Gun for sealant in tubes: for polyurethane foam, silicone glue, closed, open, battery-powered and pneumatic

Even household repairs should be carried out at a professional level. For this, various tools and devices are used. The main task of such products is to increase productivity and reduce load. This way the user will not get tired, and the quality of the operations performed will increase. One effective means is a caulk gun. You can find it in construction stores at an affordable price. Using it, a person will apply the mixture evenly and accurately. However, it is important to choose this product correctly so that it does not break down due to frequent use.

The editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best sealant guns for 2022.

What is a caulk gun

Guns are used to release mass from a tube with a movable bottom. Often these substances are in the form of paste and silicone. The plastic container has a spout that allows you to put nozzles of different shapes on it to perform special work, giving the sealant the desired shape at the outlet.

The pistol body has a piston system, an associated trigger device, and a comfortable handle with a guide. Sealants are produced in tubes that comply with GOST, so you need to select a mechanism according to the specified values.

It is advised to purchase a suitable pistol in accordance with the parameters of the type and different uses.

Device specifics

Before the invention of sealant, seams were most often covered with mortar. In rare cases, technology was used when the gaps were caulked. The process of filling voids with building mixtures is very long and requires large financial costs and time. Most solutions lose their properties after drying. They become less elastic, cracks appear in them, which increase over time. The processing process was repeated frequently. For this purpose, cosmetic repairs were carried out. And this is quite a costly endeavor and requires effort.

The advent of sealant solved many problems. The elastic mass penetrates into cracks, splits and depressions as much as possible. After drying, the sealant does not change its volume, which prevents the formation of new voids. For a long time the question was how to fill the necessary places with glue? The gun solved the problem. Under low pressure, it will pump the sealing mass where needed. In this case, losses will be minimal. This is due to the fact that the spout of the nozzle is very narrow. It delivers a thin layer of the mixture in the desired direction. The pistol lever, which is pressed with your finger, will provide an accurate dosage.

The best experts have compiled a rating of the most popular guns for squeezing sealant out of a tube. Real user reviews were taken into account. They will help buyers choose a device for their needs and requirements. The market sells a huge range of pistols from different manufacturers. Below are the best of them.

Design and properties of sealant guns

The design of the sealant gun accommodates the following sections:

  • Housing – a tube is built into it;
  • Piston with rod. Depending on the type, the products are produced in smooth, serrated or smooth types. Its purpose is to push the mass from the tube to the adapter;
  • Handle with trigger. When you press it, the sealant is dispensed with a piston;
  • A bracket that serves as a safety device to keep the piston from moving backward uncoordinated and securing it at a suitable level.

Together with the tools, various attachments can be placed, providing the opportunity to shape the properties of the seam being formed. Nozzles are used that can simultaneously squeeze out and level the material, for example, joints in the kitchen.

It all started with little things

With a clean ceiling and new wallpaper, the room became more spacious and brighter. It was not in vain that I spent time and money and called repairmen. My repairs, however, are rather cosmetic, but everything is still ahead. Everything that happened could well be called coziness, if not for the lonely appearance of the bedside table, alone leaning against the wall.

My fervent imagination immediately suggested a solution: the loneliness of my bedside table would brighten up the aquarium with fish. Luckily I have it. True, this vessel dates back to “the time of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of the Crimea,” but it is our family heirloom, I will say more, our pride. No one else has an aquarium like this. It was made a long time ago from some scrap materials by my grandfather on my mother’s side. Mom always forgave me all my pranks and fun. But for the aquarium, which I once accidentally hit with a ball, I was whipped completely mercilessly. Thank God this piece of junk didn’t break then. Having become an adult and law-abiding citizen and realizing that I was the happy owner of an antique rarity, I treated it with reverence and tenderness. He carefully cleaned the glass and tinted some broken frames here and there.

After rummaging around on the mezzanine, I dragged it out into the light of day and placed it on the bedside table. But, having filled it with water, I immediately realized: everything was gone. Didn't save it. Because the old trough... sprung a leak. Water flowed quite briskly from the cracks and reminded us of the futility of all things.

: At work, we habitually smoked on the fire escape, and I casually complained about my failed experience of decorating my life. These details brought animation to our sluggish conversation about the vicissitudes of an unbalanced political life and the fate of the country. The strategy for saving my aquarium caused a much more violent reaction from the team. The energetic and conservative accountant Marya Antonovna immediately said: “Alexey, there’s nothing to think about here - take the window putty and go ahead! In general, I’m almost exclusively saved by her.” The young secretary Katyusha cynically suggested PVA glue, clearly not out of great love for all living things. The design guys, progressive people, encouraged me to solve the problem radically: not to fill the aquarium with water at all, but to breed decorative karakurt spiders in it or place a guinea pig in it.

The fat, slow-witted planner Bulbudin swam out of the office. He says little, but is always to the point. Although young people giggle at his ancient suspenders, earplugs and “farewell to youth” boots, in their hearts they quietly respect him and take his advice into account. He smoked in silence for a couple of minutes, listening to our “parliamentary debate.” Then, into the pause that arose, his cold baritone intervened: “You, soaring, go to any hardware store, take a sealant and darn your antiques. I recently installed a fan in the wall in the garage. So,” Bulbudin leisurely took a couple of puffs, “so that it wouldn’t fall out, he filled the hole with sealant, painted it over: “puff-puff” (the planner carefully put out his cigarette), “well, he painted it over.” Now - beauty. So sealant is a thing. A useful thing for the household. Very". And he left to plan our future income and expenses. We also went to work to generate income for the state.

For the rest of the working day I pondered the advice of old man Bulbudin. Most likely, he, as always, is right and will not give bad advice. But a shadow of doubt slipped through. It can't be that simple. Surely there is some hidden trouble in this apparent simplicity. This is where it all began, or, as Averchenko said, “and you’ll wrap it all up...”

Manufacturing of sealant guns

When creating guns for glue or sealant, based on their appearance, strong plastic that is resistant to mechanical influences is often used. Also used in production is steel coated with anti-corrosion paint.

Sometimes tool steel is taken for these purposes; its contents include chromium, vanadium or aluminum.

The latter material is used for the manufacture of models with a case, for models with a different operating mechanism.

Safety precautions

When starting to work with a pneumatic sealant gun, you need to remember a few simple rules, the implementation of which will significantly reduce the risk of a tragic accident.

  • It is unacceptable to make unauthorized changes to the design of the instrument!
  • It is prohibited to change the length of the handle and lever, as well as perform other actions that could increase the load on the structural components of the pistol.
  • It is not allowed to work with surfaces that are exposed to electric current.
  • It is prohibited to expose not only the gun, but also its individual components and parts to high temperatures. This process will lead to a change in the geometric characteristics of the product and its individual components, as a result of which it may break or the service life will be significantly reduced.
  • Exposure to aggressive chemicals on the plastic body of the instrument is not allowed!

Dimensions and weight

Most sealant guns are manufactured to fit the current sizes of standardized tubes, containing 220 and 440 ml.

  • The length of one of the simplest pistols is approximately 22 and 44 cm.
  • In general, the dimensions of the pistol are not so important and differ according to the standards of the cartridges for which they are produced.
  • The average weight of a pistol is 250 g.


Semi-body tool for household use. Suitable for 310 ml cartridges.


  • affordable cost;
  • transmission ratio of the feed mechanism - 7:1;
  • working parts are galvanized;
  • light weight;
  • fixation of cartridges, which ensures reliable installation of the tube and safety during operation.

Additional functionality

Modern tools, for comfortable work, can be equipped with various additional functions, including:

  • Illumination of the plot of applied sealant;
  • Attaching the trigger, making long work easier;
  • Regulating the speed of application of sealant, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the work performed;
  • Leak protection.

In addition, for the sealant gun you can purchase various illuminated attachments, a cleaning needle, and a punch that allows you to remove the hardened substance.

The nozzles are made in a variety of configurations to allow the sealant to reach places with difficult access.


How securely are tubes secured in sealant guns?

The guns have reliable tube fixation systems. Their shape depends on the type of structure.

How to properly apply sealant to surfaces with a hand gun?

After installing the tube into the gun, it is shaken for 15-30 seconds. The sealant is applied to the wetted surface, filling the seams and cracks by 1/3 or ¼ of their volume.

How to clean a gun clogged with sealant?

The gun is cleaned from frozen sealant using a solvent. They start from the tip of the tool and then move to the stem.

How long can you keep the tubes in the gun?

It is better not to leave tubes in the gun.

What are the most common failures with caulk guns?

The most common malfunction is clogging of the sealant in the gun barrel.

Types of sealant guns

Depending on the body structure, sealant guns are produced:

  1. Skeletal type. Can be used once or for occasional work. The body is made of steel 1.5 mm thick, the stem is hexagon-shaped, longitudinal d - 6 mm. The presence of stiffening ribs provides a smooth stroke of the piston, reliably supporting the tube with the substance. Steel and plastic are used in production. By design, this toolkit looks like two frames connected by a ring; the rod is available in smooth, serrated and hexagonal shapes.
  2. Reinforced - its design is similar to the previous one, but stronger materials are used in its manufacture. This means thickened parts and a rod with a diameter of at least 8 mm.
  3. Half body version. The most inexpensive option, because it is not designed for long-term operation. The production involves steel from 1 mm in thickness. The pistol has a semi-cylinder shape. The design without the use of different stiffening ribs causes a skew in the passage of the rod, which complicates its movement.
  4. Cylindrical, case-like appearance. This is a versatile tool, as it makes it possible to push out sealant, both in tubes and in sausage-shaped packs or without packaging at all. Aluminum or plastic is often used to create it; the rod is only smooth in shape. These models are called closed type.


about how to use a caulking gun , but there are a number of “tricks” that you need to know about.

Before you take up the tool itself, you need to check the tube with the sealing mixture that you plan to use. Some of them are produced with a protective additional bottom; if there is one, it must be removed. The same applies to the sub-cone part; you need to make a hole in it, then screw in the plastic cone until you cut off its end.

Next, in the tool itself you need to remove the piston with rod that interferes with the installation of the tube. To do this, press the gun lever all the way and move the interfering part, then place the tube in the tool stock, securing it with a rod.

On the installed tube, or rather on the plastic cone, you need to cut off the tip in the place indicated by the manufacturer. That's basically it, the pistol is completely ready for use.

If you use a professional sealant gun , especially one that involves direct filling, then the whole process will be completely similar to filling a medical syringe with medicine.

The mixture is “pulled” into the cavity intended for it by an action completely opposite to extrusion. The entire process is described in detail in the instructions included with the tool; many manufacturers even illustrate schematically all the steps that need to be carried out.

The application itself consists in the fact that into a crack or seam, or onto some other surface, you need to smoothly and evenly squeeze out a line of sealing mixture while carefully moving the gun itself to the side and holding it with both hands.

The right hand should be on the handle with the trigger mechanism, and the left hand should support the device with the tube in the middle; for left-handed people, of course, everything is completely the opposite.

Using electric and battery-powered tools requires a certain skill and habit of using the gun, although these tools require less effort thanks to the automated, pre-set supply of the mixture.

When using such a gun for the first time, you should start with the least significant and noticeable areas in order to get used to the features of the tool.

Varieties by drive type

Focusing on the source of the generated force for pushing out the sealant, guns are created of the following types:

  • Mechanical, manual type. There are a large number of them and they are inexpensive. They are equipped with a lever; with rhythmic movements, the rod pushes the contents out of the tube. The advantage of such devices is their low cost, no dependence on electricity, light weight and silent operation. If it is necessary to do a large amount of work, pistols with mechanics cause severe fatigue in the hands, so such devices are not suitable for professional builders;
  • Electric models. These guns are presented as pro-level tools; procedures with them make it possible to achieve the greatest productivity. The device can operate on electricity or battery. It has a heavy mass, but quickly pushes out the sealing agent. The feed speed can be adjusted, which mainly distinguishes an electric tool from a mechanical product;
  • Pneumatic device. Connects to the compressor. This largely limits his field of activity, which is determined by the length of his hoses. The action of this gun is carried out with the noise of a compressor.

Nevertheless, such tools turn out to be useful in production for the leakage of sealants when creating aquariums, in the automotive industry, and in the formation of boats. Often guns of this type come with a pressure regulator, which makes it possible to set the feed power.

The best battery models

The rating is based on popularity among buyers.


Half-body model of a battery pistol. Maximum voltage 18 V. Has a long working life. Withstands a large number of operations without breaking. Has speed adjustment. Weight with battery 2.1 kg. The gun works with tubes with a volume of 300 ml.

Let's look at its main pros and cons:

  • reliable design;
  • smooth extrusion of sealant;
  • low cost;
  • can be powered by different batteries;
  • durability.
  • Battery and charger are not included. They need to be purchased separately.


The model is intended for professional work. The gun can be used with tubes with a volume of 300 ml, 600 ml and 800 ml. It has a convenient adjustment of the sealant extrusion speed in the range of 0-28 mm/s. The engine continues to run for some time after the engine is turned off. This avoids the formation of smudges. Battery voltage 10.8 V. Gun weight 1.9 kg. Construction type – semi-closed.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • ease of use and application of sealant;
  • good ratio of price and quality of the tool;
  • reliability of the design;
  • there is a battery protection system and work area lighting;
  • durability.
  • No deficiencies identified.

Isistem I-GUN

The model is designed to work with tubes with a volume of 310 ml, 400 ml and 600 ml. The pistol has a durable design that can withstand heavy loads. There is a function to prevent sealant from leaking after stopping the engine. The pistol has a comfortable plastic handle. The design provides for adjusting the speed of the rod and locking the trigger. Battery voltage 15 V. Gun weight – 1.4 kg.

Main pros and cons:

  • durability;
  • electronic motor overload protection;
  • high performance;
  • smooth start.
  • no deficiencies were identified.


The semi-body model is designed to work with tubes with a volume of 310 ml. can work with sealant, mastic, glue and other compounds. The design includes anti-drip protection, illumination of the work area and a rotating pipe. Battery voltage 18 V. Gun weight – 1.8 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • convenient design;
  • durability;
  • reliability in operation.
  • high price.

Metabo KPA 18 LTX 600

The model of a closed battery gun is designed to work with soft and hard tubes with a volume of up to 600 ml. The design has great extrusion force, so it can work with different building compositions. The pistol has a reverse action. Tool weight – 2.5 kg. Voltage – 18 V.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • reliability in operation;
  • durability;
  • backlight;
  • high performance.
  • Battery is not included. It must be purchased separately.

How to use a manual caulking gun

A tube of sealant or glue is inserted into the gun frame. Before this, the tip of the tube is cut off and the nozzle from the kit is screwed onto it.

  • Based on the scope of application, the tip of the sealant is cut at an angle of 45, 90 degrees.
  • Then, by forward-directed actions of the gun system lever, you need to push the rod to move, which serves as a piston to push and squeeze out the substance.
  • By putting pressure on the lever with a controlled speed, you can roughly regulate the flow.

After finishing the work, you will need to press a special tab in the back of the gun, which is responsible for advancing the rod. By pressing it, the device will disconnect and you can freely remove the tube.


The main disadvantage of closed pistols is their significantly higher price compared to other options. The main source of problems when working with such a tool is its dependence on the tightness of the housing. If minor damage to the skeletal and semi-body versions does not harm their functionality, then a through hole in the container of a closed pistol leads to the need for its repair. An additional disadvantage of pneumatic models is the need for refilling with compressed air cylinders for models equipped with them, or connecting to a bulky and expensive air compressor unit.

Photos of sealant guns

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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