Self-leveling and self-leveling floors What you will need Leveling process Pros Cons Screed Wet screed What
Orange wallpaper is a great way to refresh your interior and add bright notes of Modern style to it.
At the repair stage, future expenses should be planned in advance, for which it is important to read the volume of necessary
Some interior solutions cannot be applied because restrictions are imposed on the designer’s work, for example financial
Types of products Coatings for lining are divided into two main groups: protective and finishing (decorative).
Vetonit is one of the types of construction powder mixtures used for finishing and construction
How to dye fabric with green paint? Good old green stuff Dissolve a small amount of green medicine liquid in
An acrylic bathtub is a design that requires reliable, rigid support, as it has thin, plastic
01/18/2017 Drywall is the most popular material for renovation of premises, used for covering walls, ceilings,
The final stage of construction is finishing the basement space. In house constructions with pile foundations, there is space left