Decorative plaster Bayramix - characteristics and advantages

Decorative plaster Bayramiks is a popular line of finishing materials containing marble granules produced by Turkish. All products supplied to the market of our country undergo mandatory certification for compliance with the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The builders of Ancient Rome also used marble plaster to decorate the facades and interiors of buildings. This material is still popular today. Modern technologies have made it possible to raise its performance characteristics to a new level. Robust, durable and aesthetically perfect, it blends seamlessly with different architectural styles.

Judging by the reviews left online, Bayramix decorative plaster is highly rated by both technical experts and ordinary consumers. Depending on the version, it is suitable for external and internal work. However, before purchasing a product you like, you should study its strengths and weaknesses, features and technical characteristics.

Characteristics of decorative coating

Bayramix plaster helps improve the interior of a room and creates an unusual decorative coating. The constituent elements are water-acrylic polymer dispersion and crumbs, with the help of which a base with texture is created. Among the technical characteristics are the following:

  • Long service life, up to 25 years;
  • Fire safety;
  • UV resistance;
  • The strength of fixation to the concrete base is 15 MPa;
  • Polymerization is completed in 2 days;
  • Crumb size 700-1400 microns;
  • Resistance to detergents;
  • Consumption is 3 kg. per sq. meter;
  • The temperature range of use varies from -50 to +80 degrees.

Bayramix decorative plaster is suitable for external and internal work. Application is allowed on many types of substrates.

Bayramix plaster helps improve the interior of a room and creates an unusual decorative coating.

Preparation of tools and materials

Mineral plaster "Bayramix" can be applied after preparing a set of tools and materials, including:

  • stainless construction float;
  • metal trowel;
  • perforator;
  • masking tape;
  • capacity;
  • flat paint brush;
  • ladder;
  • electrical extension cord;
  • cotton protective gloves.

When preparing your paint brush, you should prefer one that has a long handle. The hammer drill can be replaced with an electric drill, which is complemented by a mixing attachment. You should also take care of the presence of a soffit with a tripod. In addition, you should have plastic film available. To prepare the solution, you should stock up on a large container; its volume should be approximately 25 liters.

Advantages of Bayramix plaster

Bayramix marble plaster has a number of positive properties, for this reason it is popular. Among the advantages of use are:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Shows resistance to alkalis, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, and moisture;
  • High level of adhesion;
  • Easy to apply;
  • High level of resistance to mechanical shocks;
  • Durability;
  • Resistant to chloramine;
  • Variety of colors and textures.

Shows resistance to alkalis, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, and moisture.

What types of Bayramix plaster are there?

Plaster compositions under the Bayramix brand are available in several types. The main ones are marble, Venetian, textured. They differ in the resulting effects on the surface.


Bayramix marble plaster contains acrylic, which serves as a binding element. The type is used for work inside and outside the building. It is distinguished by its safety for human health and the environment. Crumbs can be introduced in various colors, shapes and sizes of fractions. Ready-to-use solutions are available.

The plastered surface can be cleaned using products containing bleach.

It is distinguished by its safety for human health and the environment.


With their help, the effect of natural stone is obtained on the base. Different variations of stones are produced; to achieve greater realism, plaster is applied in two layers. You can use Bayramix paint or other glazing compounds on top.

With their help, the effect of natural stone is obtained on the base.


The company produces about 6 types of textured plaster mortars. You can get different decorative effects, the bark beetle is a popular one, it is obtained using a product called Baytera. On each package there is an official description of the drawing created on the wall.

You can get different decorative effects.

Application area

This decorative coating is perfectly washable, which means it is ideal for finishing building facades and small architectural forms (parapets, fences, plinths, etc.).

The main advantage of the material, in comparison with similar finishing mixtures, is that it can be applied to any surface, such as:

  • Reinforced concrete panels;
  • Wall made of cellular or lightweight concrete;
  • Walls covered with old but well-preserved enamel, acrylic or water-based paint.

Technology of applying marble composition

If you carry out the work yourself, you should know the rules for applying the composition in order to get a high-quality and beautiful result. You can only work with a carefully prepared surface; manual and mechanized application is allowed.

You can only work with a carefully prepared surface.

Preparatory stage

You can work with a cleaned surface that is free of defects. Therefore, the walls are first leveled and cleaned. It is necessary to apply primer, preferably paint it so that the base is not visible through the plaster layer.

The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. You can proceed to applying plaster after the base has dried thoroughly.

The walls are first leveled and cleaned.

Manual plastering

If you are going to apply the composition manually, then proceed as follows:

  1. Using a trowel, scoop up the solution and, holding it at an angle of 60 degrees, apply the composition to the base. Make an even distribution, move in one direction, act in sections, it is important to prevent the edges from drying out.
  2. After about half an hour, when the composition has begun to set, rub the base and use a stainless steel grater.
  3. When the drying stage is completed, acrylic varnish or water repellent is applied.

If you need to take a break from work, cover the edges with masking tape.

Make an even distribution, moving in one direction.

Applying plaster using a mechanized method

You can use a pneumatic crumb thrower to quickly complete plastering. The surface is prepared using the standard method, after which the solution is poured into a special compartment, the pressure is set to 6-7 atmospheres. The distance to the wall is no more than half a meter. Processing begins from the top.

The distance to the wall is no more than half a meter.

Creating a drawing

You can create designs using different colors of plaster. First, a schematic image is drawn with a marker. Afterwards, masking tape is glued along the edges, and the surface is gradually plastered with different colors.

You can create designs using different colors of plaster.

Application to the façade

When doing façade work, it is imperative to prime the base. You can work at humidity levels of no more than 10%. The processing temperature ranges from +5 to +30 degrees. You cannot work in the rainy season.

You can work at humidity levels of no more than 10%.

Application of decorative material indoors

During internal work, monitor the temperature; it is unacceptable to work at temperatures below +5 degrees. Ultraviolet radiation should not reach the surface, so it is better to close the windows.

During internal work, monitor the temperature; it is unacceptable to work at temperatures below +5 degrees.

Features of preparation

"Bayramix" - a plaster, the reviews about which you could read above, should be applied to a previously primed surface. After the layer has dried, you should begin plastering work. The primer will give the surface uniformity and reduce the risk of stains appearing on the plastered wall.

It is important to take into account some restrictions before starting work. For example, the surface humidity level should not be higher than 10%. The minimum temperature should be +5 °C, while the maximum does not exceed +30 °C. Work on applying putty should not be started in damp rainy weather.

Master's recommendations

If stains appear on the base, it means that the distribution of the composition was uneven. This error can be removed by applying a new layer. But you can only work with a dried layer.

If yellow spots are found, the drying process has been disrupted. It is important to properly prepare the foundation in advance.

You can only work with a dried layer.

How to avoid mistakes

To evenly distribute the material on the base, use a metal spatula. The thickness is not made very thick, the size is determined by the size of the crumb, the thickness should not be more than 1.7 crumbs. After the composition has set for half an hour, the base is smoothed a second time. For work, take cleaned tools.

To evenly distribute the material on the base, use a metal spatula.

Bayramix plaster has an aesthetically pleasing appearance, it is not difficult to apply, so repairs are often carried out independently. But it is important to prepare the base well to remove all flaws.

Rules for preparing the mixture

Without high-quality preparation of the composition, it will be impossible to begin further work. The contents of one package are placed in a container, into which approximately 1.5 liters of water are added. Next comes complete mixing of the components. It is better to use a drill equipped with an appropriate attachment. The solution is stirred for 15 minutes or more, setting the instrument to low speed. For further storage, only closed containers are used. Then Bayramix plaster for the facade will last a long time.

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