60 in width. We carry out similar calculations: 1.50x1.60 = 2.40 m2. If there are several windows in the room, then each of them is measured separately and the data obtained is added to one sum. A similar operation is carried out with doorways, where readings are taken not along the door itself, but precisely along the opening in the wall.

For example, as a result of measurements, we found out that the window area is 2.40 square meters, and the door, for example, 5.60. Next, we add the dimensions of the openings into one sum and subtract it from the total area of ​​the room 2.40 + 5.60 = 8, 46-8 = 38. As a result, we have an opening area of ​​8 m2, subtract it from the total square footage of the room and get 38 m2 of the treated surface.

Video on how to calculate wall area:

Video description

About the step between the rafters, see the following video:

Online roofing calculator

To find out the approximate cost of various types of roofing, use the following calculator:

The main task of online calculations is to get the approximate cost of construction and save time. It is worth considering that the board calculator in cubes and pieces works with an error and accurate results can only be obtained in a specialized enterprise. Some companies involved in the construction of suburban housing provide free calculations and estimates.

Wall area calculator

Room parameters
Room widthmeters
Room lengthmeters
Room heightmeters
Wall areasquare meters

Formula for calculating square meters

To calculate the area, you need to apply the formula per square meter A XB, where number A is the length of one side, and number B is the length of the second side. They can be the same if the shape of the floor or wall is square.

Most often, it is not square, but rectangular, that is, number A will have one value, and number B will have another. They will need to be multiplied in your head, or using a multiplication table, or on a calculator. And the resulting number will be the area that will need to be covered with paint or something else.

This is interesting! Sometimes you need to know how to calculate sizes correctly. How many inches are there in mm? You can read about this in our article.

It happens that the shape of the floor is not standard, but, for example, trapezoidal. Then it’s more difficult, especially for those people who don’t know what a triangle is (this also exists in nature). To calculate the size of a trapezoid, you must first calculate the area of ​​the rectangle in the middle, then the size of each triangle on the sides

, then add these three numbers. Isn't it easier to immediately call a team of workers? Let them think about how to calculate the square meters of the room.


If at this stage there is a misunderstanding, then it is better to immediately call the mathematics teacher and ask him to calculate how many square meters. meters has a room.

Room area in square meters

It’s not difficult to calculate, you just need to remember the simplest formulas and also take measurements. For this you will need:

  • Roulette. It’s better with a lock, but a regular one will do.
  • Paper and pencil or pen.
  • Calculator (or count in a column or in your head).

A simple set of tools can be found in every household. It’s easier to take measurements with an assistant, but you can do it yourself.

First you need to measure the length of the walls. It is advisable to do this along the walls, but if they are all filled with heavy furniture, you can take measurements in the middle. Only in this case, make sure that the tape measure lies along the walls, and not diagonally - the measurement error will be less.

Rectangular room

If the room is of the correct shape, without protruding parts, it is easy to calculate the area of ​​the room. Measure the length and width and write it down on a piece of paper. Write the numbers in meters, followed by centimeters after the decimal point. For example, length 4.35 m (430 cm), width 3.25 m (325 cm).

How to calculate the area of ​​a room

We multiply the found numbers to get the area of ​​the room in square meters. If we look at our example, we get the following: 4.35 m * 3.25 m = 14.1375 m². In this value, we usually leave two digits after the decimal point, which means we round. In total, the calculated square footage of the room is 14.14 square meters.

Irregularly shaped room

If you need to calculate the area of ​​an irregularly shaped room, it is divided into simple shapes - squares, rectangles, triangles. Then they measure all the required dimensions and make calculations using known formulas (found in the table just below).

Before calculating the area of ​​the room, we also make changes. Only in this case there will be not two, but four numbers: the length and width of the protrusion will be added. The dimensions of both pieces are calculated separately.

One example is in the photo. Since both are rectangles, the area is calculated using the same formula: multiply the length by the width. The found figure must be subtracted or added to the size of the room - depending on the configuration.

Room area of ​​complex shape

Using this example, we will show how to calculate the area of ​​a room with a ledge (shown in the photo above):

  1. We calculate the quadrature without the protrusion: 3.6 m * 8.5 m = 30.6 m².
  2. We calculate the dimensions of the protruding part: 3.25 m * 0.8 m = 2.6 m².
  3. We add up two values: 30.6 m². + 2.6 m². = 33.2 m².

There are also rooms with sloping walls. In this case, we divide it so that we get rectangles and a triangle (as in the figure below). As you can see, for this case you need to have five sizes. It could have been broken differently by putting a vertical rather than a horizontal line. It doesn't matter. It just requires a set of simple shapes, and the way to select them is arbitrary.

How to calculate the area of ​​an irregularly shaped room

In this case, the order of calculations is as follows:

  1. We consider the large rectangular part: 6.4 m * 1.4 m = 8.96 m². If we round, we get 9.0 m².
  2. We calculate a small rectangle: 2.7 m * 1.9 m = 5.13 m². Rounding up, we get 5.1 m².
  3. Calculate the area of ​​the triangle. Since it is at a right angle, it is equal to half the area of ​​a rectangle with the same dimensions. (1.3 m * 1.9 m) / 2 = 1.235 m². After rounding we get 1.2 sq. m.
  4. Now we add everything up to find the total area of ​​the room: 9.0 + 5.1 + 1.2 = 15.3 m².

The layout of the premises can be very diverse, but you understand the general principle: divide it into simple shapes, measure all the required dimensions, calculate the square footage of each fragment, then add everything up.

Formulas for calculating the area and perimeter of simple geometric shapes

Another important note: the area of ​​the room, floor and ceiling are all the same measurements. There may be differences if there are some semi-columns that do not reach the ceiling. Then the quadrature of these elements is subtracted from the total quadrature. The result is the floor area.

Construction volume of the building

The main reason why calculations of the construction volume of a building are carried out is the need to correctly draw up an estimate for construction or repair and restoration work. Thus, the amount of money that the customer of the work will give to the construction organization will depend on whether this indicator was calculated correctly. Of course, the best course of action if the need arises to determine the construction volume of a designed or finished building would be to contact a specialist. However, if you have the desire and some free time, you can make the necessary calculations yourself. There are no particular difficulties here. The only thing you need to remember is the existence of rules that should be followed when carrying out measurements and calculations. Otherwise, the obtained figures will be unreliable, and this, in turn, may lead to the design and estimate documentation being invalidated. What should you keep in mind when determining the building volume of a building?

Rules indicating how to calculate the construction volume of a building can be easily found on the pages of various sites dedicated to construction topics. In short, this is what they say:

  • the construction volume of a building is the sum of the volumes of its above-ground part and basement;
  • The above-ground part of the building is considered to be the part of the building from the floor of the first floor to the top of the attic floor or roof. Everything below refers to the underground part;
  • depending on whether the building has an attic floor or whether it is absent, the volume of the above-ground part is calculated either by multiplying its area in the horizontal section by the height, or by multiplying its area in the vertical section by the length of the building;
  • if the floors of a building have unequal areas, it is necessary to calculate the volumes of each floor, and the results obtained must be summed up;
  • The volume of the building includes the volumes of attics, skylights, verandas and vestibules. Not included are the volumes of balconies, porticoes and passages;
  • technical floors must also be taken into account;
  • the volume of the building's basement is calculated similarly to the volume of its above-ground part;
  • The length of the walls is measured taking into account the thickness of the plaster and cladding.

Irregular space

How to find the area of ​​a room if it has a non-standard configuration? First, divide it into several regular geometric shapes. They can be drawn on a plain sheet of paper. Then determine the area of ​​each of them and add up the results. You already know how to calculate the dimensions of a classic space. Let's figure out the rest.


How to calculate the area of ​​a room if it is round in shape? Here you will also need well-known geometric formulas:

S = 3.14 * R2, where R is the radius of the circle.


Looking at modern new buildings, you will notice that most of them have a non-standard trapezoidal shape. But no need to worry! Finding the area of ​​such a space will not be more difficult than in all previous cases.

A simple formula will help you take measurements:

S = ((A + B) / 2) * H, where A, D are parallel sides, H is the distance between them.

Room with bay window

Calculating the square footage of a living space, complemented by niches, bay windows, projections and other plumbing or interior structures, is not difficult. To find out the total area of ​​such a room, divide it into several separate sections and “work” with each of them.

In this case, several important nuances need to be taken into account. So, if we are talking about a niche, then the dimensions of the recess are added to the resulting figure, if we are talking about a protrusion, then they are subtracted.

It should also be noted that in the living room there are often areas based on a circle. This can be either a bay window or a doorway in the wall , designed like an arch.

The area of ​​a room with a bay window is calculated as:

S = A*B+R2


Useful tips

  1. It is rare to find ideal premises parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the desired room in several places and derive the arithmetic average value from this. In addition, measurements are taken several times to avoid errors and omissions.
  2. It is easier to measure the perimeter of a room with numerous irregularities and protrusions if you stretch a cord or rope along it. Then measure its length.
  3. It is best to immediately display the calculations on a sheet of paper in the form of a diagram - this will help in further repairs and in the selection of building and finishing materials. If you show the diagram to a sales consultant, he will competently select the required quantity, taking into account joints and stock, based on the footage of the room.

It is necessary to measure the room in several places and derive the arithmetic average from this.

Construction and renovation is a labor-intensive process that requires not only physical and mental work, but also considerable material costs. High-quality measurements of premises will help you invest a minimum of effort and money.

Poor quality measurements will extend the repair over a long period, causing problems and inconvenience. The above recommendations and advice will teach, help and in some way make life easier for the participants in this difficult and interesting business.

How to calculate the square footage of walls

Determining the area of ​​walls is often required when purchasing finishing materials - wallpaper, plaster, etc. This calculation requires additional measurements. In addition to the existing width and length of the room you will need:

  • ceiling height;
  • height and width of doorways;
  • height and width of window openings.

All measurements are in meters, since the square footage of walls is also usually measured in square meters.

It is most convenient to put the dimensions on the plan

Since the walls are rectangular, the area is calculated as for a rectangle: we multiply the length by the width. In the same way, we calculate the sizes of windows and doorways, subtract their dimensions. For example, let's calculate the area of ​​the walls shown in the diagram above.

  1. Wall with door:
      2.5 m * 5.6 m = 14 m². - total area of ​​the long wall
  2. how much does a doorway take up: 2.1 m * 0.9 m = 1.89 m².
  3. wall excluding doorway - 14 sq.m - 1.89 m² = 12.11 m²
  4. Wall with window: square of small walls: 2.5 m * 3.2 m = 8 m².
  5. how much does the window take: 1.3 m * 1.42 m = 1.846 m², rounded up, we get 1.75 m².
  6. wall without window opening: 8 sq. m - 1.75 m² = 6.25 m².

Finding the total area of ​​the walls is not difficult. Add up all four numbers: 14 m² + 12.11 m². + 8 m² + 6.25 m². = 40.36 m².

Floor or ceiling area

The ceilings and floors in an ordinary apartment are the same.
How to calculate square meters? Very simple. If the room is an attic, then there is no ceiling - there is only a floor and walls. Stage No. 1. Measure the length of the room and write down the resulting number on paper. If the number is an integer, then we simply write the number. For example, 5 (m). If the number is greater than 5 but less than 6, then you will have to remember decimal fractions and write, for example, 5.5 (m).

Stage No. 2. Measure the width of the room and write it down in the same way. For example - 3m.

Stage No. 3. Now you need to multiply these two numbers. Example: 5 x 3 = 15m. So, the floor area is 15 square meters. m. Consequently, the size of the ceiling will also be 15 square meters. m. Write this number separately and circle it with a pen.

What is a cubic meter

A cubic meter is a conventional figure (cube) with a length, width and height equal to one meter

How to calculate a cubic meter if these parameters have a different meaning? If their product (the result of multiplication) is equal to one, then the figure they make has a volume of one cubic meter. For example, a volume measuring 1 m wide, 0.5 m high and 2 m long has one cubic meter.

In practice, you have to calculate the volumes of various rooms, and here you can be guided by a simple formula: the volume of a right parallelepiped is the product of the base area and the height. A room with an area of ​​32.5 meters and a ceiling height of 2.2 meters has 71.5 cubic meters (cubes). Often the room has a sloping ceiling, and here the question of height arises. In this case, you can take the average value of this parameter and get an approximate volume.

If an exact value is required , then you need to mentally divide the room into a parallelepiped having the height of the lowest wall and calculate its volume; then calculate the volume of a parallelepiped having the same area and height, equal to the difference in the heights of the highest and lowest walls, divide in half and add to the volume of the first parallelepiped.

Quite often you have to calculate the volumes of various cavities. For example, when pouring a foundation, you need to know the required amount of concrete mixture. Everything is quite simple here. In the same way, we multiply the area of ​​the base by the height and get the desired value. It is important to carry out calculations and measurements in those units of measurement in which you want to know the desired value. In the case of concrete mixture, it is usually purchased in cubes, so we measure the dimensions of the formwork for pouring the foundation in meters.

Room volume

Formula for calculating the volume of a room

Some calculations require the volume of the room. In this case, three quantities are multiplied: width, length and height of the room. This value is measured in cubic meters (cubic meters), also called cubic capacity. For example, we use the data from the previous paragraph:

  • length - 5.6 m;
  • width - 3.2 m;
  • height - 2.5 m.

If we multiply everything, we get: 5.6 m * 3.2 m * 2.5 m = 44.8 m³. So, the volume of the room is 44.8 cubic meters.

Room for installing a gas boiler

The volume of space for a gas boiler depends on the type of unit and its power. All requirements for the boiler room or other place where the device is located are specified in SNiP 31-02-2001, DBN V.2.5-20-2001, SNiP II-35-76, SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 41-104-2000 .

Gas boilers differ in the type of combustion chamber:

  • units with an open combustion chamber (atmospheric);
  • devices with a closed firebox (turbocharged).

To remove combustion products from atmospheric gas boilers, you will need to install a full chimney. Such models take air for the combustion process from the room in which they are located. Therefore, these features require a separate room for the gas boiler - a boiler room.

Units equipped with a closed firebox can be placed not only in a private house, but also in an apartment in a multi-story building. The exhaust of smoke and the influx of air masses is carried out by a coaxial pipe that exits through the wall. Turbocharged devices do not require a separate boiler room. They are usually installed in the kitchen, bathroom or hallway.

Boiler room requirements

The minimum volume of the room for installing a gas boiler depends on its power.

Gas boiler power, kWMinimum boiler room volume, m³
less than 307,5

Also, a boiler room to accommodate an atmospheric gas boiler must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ceiling height – 2-2.5 m.
  2. The width of the doors is at least 0.8 m. They must open towards the street.
  3. The door to the boiler room should not be hermetically closed. You need to leave a 2.5 cm wide gap between it and the floor or make holes in the canvas.
  4. The room is provided with an opening window with an area of ​​at least 0.3×0.3 m², equipped with a window. To ensure high-quality lighting, for every 1 m³ of combustion chamber volume, 0.03 m2 of window opening area should be added.
  5. Availability of supply and exhaust ventilation.
  6. Finishing from non-combustible materials: plaster, brick, tile.
  7. Electrical light switches installed outside the boiler room.

Note! Installing a fire alarm in the boiler room is not mandatory, but recommended. It is strictly forbidden to store flammable liquids and objects in the boiler room.

There must be unobstructed access to the boiler from the front panel and from the side walls.

It is strictly forbidden to store flammable liquids and objects in the boiler room. There must be unobstructed access to the boiler from the front panel and side walls.

Room requirements for installing a turbocharged unit

Gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber with a power of up to 60 kW do not require a separate combustion chamber. It is enough that the room in which the turbocharged unit is installed meets the following requirements:

  1. Ceiling height is more than 2 m.
  2. Volume - at least 7.5 m³.
  3. Has natural ventilation.
  4. There should be no other appliances or flammable elements closer than 30 cm next to the boiler: wooden furniture, curtains, etc.
  5. The walls are made of fire-resistant materials (brick, slabs).

Compact wall-mounted gas boilers are even placed between cabinets in the kitchen and built into niches. It is more convenient to install double-circuit units near the water intake point so that the water does not have time to cool before being released to the consumer.

In addition to generally accepted standards, each region also has its own requirements for the room for installing a gas unit

Therefore, it is important to find out not only how much space is needed to install a gas boiler, but also all the placement nuances that apply in a given city

Conversion to other units

To convert to the required value, you need to remember the fairly simple proportions of converting meters to centimeters and millimeters.

Units of length:

  • 1 m = 100 cm = 1,000 mm

Area units:

  • 1 m² = 10,000 cm² = 1,000,000 mm²

Volume units:

  • 1 m³ = 1,000,000 cm³ = 1,000,000,000 mm³

The amount of liquid is very often measured in liters, here it is enough to know that:

  • 1 l = 1,000 cm³
  • 1,000 l = 1 m³

Quite often you have to calculate volume based on weight, and here you need to know the density of the substance. The easiest way is with water, the density of which is 1t/1m³. That is, a ton of water will take one m³ (cubic), and a ton of milk, for example, will take approximately 1,030 cubic meters.

Sand has a density from 1.3 t/m³ to 1.8 t/m³. This means that one m³ weighs from 1.3 to 1.8 tons.

Calculating the cubic capacity of lumber has subtleties. If the board is edged and the same, it is enough to take one, measure the length, thickness, width, multiply these parameters, and then multiply the resulting value by the total quantity. This will be the desired value.

But when using unedged boards, as they are more affordable, it is impossible to accurately measure the dimensions of one unit; all samples have different proportions. In this case, the material is placed in a stack with aligned ends without overlapping boards inside the stack, and three parameters of the entire stack are measured and multiplied using a reduction factor from 0.5 to 0.7, which is the desired value.

It also happens that you have to calculate the capacity of cylindrical objects (barrels, tanks, and the like). The base here is a circle, and its area is equal to the product of pi (π = 3.14) by the square of the radius (half the diameter) or S = πR².

In practical life, you can use this fairly simple method of determining the volume of liquids or solids - a cubic meter contains 1 thousand liters or 100 ten-liter buckets. Some may find it troublesome to carry and count buckets of sand or water, but this method is accurate and publicly available.

Calculation example

Let's say you need to pour a strip foundation for a structure measuring 8 by 12 meters, divided into three rooms by walls 8 and 6 meters long. Let's take the width of the foundation to be 40 cm and the height to be one meter. The length will be 54 meters, and the volume of the foundation will be 0.4 * 1 * 54 = 21.6 m³. This value can be safely rounded to 22 m³.

Preparing a cubic meter of concrete mixture for pouring a foundation requires approximately 350 kg of cement, 800 kg of sand, 1200 kg of crushed stone and 140 liters of water. This means that the entire foundation requires 154 50 kg bags of cement (7.7 tons), 17.6 tons of sand, 26.4 tons of crushed stone and approximately 3 cubic meters of water.

This is a completely rough calculation, offhand, allowing you to simply estimate the size of the upcoming material and labor costs. By the way, the amount of soil excavated under the foundation will be comparable, or even higher, than the volume of the foundation itself, although it is not completely located in the ground. This is explained by the fact that the trench under the foundation is dug wider for the installation of formwork and related work.

In the same way, you have to calculate the required volume when, say, moving or sending some goods or cargo. After all, no one wants to overpay for the extra volume of the body of an ordered car, transport container or railway car.

It is enough just to remember (look on the Internet) elementary geometric formulas from the school curriculum and apply common sense. After all, you can always roughly calculate the volume of furniture when moving or boxes when shipping goods and estimate the upcoming efforts and costs. And for more accurate, final calculations, you can always resort to the help of specialists. Moreover, the preliminary result is more or less known, and this can serve as some kind of verification when agreeing on conditions.

Methods for calculating cubic capacity

Obviously, if the source information is presented in related units of measurement (for example, in liters or cubic centimeters), then converting them into units of volume will not take much time. However, if the transfer is mass or area, some additional information is required and the calculation is more complex.

Calculation of cubic capacity of edged lumber:

When calculating the cubic capacity of an edged board, you will need to apply the knowledge acquired in geometry lessons. In the case of edged lumber, you simply multiply three standard values. However, not a whole pack of boards (timbers) is taken into account. You should first calculate the cubic capacity of one element, then, after recalculating the total number of boards (bars) in the pack, multiply this number by the resulting volume value.

When calculating cubic capacity in this case, it is necessary to work with the same units of measurement, i.e., convert all dimensions of the board into meters (centimeters). Measurements should be taken according to the following parameters: length, width, thickness.

Calculation of cubic capacity of unedged boards:

Calculating cubic capacity in this case also requires measuring length, width and height. The difference is that calculating the cubic capacity of one board becomes impossible , so we put the boards in a pack and measure it, using various coefficients.

To make the calculations more reliable, it is recommended to stack the boards, then take the average of the thinnest and widest boards, add the two resulting values ​​and divide in half. Thus, the average width is determined; width and length are measured using the traditional method .

At the next stage, we multiply the width of the stack, the length and the width and apply a reduction factor . In accordance with GOST, this coefficient for half-beams and unedged boards is 0.5 and 0.63, respectively. Often, in order to simplify calculations, lumber manufacturers ship material with a coefficient of 0.7.

After one stack of lumber has been counted, you can move on to the second, third, etc.

Unedged board

Calculation features

How to build a terrace with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Calculating the cubic capacity of an unedged board is somewhat complicated, since the material does not have the same width between different boards, but also in each board individually. This is explained quite simply - the tree does not have the same diameter.

It is clear that it is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. Thus, the width of the edged board does not fall under any standards. What to do in this case? Use different formulas to calculate. The width of the board is measured for convenience in the middle of the length. This gives you the average width. This calculation method works well if the batch of material is small.

For industrial volumes

Of course, this cannot be called a super accurate method, but the deviations are so insignificant that they are not worth paying attention to.

Some wood processing companies use the stack measurement method in practice. This does not require pre-sorting the wood by width. Specialists take measurements of the length of the board, the average width and height of the stack. The obtained values ​​are multiplied among themselves, and the result is multiplied by a coefficient for calculating the cubic capacity of the board, which has an average value of 0.67.

Weighing method

In order to measure the cubic capacity of an unedged board, obtaining the most accurate result possible, the weighing method is used.

Before doing this, it is necessary to measure the moisture content of the material and the dense wood. Considering that edged boards are the cheapest material used on objects with the least degree of responsibility, complex calculations are not very justified.

Also, you should take into account that the result that you get will not differ much from the one that can be obtained using a cubeturner.

During the construction of residential buildings

Here, professionals in their field are required to perform many tasks, including: calculations and drawing up estimates before finishing the premises. In addition, you need to calculate the required amount of building materials. It is worth noting that this task is quite difficult. Given this, determining the cubic capacity of the board is an important point.

Non-grooved types of wood include: edged boards, timber, unedged boards.

Tongue and groove types are those that have special grooves for ideal joining of boards: flooring, lining, blockhouse, imitation timber

Please note that when purchasing a tongue and groove board, the calculation is carried out using the working width of the material, without tenons

Regarding the calculation of the cubic capacity of an unedged board, with a width of 25 cm at one end and 20 cm at the other, the average value will be 22 cm. To count a large amount of material, it is laid out in such a way that the wide part does not differ from the narrow part by more than 10 centimeters.

The main length of the board in the unfolded pack should be approximately the same. Then, using a tape measure, measure the height of the stack of boards and the width in the middle. The result obtained from measurements is multiplied by a coefficient with a value of 0.07 - 0.09, which depends on the air gap between the boards.

Types of foundation and cubic capacity

  • columnar;
  • tape;
  • slab.

Obviously, the calculation of cubic capacity in each individual case is individual. Let's start with the columnar foundation:

  1. We calculate the volume of reinforced concrete supports (each separately). To do this, we multiply its sides and the height of the base element.
  2. In the case of round cross-section of the columns, multiply the square of their radius by the number of elements.
  3. We multiply the result by the height of the support.
  4. We multiply the resulting number by the number of pillars needed to construct the foundation. As a result, we get the total volume of concrete .
  5. In the case of connecting the base elements with a concrete grillage, it is necessary to use the parallelepiped formula and calculate its volume.

When calculating the cubic capacity of a strip foundation, we first determine its cross-section. If it is level, there should be no difficulties in calculating the cubic capacity. In this case, we multiply the perimeter of the structure by its thickness and width. Next, follow the calculation instructions:

  • for example, we have a structure with sides of 10*10 meters. Base width - 0.4 meters, thickness - 0.7 meters;
  • therefore, the perimeter of the structure is 40 meters (10*4). After multiplying the values, we get 11.2 meters. However, this is only an indicator of the volume of the base for the walls outside;
  • Let's say a house has two partitions (the length of one of them is 10 meters, the length perpendicular to the first is 5 meters, the width of both is 0.3 meters, the thickness is 0.7 meters);
  • multiply the parameters of one of the sections (10*0.3*0.7=2.1), then the second (5*0.3*0.7=1.05). Next, we simply add up the obtained values ​​and get the total volume of concrete required for installing a strip foundation (11.2+2.1+1.05=14.35 m3).

The cubic capacity of a slab foundation is calculated most simply. To determine the cubic capacity of the slab base, you only need to multiply the length, width and thickness of the slab.

For example, it has the following data: 10, 0.4 and 10 meters. We calculate the volume by multiplying the indicators, and we get 40 m3 - the volume of concrete required.

However, it should be taken into account that in order to increase the strength of the slab foundation, they often resort to equipping the slabs with stiffeners. If you are dealing with just such a project, in order to calculate the required amount of material, you need to separately calculate the volume of the slab and ribs and add the resulting values.

So, we already know the indicator associated with the stove. It remains to calculate the cubic capacity of the stiffeners.

Let's say, in our case, the base has four reinforced elements with indicators of 10, 0.25 and 0.3 meters. Obviously, the volume of one stiffener is 0.75 meters. The general indicator for all ribs is 3 cubic meters (0.75 * 4). Then, to calculate the total amount of mortar required for constructing a slab foundation, you need to add the resulting values ​​(40+3) and get 43 m³.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of the room

If the room you are interested in has a simple shape, then calculating its cubic capacity is not at all difficult: just multiply the width, length and height of the room.

If you do not have one or more characteristics of the room, measure them using a tape measure or rangefinder . In order to increase the accuracy of your measurements, you can measure the height and width of opposite walls twice, then add and divide the resulting value in half (find the arithmetic mean).

Let's say you know the area of ​​the room. To find the cubic capacity, you need to multiply this indicator by the height.

If the room has a complex shape , first conditionally divide the room into simple figures and, using geometric formulas, calculate the volume of each of them, then add the values.

Calculation of cubic capacity from mass

If you know the mass of a substance for which you need to calculate the volume (cubic capacity), you should first clarify the density of this substance. This indicator can be measured independently or found out in the table of substance densities.

In order to find out the number of cubic meters, we should divide the known mass of a substance by its density. In this case, mass is measured in kilograms, and density in kg/m3.

Number of components for the mixture

It is not always profitable to buy ready-made concrete, since it has a short shelf life. In most cases, home builders prefer to purchase dry ingredients and make the concrete mixture themselves. When purchasing, you must use weight units, not volume measures.

Consequently, the builder, who has finally calculated the required volume of concrete, now faces a new task - to determine how much building materials will be needed to create it, namely:

Independent calculation of the amount of ingredients is quite complicated, since it is necessary to take into account many factors, in particular: the brand of cement used, the fraction of crushed stone and the shape of its grains, the type of sand, its purity and humidity, and also do not forget that when adding water, the volume of dry ingredients decreases by approximately a third due to compaction.

On average, the weight of a cubic meter of heavy concrete varies from 1800 to 2500 kg, depending on the above factors.

The weight of its individual components is as follows:

To obtain exact values, you can use an online calculator or tables where the abbreviation VTs is usually used. This water-cement ratio is the ratio of the mass of water to the mass of cement. VC is one of the most important characteristics of concrete, determining its strength. You can also find tables indicating the ratio of mixture components.

When entering initial data into an online calculator or selecting the desired line in a table, you should consider the following:

The grain size of crushed stone or gravel is selected so that it does not exceed 1/5 of the minimum design parameter (for flat slabs - 1/3) and half the distance between the reinforcement bars. Crushed stone differs from gravel primarily in its acute-angled grain shape and rough surface, which ensures stronger adhesion to other elements of the mixture than when using rounded and smooth gravel grains.

If you correctly calculate the cubic capacity of concrete, this will help to avoid errors in determining the amount of concrete, as well as the components of the concrete mixture.

Non-standard methods for calculating cubic capacity

If you are dealing with any body of irregular shape and at the same time you know the density of the material from which the body is made, you can use the well-known law of Archimedes . To do this, you just need to lower the body into the water and measure the volume of water displaced from the vessel - this will be an indicator of the volume of the body immersed in water.

There is another way to calculate the cubic capacity of a body. It is quite labor-intensive , however, in some cases it is the only way out of the situation. So, you need to measure a cubic meter of material. This can be done using a bucket. If we are talking about a standard bucket, its capacity is 10 liters or 0.01 m3. Consequently, one hundred similar buckets of the material we are interested in will amount to one cubic meter.

As you can see, the scheme for calculating cubic capacity in each individual case is very individual. Much depends on what indicators are already known and the volume of what exactly needs to be calculated. In any case, calculating the cubic capacity of a particular substance (concrete, water, sand, etc.) or room is very important not only in the professional field, but also in everyday life. However, making the necessary calculations will not be difficult for a person who is absolutely not connected with mathematical sciences.

Climate zones are also important

Climatic zones also have their own coefficients:

  • central Russia has a coefficient of 1.00, so it is not used;
  • northern and eastern regions: 1.6;
  • southern stripes: 0.7-0.9 (minimum and average annual temperatures in the region are taken into account).

This coefficient must be multiplied by the total thermal power, and the resulting result divided by the heat transfer of one part.


Thus, calculating heating by area does not present any particular difficulties. It’s enough to sit a little, figure it out and calmly calculate. With its help, every owner of an apartment or house can easily determine the size of the radiator that should be installed in the room, kitchen, bathroom or any other place.

If you doubt your abilities and knowledge, entrust the installation of the system to professionals. It’s better to pay professionals once than to do it wrong, dismantle it and start work again. Or do nothing at all.

Before you begin purchasing materials and installing heat supply systems for a house or apartment, you must carry out a heating calculation based on the area of ​​each room. Basic parameters for heating design and heat load calculation:

  • Square;
  • Number of window blocks;
  • Ceiling height;
  • Room location;
  • Heat loss;
  • Heat transfer from radiators;
  • Climate zone (outside air temperature).

The methodology described below is used to calculate the number of batteries for a room area without additional heating sources (warm floors, air conditioners, etc.). Heating can be calculated in two ways: using a simple and complicated formula.

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