Certificates of conformity acrylic primer nortex primer

“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is a water-dispersion acrylic primer for preparing various types of surfaces before applying water-dispersion paints and varnishes. “Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” glues and strengthens the base of the surface by filling the pores with small polymer particles. It reliably adheres to the paintwork, increasing its service life. The primer reduces the consumption of paint and varnish material.

Price per PET bucket 10.5 kg. Cost of composition for processing 1 sq.m. including VAT, rub.: Cost of composition for processing 1 sq.m. PET bucket 10.5 kg - 3.14-6.34

The cost of the composition for processing 1 sq.m. PET bucket 3.3 kg - 5.11-6.81
Covering area in one layer with the contents of one can, sq.m. PET bucket 10.5 kg -87.5-175 Covering area in one layer with the contents of one can, sq.m. PET bucket 3.3 kg -27.5-55


“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is a water-dispersion acrylic primer for preparing various types of surfaces before applying water-dispersion paints and varnishes. “Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” glues and strengthens the base of the surface by filling the pores with small polymer particles. It reliably adheres to the paintwork, increasing its service life. The primer reduces the consumption of paint and varnish material.


“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is used for the preparation of wooden, stone, brick, concrete, plastered and gypsum surfaces. It is used in residential, industrial, administrative, educational, preschool and other types of buildings.


PET buckets weighing 3.3 kg; 10.5 kg.

Storage conditions

“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is stored in a tightly closed container away from heat sources at a temperature not lower than +5 ° C. Transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles. Shelf life: 2 years. Water-dispersion acrylic primer “Nortex-Grunt” has been added to the GESN tables:
Table GESN 15-07-003 “Priming the surface with water-dispersion primer “Nortex-Grunt”

Distinctive features
  • suitable for all types of surfaces;
  • has antiseptic properties: prevents the appearance of mold and wood-staining fungi;
  • easy to use: applied with a brush or spray gun;
  • tinted with pigment pastes intended for water-dispersed paints and varnishes.
Surface Appearance

A colorless coating is formed, without craters, pores and wrinkles.


For single layer application:

  • for wood - at least 90 g/sq.m. m;
  • for concrete, stone, brick - at least 120 g/sq.m. m;
  • for gypsum craton - at least 60 g/sq.m. m.

Ready to use. It is recommended to stir the primer before use. Apply to a durable, dry surface, free of old peeling paint, whitewash, dust and grease. Oil and grease stains are removed with a solution of soap or soda ash, followed by rinsing with water and drying the surface. It is recommended to putty the surfaces before priming.


Acrylic primer NORTEX-GRUNT is an antiseptic deep-penetrating acrylic primer. Universal for wood, concrete, stone, brick, etc. For interior and exterior use. Strengthens the base, prevents the appearance of fungus, mold, and blue stains. For preparing various types of surfaces before applying water-dispersed paints and varnishes. The Northex-Grunt primer glues and strengthens the base of the surface by filling the pores with small polymer particles. It reliably adheres to the paintwork, increasing its service life. The primer reduces the consumption of paint and varnish material.

Application area

Used for preparing wood, stone, brick, concrete, plastered and plaster surfaces. It is used in residential, industrial, administrative, educational, preschool and other types of buildings. Ready for use. It is recommended to stir the primer before use. Apply to a durable, dry surface, free of old peeling paint, whitewash, dust and grease. Oil and grease stains are removed with a solution of soap or soda ash, followed by rinsing with water and drying the surface. It is recommended to putty the surfaces before priming. Apply with a brush or paint sprayer. The number of layers applied depends on the surface being primed. Further work with the primed surface can be carried out after drying (1 hour at a temperature of (20±2)°C). At ambient temperatures below 15 °C and/or humidity above 80%, drying time may increase to 24 hours. Tinted with pigment pastes intended for water-dispersed paints and varnishes.


Stored in a tightly closed container away from heat sources at a temperature not lower than +5 °C. Transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles. Shelf life: 2 years.

Indicator nameMeaning
Primer colorWhite
Appearance of the coatingUniform colorless coating without craters, pores and wrinkles
Density1.00 - 1.02 at 20°C, g/cc
pH of the environment7-9 units
Conditional viscosity at a temperature of (20.0±0.5) °C according to a V3-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm, s, not less40-42 sec
Consumption of primer applied in one layer on wooden surfaces is not less than0.09 kg/m2
Consumption of primer applied in one layer on brick, stone and concrete surfaces, not less than0.12 kg/m2
Primer consumption when applied to plasterboard surfaces, not less than0.06 kg/m2
Ambient temperature during processingnot lower than +5°С
Safety when working with the compositioncomplies with sanitary and epidemiological requirements
Packingpolyethylene buckets weighing 3.3 kg; 10.5 kg

The Nortex-Grunt group, like all acrylic water-dispersion primers, is made on the basis of water, acrylic copolymers and a wetting agent. Special biocide additives increase the service life of the base and protect it from the harmful effects of the environment, without affecting vapor permeability. Compliance of the Nortex-Grunt composition with sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements is confirmed by a state registration certificate and a quality certificate. Tests have shown its safety; the use of Northex acrylic primer is permitted in children's institutions and public places. Important! To maintain the properties of a high-quality acrylic primer, it is necessary to use an appropriate topcoat characterized by the same quality indicators.

Certificate for OZONE-007

See how fire retardant wood impregnations work.

Certificate for OZONE-007

document's namedocument numberinginstructions for usephoto of the document
Certificate of compliance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 123 (“Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”). Issued by OS Signal 01 LLC, Omsk. S-RU.PB31.V.00020

Certificate for Nortex-Lac-Fire Protection Certificate for KRASULA, Krasula - composition for protecting and tinting wood Complies with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Protective and decorative composition " KRASULA ® " Laboratory conclusion: product quality complies with TU 2386-041-24505934-2012.

No.RU.18.UC.04.008.E.000017.04.12 dated 04/02/2012 issued by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Udmurt Republic Certificate for PIRILAX-PRIME, Pirilax-Prime - a composition for the protection of wood, as well as stone, concrete, brick . Complies with sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Biopyren ® (fire retardant-antiseptic) "Pirilax ®" - Prime Certificate of compliance with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements": No. C-RU.PB39.V.00058. product quality complies with TU 2499-027-24505934 -05 (OKP 249990) Certificate for Nortex-Doctor Certificate for Nortex-Disinfector for wood document name document numberinginstructions for usephoto of the document
Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with state SanPiN “Polymer and polymer-containing building materials, products and structures.” Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic. 18.UC.02.249.P.000010.01.08

Certificate for Nortex-Disinfector for concrete

document's namedocument numberinginstructions for usephoto of the document
Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with state SanPiN “Polymer and polymer-containing building materials, products and structures.” Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic. 18.UC.02.249.P.000010.01.08

Certificate for Nortex-X Certificate of compliance with fire safety requirements. Confirms compliance with the requirements of the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008), Articles No. 13, 135, Table 30. Valid from January 20, 2010 to January 20, 2015 Issued by Signal 01 LLC, Omsk.

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic.Certificate on Northex-SHCertificate of compliance with fire safety requirements. Confirms compliance with the requirements of the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008), Articles No. 13, 135, Table 30. Valid from January 20, 2010 to January 20, 2015 Issued by Signal 01 LLC, OmskSanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic.Certificate on Northex-SCertificate of compliance with fire safety requirements. Confirms compliance with the requirements of the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008), Articles No. 13, 135, Table 30. Valid from January 20, 2010 to January 20, 2015 Issued by Signal 01 LLC, Omsk.Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic.Certificate on Northex-KP
instructions for usephoto of the document
Certificate of compliance with fire safety requirements established in the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” (Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008), Articles No. 13,136, 150, Tables 3, 27. Confirms that the treated carpets have fire hazard ratings B1 , D2, RP1, T2, which corresponds to the fire hazard class KM2. Issued by OS LLC "SIGNAL 01", Omsk. S-RU.PB31.V.00028

Certificate for Northovsky interior varnish

document's namedocument numberinginstructions for usephoto of the document
Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with SanPiN “Polymer and polymer-containing building materials, products and structures. Hygienic safety requirements." Issued by TsGSEN for the Udmurt Republic. 18.UC.02.231.P.000662.06.10

Certificate for Northovsky façade varnish
Discontinue production. Recommended replacement with Krasula varnish.

Not subject to certification (Mosquito net)

“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is a water-dispersion acrylic primer for preparing various types of surfaces before applying water-dispersion paints and varnishes. “Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” glues and strengthens the base of the surface by filling the pores with small polymer particles. It reliably adheres to the paint and varnish coating, increasing its service life (Nortex primer reduces the consumption of paint and varnish material).

Application of primer

“Nortovskaya antiseptic primer” is used for the preparation of wooden, stone, brick, concrete, plastered and gypsum surfaces. It is used in residential, industrial, administrative, educational, preschool and other types of buildings.

Distinctive features

  • suitable for all types of surfaces;
  • has antiseptic properties: prevents the appearance of mold and wood-staining fungi;
  • easy to use: applied with a brush or spray gun;
  • tinted with pigment pastes intended for water-dispersed paints and varnishes.

Appearance of the surface after treatment

A colorless coating is formed, without craters, pores and wrinkles.


For single layer application:

  • for wood - at least 90 g/sq.m. m;
  • for concrete, stone, brick - at least 120 g/sq.m. m;
  • for gypsum craton - at least 60 g/sq.m. m.

Certificates of conformity acrylic primer nortex primer


Acrylic primer NORTEX-GRUNT is an antiseptic deep-penetrating acrylic primer. Universal for wood, concrete, stone, brick, etc. For interior and exterior use. Strengthens the base, prevents the appearance of fungus, mold, and blue stains.


For preparing various types of surfaces before applying water-dispersed paints and varnishes. The Northex-Grunt primer glues and strengthens the base of the surface by filling the pores with small polymer particles. It reliably adheres to the paintwork, increasing its service life. The primer reduces the consumption of paint and varnish material.

Application area

Used for preparing wood, stone, brick, concrete, plastered and plaster surfaces. It is used in residential, industrial, administrative, educational, preschool and other types of buildings.

Ready to use. It is recommended to stir the primer before use. Apply to a durable, dry surface, free of old peeling paint, whitewash, dust and grease. Oil and grease stains are removed with a solution of soap or soda ash, followed by rinsing with water and drying the surface. It is recommended to putty the surfaces before priming.

Apply with a brush or spray gun. The number of layers applied depends on the surface being primed.

Further work with the primed surface can be carried out after drying (1 hour at a temperature of (20±2)°C). At ambient temperatures below 15 °C and/or humidity above 80%, drying time may increase to 24 hours.

It can be tinted with pigment pastes intended for water-dispersed paints and varnishes.


Stored in a tightly closed container away from heat sources at a temperature not lower than +5 °C. Transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles. Shelf life: 2 years.



The surface treated with the Nortex-Grunt primer has the following advantages:

  • becomes stronger due to filling the smallest pores;
  • there is a similarity with the material of the subsequent finishing, which improves the adhesion of the layers;
  • prevents the appearance of cracks in the finish coating;
  • not susceptible to microorganisms;
  • saving subsequent material by blocking its penetration.

Acrylic primer "Nortex-Grunt" has universal strengthening and penetrating properties. Suitable for processing at all stages of finishing, from rough walls to finishing coating. These are the following types of base: wood, brick, stone, gypsum, concrete, wallpaper for painting, plaster, putty.

Certificates for NORT products

all product certificates are downloaded in the archive

Pirilax certificates - Certificates for compositions of the Pirilax series

Mig-09 certificates - download the certificate for the Mig-09 composition

Certificate Ozone-007 - Download certificate for the composition Ozone-007

Certificates Nortex-Sh - Download the certificate for the composition Nortex-Sh

Nortex-X certificates - Download the certificate for the Nortex-X composition

Nortex-S certificates - Download the certificate for the Nortex-S composition

Certificate Nortex-K - Download certificate for the composition Nortex-K

Nortex-KP certificate - Download the certificate for the Nortex-KP composition

Nortex-lux certificates - Download the certificate for the composition of Nortex-lux

Certificates Nortex Doctor Download the certificate for the composition of Nortex Doctor

Northovskaya paint certificate - Download certificate for Northovskaya interior paint

Certificate for antiseptic primer - Download certificate for Northovskaya antiseptic primer

Certificate Krasula for baths - Download certificate for the composition of Krasula for baths

company's news

  • 07/24/2021 Trade House “Fire Protection” includes Torvens sealants in its assortment
  • 07/07/2021 Updated packaging of NPO NORT products
  • 06/07/2021 Three new sets of joint venture rules and four GOSTs for wooden house construction will appear this year

Contact Information

LLC TD Fire Protection
Moscow Construction market “Slavic World” (Melnitsa) 41 km. MKAD, pavilion B-1/6, metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya", "Teply Stan"
+7, +7

Additional Information

© 2022 OOO "TD Pozhzashchita" Any reprinting of site material without the written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

  • 24-hour delivery in Moscow
  • Assistance in selection with free site visit
  • Carrying out fire protection work under a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Fill out the form and receive a checklist for selecting a protective composition for your facility


Areas of use

In accordance with the “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” and MGSN 4.19-2005 “Temporary Standards and Rules for the Design of Multifunctional High-Rise Buildings and Building Complexes in the City of Moscow” biopyrene “Nortex-S” is suitable for processing fabrics:

    in buildings of entertainment and cultural and educational institutions: - soft decorations, curtains, drapes, stage and exhibition decorations made of textile materials; - draperies in entertainment and exhibition halls, foyers, buffets.
  • in the halls of multifunctional high-rise buildings and building complexes with a height of more than 75 m: - elements of soft chairs, curtains and drapes; — textile materials for interior decoration.

Certificates for paints, varnishes, sealants, primers, glues, etc.

Download certificates for paints, varnishes, sealants, glue, primer, etc.

Certificates for sealants.

1 Certificate of conformity for acrylic sealant (until 04/01/2022) download zip, download pdf

2 Certificate of conformity for acrylic sealant Oklent (until 03/06/2022) download zip, download pdf

3 Certificate of conformity for acrylic construction sealant brand Window System WS (until 05/12/2018) download zip, download jpg

4 Certificate of conformity acrylate sealant Tector (until 05/20/2022) download zip, download pdf

5 Certificate of conformity for silicone sealant brands Penosil, Remontix, Ultima, 100% repair, Boxer (until 04/26/2018) download zip, download jpg

6 Letter of refusal for sealant Sazilast 51, Sazilast 52, Sazilast 53 download zip, download pdf

7 Quality certificate for bitumen-polymer sealant IZHORA BP-G50 download zip, download jpg

8 Quality certificate for polyurethane sealant IZHORA download zip, download jpg

9 Quality certificate for polyurethane sealant Titan Professional download zip, download pdf

10 Quality certificate for TechnoNIKOL BP-G35 sealant download zip, download pdf

11 Quality certificate for Abris S sealant download zip, download pdf

12 Quality certificate for Aquatron 6 sealant download zip, download pdf

13 Passport for Vikar LT sealant download zip, download jpg

14 Certificate of conformity for Vikar sealant (until 02/18/2021) download zip, download jpg

15 Certificate of conformity for acrylate vapor barrier sealant STIZ (until 01/16/2021) download zip, download pdf

16 Quality certificate for STIZ A sealant download zip, download pdf

17 Certificate of conformity for acrylate sealant SAZILAST brand AKSA (until 02.10.2020) download zip, download jpg

18 Certificate of conformity for IZHORA bitumen-polymer sealants: BP-G25, BP-G35, BP-G50, BP-G Arctic (until 04/09/2021) download zip, download jpg

19 Certificate of conformity for 2-component sealant Riaplast Riaplast (until 08/14/2021) download zip, download pdf

20 Certificate of conformity for silicone fireproof sealant Hilti CP6015 (until 06/15/2021) download zip, download pdf

21 Technical certificate for Hilti sealant download zip, download pdf

22 Quality certificate vibroacoustic sealant Vibrosil download zip, download pdf

23 Quality certificate sealant KT Hyperflex download zip, download pdf

24 Quality certificate for sealant ADV-31 download zip, download pdf

25 Certificate of conformity for sealant U-30M (04/08/2024) download zip, download jpg

26 Quality certificate for sealant U-30M download zip, download jpg

Certificates for paints, enamels, colors.

1 Certificate of conformity for floor enamel PF-266 download rar, download jpg

2 Certificate of conformity for enamel PF-266, PF-223, PF-2140, varnish PF-231, varnish PF-283 (until 12/05/2021) download zip, download pdf

3 Certificate of state registration for enamel PF 266 download zip, download jpg

4 Certificate of conformity for floor enamel PF-115 and PF-1217 (until 08/24/2021) download zip, download pdf

5 State registration certificate enamel PF-115 download zip, download pdf

6 Certificate of conformity for enamel PF-115 LAKRA (until 07/15/2021) download zip, download jpg

7 Certificate of conformity for enamel PF-115, primer GF-021, enamel Meta AM, enamel Meta MB (until 03/15/2021) download zip, download pdf

8 Passport for enamel PF-115 Universal Tikkurila download zip, download pdf

9 Passport for enamel PF-115 yellow, green download zip, download pdf

10 Quality certificate for enamel PF-115 GOST 6465-76 download zip, download pdf

11 Quality certificate for PF-115 gray enamel download zip, download jpg

11a Quality certificate for enamel PF 115 2022 download zip, download pdf

12 Certificate of conformity for water-dispersion enamels LAKRA: acrylic universal matte enamel, universal acrylic semi-gloss enamel, acrylic enamel for wood, acrylic enamel for radiators, acrylic enamel for siding, acrylic enamel for floors, acrylic anti-corrosion enamel (until 10/30/2019) download zip, download jpg+SGR

13 Certificate of conformity for enamel NTs-132P (until 09.30.2022) download zip, download pdf

14 Certificate of state registration for enamel NTs 132 download zip, download jpg

15 Quality certificate for enamel EP-46 download zip, download pdf

Voluntary quality control

Manufacturers and sellers of other types of primers, for example, VL-023, Grida, ED-20 or ZSPM B, can check the quality of their products on a voluntary basis. This possibility is provided for by the provisions of Federal Law No. 184-FZ. It applies to all types of goods without exception, including sand primer containing quartz elements or parquet “Bona”.

A voluntary certificate of conformity for acrylic primer VD-AK-133, “Nortex-grunt”, GF-020 or other products is issued by application. Such a form of confirmation of conformity as a declaration is not provided for this situation. The applicant must provide product samples, which will be tested against selected quality criteria. The results of this procedure are recorded in a certificate - for putty and primer EP-0100, Nortex, Optimist or another brand. In this case, the product evaluation criteria are chosen by the applicant independently: for example, you can issue a certificate for the FL-03K primer according to GOST 9109-81 or according to the manufacturer’s specifications.

Certificate of state registration

In addition to the specified documents, most types of primers require state registration. This condition is provided for by the provisions of the CU Commission Decision No. 299. This is due to the fact that such materials are used for interior decoration, including residential premises, and therefore directly affect the health of the people who live in them. The state registration procedure involves checking mixtures for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological safety criteria. It is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. Successful completion of such control is confirmed by the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

Preparation of documents

To quickly receive a complete package of necessary documents, contact our company. You can submit an application in any way convenient for you - by phone, through the official website or even social networks. Our managers will contact you to clarify the details, after which they will offer the best option for preparing documentation. From us you can order a kit for the entire range of your products - for example, a voluntary certificate for the deep penetration primer “Starateli” and a mandatory declaration for PF-115 enamel. We will also provide assistance in preparing for state registration with Rospotrebnadzor.

Antiseptic "Nortex Lux" (disinfector)

Disinfector Nortex-Lux is an effective impregnation for new and damaged wood, which is used indoors or outdoors, as well as in high-risk areas (humidity, in contact with soil). It is a broad-spectrum healing antiseptic, destroys mold, prevents the recurrence of lesions, and protects against wood-boring beetles. In addition, the composition of the disinfectant is safe for humans. It is water-based and does not contain fluoride or methanol. When using "Nortex Lux" the aging of wood slows down.

Why do you need a primer?

A primer is a specialized liquid composition applied to structures before subsequent finishing. The purpose of the primer mixture is to improve adhesion to the final finishing material (varnish, paint, plaster) and reduce the risk of mold and mildew.

The surface must be primed before applying any material: paint, plaster or tiles. This is an important process, if you skip it, you will be disappointed with the result of your work in the near future.

The most popular types of primers are universal. These are specialized mixtures that penetrate deeply into the base and make it stronger. And on the treated surface a polymer film is created that protects against moisture penetration and prevents the formation of fungi and mold.

Externally, primers resemble milk; they have a specific but mild odor. If stored inappropriately, such mixtures quickly lose their beneficial properties, which produces a more pungent and unpleasant odor. Proper storage is in a cool, dark place, in a well-closed container.

Depth of primer impregnation

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