Primer EP-057 - protective electrochemical protection for ferrous metal

Composition and purpose

Primer EP-057 is designed to protect river, sea and railway transport made of ferrous metal from corrosion destruction. Used for priming car bodies. It is also advisable to protect metal structures and parts that during operation come into contact with humid environments, including sea water, from oxidation with EP-057 soil. You can buy it in specialty stores or order it for delivery directly online.

Primer composition: suspension of zinc powder in epoxy resin E-41. Hardener number 3 is used.

Technical characteristics of the composition

Technical characteristics of the EP 057 primer inherent to this material:

  • This type of primer, thanks to its protective mechanism, is capable of protecting the paintwork from the rapid and destructive effects of high humidity, ensuring a sufficiently long service life of the coating of a structural metal element made of ferrous metal, even in extreme conditions of sea salt water;

EP soil is used for treating metal surfaces of sea and river vessels

  • Contents – hardener No. 3;
  • The technology takes into account the covering of the soil with such brands of enamel compositions as, for example, EP-KhV-KhS, etc.;
  • The dry chemical residue of the material fluctuates around at least 80%
  • The color composition is mainly gray;
  • After applying the solution, the color of the coating changes to a matte shade with a slightly rough appearance;
  • Material consumption largely depends on conditions (mostly temperature), method and method of application, as well as the shape of the surface being treated;
  • According to GOST, it is recommended to apply primer composition EP-057 in two layers, after drying the first;
  • The drying speed depends on the thickness of the covering layer and temperature conditions and fluctuates around no more than 24 hours. The approximate drying time for one layer with natural drying is 1–3 hours;
  • It is recommended to dilute the composition with RP solvent brands. Approximate consumption is about 100–200 grams/sq. m.;
  • To clean working tools, it is recommended to use EP grade solvents.

Tools are cleaned with RP solvent

This is interesting

Type of protection - sacrificial, provides electrochemical cathodic anti-corrosion protection of ferrous metal surfaces. The essence of this method: a more passive ferrous metal is coated with a mixture containing metal dust with higher electronegativity. The latter can be magnesium, aluminum, zinc. Zinc is most suitable for this role.

Fifty percent of the world's mined zinc is spent on anti-corrosion protection of the ferrous metal.

The protection mechanism is based on the fact that a galvanic current is created between a more passive ferrous metal and a more active one, for example, zinc. The ferrous metal acts as the cathode, and zinc acts as the anode. When the environment is destructive, the anode dissolves, restoring the cathode. The ferrous metal is preserved from corrosion.

Area of ​​application of the material

  • EP grade primer is mainly used as protection for many types of structures made of ferrous metal alloys (water and railway transport, agricultural machinery, etc.);
  • It is used both independently and as a preliminary protective treatment before subsequent coating with paints and varnishes . It tolerates a rather aggressive marine aquatic environment. Used successfully in industrial and industrial damp areas;
  • Ferrous metal treated with these compositions can be subjected to gas and electric welding, but it should be taken into account that in the treated areas the thickness of the EP soil layer will be no more than 20 microns.

In welding areas, the thickness of the soil is reduced to 20 microns or more

How to prepare the composition?

The mixture is made thirty minutes before use. Combine the base with the hardener and mix thoroughly. The ratio of components is indicated in the certificate of conformity for each batch of material. The composition must have a given viscosity corresponding to the method of applying EP-057 to the surface. Viscosity can be reduced using RP solvent. The prepared mixture is passed through a three-layer gauze filter to avoid lumps.


Application method

60 ÷ 80 secondsbrush or roller
20 ÷ 40 secondsairless spray
16 ÷ 20 secondspneumatic spray

Determination of viscosity

The viscosity of a primer or paint can be easily determined by any user. To do this, you need a viscometer - this is a hollow funnel, with the narrow part turned downwards with a hole of a certain diameter for the flow of mixtures. The primer is poured into the tank up to the mark. The time it takes for a substance to flow out of the viscometer will determine its viscosity. When measuring, ensure that the primer or paint is at a temperature of 20 degrees.

Soil EP-057

EP-057 primer is used for tread protection of ferrous metals (metal structures, railway, sea and river transport, agricultural machinery, etc.). Used in paint coating schemes operating in a humid industrial atmosphere, as well as in contact with fresh and sea water. Steel sheets coated with protective primer EP-057 can be welded, but the thickness of the primer layer at the welding points cannot exceed 20 microns.

Zinc in the composition of this primer is an opportunity to protect metal in humid, aggressive environments. On top of the primer you can apply enamels like HB, XS, EP. The primer is a two-pack material: a base (zinc powder, epoxy resin solution) and hardener No. 3. The use of EP 057 is one of the main methods of cold galvanizing.

Characteristics of primer EP-057

  • The appearance of the coating is matte, rough;
  • Color - gray;
  • Drying time to stage 1 at a temperature of (20±2)°C - no more than 1 hour, to stage 3 at a temperature of (20±2)°C - no more than 24 hours, to stage 3 at a temperature of 120°C - no more than 0.5 hours;
  • The proportion of non-volatile substances by mass is 86.5-88.5%, mass;
  • Consumption per layer - 260-310 g\m²;
  • The thickness of one layer is 60-70 microns;
  • Recommended number of layers - 1-2;
  • Has a high dry residue (not less than 86%);
  • Recommended viscosity according to a VZ-4 type viscometer when applied by roller and brush - 60-080 s, when applied by pneumatic spraying - 16-20 s, when applied by airless spray - 20-40 s;
  • The surface temperature must be at least 3°C ​​above the dew point.

RP solvent is used as a diluent for EP 057 primer.

How to apply primer EP 057. Before application, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, the primer is thoroughly mixed until smooth. Prepare the primer by mixing the base and hardener No. 3 (70 g of hardener per 1 kg of base), then leave for at least 30 minutes and filter through 3 layers of gauze. If necessary, dilute with the above solvent to working viscosity. The protective primer is applied at ambient temperatures from 5°C to 30°C by pneumatic spray, brush or roller. Interlayer drying is 1-2 hours at a temperature of (20±2)°C. The thickness of the layer applied to the metal for welding is 20 microns. Final drying time at a temperature of 18-20°C is 24 hours.

To clean tools from soil, use solvents RP, 646, 647, 648, R-4, R-5.

The soil is viable for at least 12 hours at a temperature of (20±2)°C.

Shelf life in unopened original packaging is 6 months from the date of manufacture.
Flammable! Keep away from fire! The primer is applied with good ventilation, using personal protective equipment. Avoid contact with skin and respiratory organs. Store at temperatures from minus 40°C to 40°C. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Surface application

The primer is applied in two layers. The second layer is made after 1÷3 hours of drying of the first. The thickness of each layer is no more than 100 microns. In this case, the ambient temperature should be in the range of 5÷30 degrees and humidity no more than 70%. Primer consumption depends on:

  • air temperature;
  • surface shapes;
  • method of application.

During application of the mixture, the composition must be periodically stirred throughout the entire volume to prevent sedimentation of zinc powder.

Application method

It is better to apply the primer with a brush if the coverage area is small, for example, a partial repair. The brush may leave streaks. When the surface is completely dry, they can be sanded down with sandpaper, if necessary.

If the coverage area is large and the surface is flat, it is advisable to use a roller and finish it in hard-to-reach places with a brush.

It is good to apply a primer using pneumatic spray if the surface is ribbed, uneven, the application conditions are cramped, or if there is a large scope of work and a high quality primer is required.

Airless spraying is used for coating large metal products where high quality film is not required.

Material consumption per layer

Pneumatic spraying - 0.18÷0.250 kg/m². Airless spraying, brush, roller - 0.32÷0.45 kg/m².

Paint compatibility

The primed surface can be coated with enamel compositions of the HS, EP, XV brands. After EP-057 primer, it is impossible to cover the surface with paints and varnishes such as ZhS, PF, GF. MA, KO, BT.

Instructions for use

Before painting, warm the primer to a temperature of +20°C and mix thoroughly. The primer is applied to the surface with a brush, roller, pneumatic or airless spraying. It is recommended to apply the primer at ambient temperatures from -5ᴼС to +80ᴼС and relative air humidity not exceeding 80%. The temperature of the surface to be painted should be 3ºС above the dew point. The surface to be painted must be free from dust and moisture.

The time for using the primer at a temperature of +20°C is 4-6 hours, after mixing with the hardener. When applying a 2-layer coating, intermediate drying between layers at a temperature of 20ºC should be at least 24 hours.

The time for complete curing of the coating at a temperature of 20ºС is 7 days, depending on the thickness of the coating.

Technical characteristics of the primer EP-057

Non-volatile substances86÷88%
Soil layer thickness40÷70 µm
Viscosity50 seconds
Soil consumption per layer150÷250g/m2
The finished primer can be used for8 ocloc'k
Drying time at 20 degrees24 hours
The soil gains strength and all its propertieswithin 7÷14 days
Adhesion1 point
Film strength upon impact5 N*m
Film elasticity when bending1 mm
Film hardness0.35 conventional units
Smellnot very sharp

Recommended Application Methods

Airless spray

  • Nozzle diameter - 0.011' - 0.015' (0.28 - 0.38mm)
  • Pressure - 10-15 MPa (100-150 bar)

Air Spray

  • The recommended solvent is to dilute with Kron RK solvent, xylene no more than 5% by weight.
  • Nozzle diameter - 1.8-2.2mm
  • Pressure - 0.3 -0.4 MPa (3 - 4 bar)

Roller painting

  • The recommended thinner is to dilute with Kron RK solvent, xylene, petroleum solvent, to a viscosity of 60-70 seconds according to a VZ-246 viscometer, nozzle diameter 4.

Manufacturers and prices

ManufacturerPrice, rub/kg
Istomino-Emfrom 242
PKF Spectrum221,5
NPF Spetsemal240

The lowest cost per kilogram of primer today is stated on the website of the manufacturer Khimprom-M, this is an approximate layout, prices may change, so it is safer to check them when purchasing. BEP paints and Raznotsvet LLC also produce and sell primer, but provide half-price information only through consultants.

Primer preparation

The primer is prepared half an hour before application:

  1. Hardener N3 is added to the base (zinc powder). Material ratio: per kilogram of the main primer mixture there are 70 g of hardener and 100 g of solvent.
  2. The composition is thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes, adjusted to the desired viscosity using RP solvent.
  3. After mixing, filter through several layers of gauze. In this form, the composition is ready for use.

We recommend: Types of primers for laminate floors and features of their use

Preparation of the working mixture

Then prepare the mixture - 30 minutes before painting, combining the base with the hardener, in the ratio according to the certificate, and mix well. For 1000 kg of base you need to take 70 kg of hardener No. 3. For a given volume of semi-finished product, the maximum allowable amount of solvent is no more than 100 kg. With greater dilution, the quality characteristics of the protective primer EP-057 deteriorate significantly.

The resulting primer EP-057 must have a viscosity in accordance with the requirements of GOST (a) 12.3.035–84. Viscosity adjustment is carried out with RP solvent (the proportion of solvent should not exceed 10%). The prepared mixture is filtered through three-layer gauze to remove lumps. The viscosity of the EP-057 primer, ready for use, depends on the painting method: when applied with a brush, the viscosity should be from 60 to 80 s, when airless spraying - 20 - 40 s, and when priming by pneumatic spraying 16 - 20 s.

The finished composition must be thoroughly mixed every 15-20 minutes, because the zinc powder included in the composition gradually settles to the bottom of the container.

Manufacturers, prices, certificates and GOSTs

The cost of a kilogram of EP-057 primer on the building materials market varies depending on the manufacturer of the product. A kilogram of products from Khimprom-M costs 198 rubles, and a primer from Khimtek will cost the buyer a little more than 440 rubles. The average price of paint and varnish material is 221 rubles. The primer can be purchased at PKF Spectr.

The certificate of conformity for the primer composition is valid throughout Russia and meets operational requirements. The mixture is prepared in accordance with TU 6-10-1117-85.

EP-057 primer can be considered universal for metal surfaces. The composition protects against corrosion and aggressive environmental influences, and can be used as an independent paintwork material or under enamels and varnishes, on an industrial scale and in everyday life.

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