Characteristics of red lead pigment and its use in oil paints MA-15, MA-015


Iron lead MA-15 is recommended during construction and repair for painting metal surfaces (roofs, pipelines, garages, etc.), as it has anti-corrosion resistance. An excellent coating for roofs is super-elastic RUBBER PAINT - REZOLUX Universal, which not only gives decorative properties, but also performs the functions of a waterproofing coating. The iron minium film is resistant to temperature changes from -50 ° C to +60 ° C. MA-15 paint can be used in temperate and tropical climates. Iron minium is characterized by good adhesion to metal and can be easily sanded with sandpaper

Thinners for oil compositions

Oil paint for facade

Unlike ordinary gouache paint, where dilution with water is possible, for oil mixtures it is necessary to use a thinner. They are all different and each of them has its own properties, which we will consider. Looking into art stores, you can get confused in the huge number of existing thinners, and therefore remember that there is:

The thinner is suitable not only for direct thinning of paint, but also for cleaning various surfaces. The tee differs in that, unlike the double, where the composition contains artistic varnish and oil, there is also a thinner. Whether you choose a tee or a regular thinner depends on your intended purpose for using it. If you do not need to save money, then it is better to choose a pure, odorless thinner. Despite its high cost, you will find it more pleasant to work with this material.

Important! When purchasing various materials, pay attention to the odorless solvent. With its help, substrates are degreased, tools are cleaned, and they can also be used to simply dilute oil paints.

Mode of application

The surfaces to be painted must be clean and dry, completely free of dust. Metal surfaces are cleaned of rust and scale, degreased with a solvent (white spirit), coated with primer GF-021. Depressions and potholes are leveled with alkyd putty (PF-002). Wooden surfaces are pre-sanded. if necessary, sand using waterproof sandpaper, the grain size of which is 4 or 5 points, and then treated with drying oil. Previously painted surfaces are cleaned of the old peeling coating and sanded. From grease and other contaminants, the surface is washed with soap and water, washing powder or soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water) Surfaces previously covered with chalk or lime paints are cleaned until the old coating is completely removed

Oil paint finish

A durable, smooth layer of paint is suitable as a base for further finishing work. The old coating is checked for strength by running it over the surface with a spatula. The appearance of chips means that it will not withstand the effects of putty or plaster. Therefore, the old finish must be removed.

Before starting work, prepare a durable painted surface: treat it with a wire brush and clean it with a soap solution, which is washed off with clean water.


Features of plastering over paint:

  • the permissible thickness of the sand-cement coating layer is 3 centimeters, gypsum coating is 4 centimeters;
  • reinforcement is required under a layer of plaster thicker than a centimeter;
  • for better adhesion, the smooth surface of the paint is sanded;
  • Be sure to apply a deep penetration primer, and under the gypsum plaster - a second layer of concrete contact composition for painted surfaces;
  • Tile adhesive for complex surfaces is applied under cement plaster on top of deep soil.

To improve adhesion, after sanding along the entire painted wall, remove strips of paint with an ax or spatula 5 centimeters wide and at intervals of 10 centimeters.


One of three types of primer is applied to a clean wall: for painted surfaces, quartz or deep penetration. If the surface is covered with cracks or a putty layer of more than five centimeters is expected, install a reinforcing mesh. Using a wide spatula, first coat the cracks, and then apply and level the putty over the entire surface.


It is more difficult to fix tiles on smooth paint, since they are heavier than putty or plaster and can slide off already at the installation stage. Before work, carefully prepare the surface:

  • create roughness using emery or grinder, notches with an ax;
  • degreased with alcohol;
  • coated with a deeply penetrating primer, filling cavities and roughness well.

The tiles are laid on glue for complex surfaces or PVA glue is added to the cement mortar.

Water emulsion

The ceiling and upper parts of the walls are painted with water-based paint over oil-based paint, as they are less susceptible to mechanical damage. In areas of contact with furniture subject to frequent friction, the coating wears off.

The surface is also washed and sanded. Water-based compositions are firmly fixed to drying oil. But the downside of this method is the unpleasant smell.

Safe primers are used for water-based paint:

  • acrylic;
  • for painted surfaces.

See also

Technical characteristics and rules for using primer-enamel XB-0278

The water-based coating must be applied in three layers, since the absorbency of the surface is reduced. The color of old paint will be covered up by thick compounds.


Before pasting, the walls are prepared according to the usual scheme:

  • wash, fill potholes, clean off the glossy surface layer with sandpaper or a grinder with a grinding attachment;
  • put notches at intervals of 20 centimeters;
  • Cover with deep soil or regular soil with the addition of PVA glue.

You can paste over the walls after 24 hours, when the primer has dried. It is better to use vinyl or non-woven textured wallpaper. PVA is also added to wallpaper glue.


Before use, MA-15 oil paint should be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted to working viscosity with gasoline solvent for the paint and varnish industry, solvent, white spirit, thinner for oil paints, turpentine in a ratio of 1:1. The paint is applied with a brush or roller in one or two even layers on a dry primed and unprimed surface, previously cleaned of dust, grease, rust, scale, oils or technical lubricants. In addition to the manual method, red lead can be applied using electric field spraying technologies, pneumatic and airless spraying, as well as jet coating. should be applied at temperatures from 5 to 35 ° C, and the relative air humidity should be no more than 80%


Paint consumption

In many ways, surface consumption will depend on the type of surface, and can also range from 0.05 to 0.25 kg per square meter. For metal products, less material will be consumed than for wooden ones. Manufacturers advise applying a couple of layers without prior priming. Or one layer, but first treat it with a primer mixture of the structure. The thickness of the layer will depend on the viscosity and density of the material.

Drying time

It will take 24 hours to dry completely, depending on the room temperature and humidity.

How to dry oil paint quickly

Paints based on drying oil are the record holder among paints and varnishes for drying. The drying process can be accelerated. Popular recommendations - open the windows, create a draft, use a hair dryer. Hot air can speed up the process, and the air inside the room will also warm up and the humidity will become less. The solvent will erode faster and the paint will dry. If the requirements are met, the painted surface will last at least 1 year. The enamel should be applied in a couple of layers, and if it dries completely, the decorative properties will not be lost. The application temperature will be from -45 to +65 degrees. When cleaning, do not use strong household chemicals.

Other series of paints

There are many oil-based paints and varnishes on sale, and another one of the most prominent representatives is red lead MA-15. It is used to paint metal pipes, roofs and other metal products. This creates a coating that is resistant to sudden temperature changes and also has excellent adhesion to the surface. The main colors are red-brown and red. Consumption per square meter ranges from 0.1 to 0.25 kg. MA-5 will be produced strictly in accordance with GOST, and its consistency will resemble a paste. Before application, the paint must be diluted with drying oil, and the proportions are indicated in the instructions. It is used only for interior decoration, and everything can be applied with a roller and brush. The main colors are blue, green and red. Drying time to touch is a day.

MA-0115 is used to paint wooden and metal structures, with the exception of floors. Everything dries out within a day at a room temperature of +20 degrees. MA-22 is used only for exterior work and interior decoration. There are no primary colors, but the palette is incredibly large. Ma-25 coats metal and wood to protect them from the destructive effects of external factors. Withstand sudden temperature changes, and the coating will be resistant to humidity. Everything dries out within a day.

Basic indicators

  • Film color: corresponds to the color control sample within the permissible deviations (red-brown - RAL 3009)
  • Paint consumption: 100-250 g/m2 per single layer coating
  • Drying time to degree 3, no more than: 24 hours
  • Conditional viscosity according to the VZ-4 viscometer, at a temperature of 20 °C, no more: 80-160 sec
  • Covering capacity of undried film, no more than: 35 g/sq.m.
  • Mass fraction of volatile substance, no more than: 14.5%
  • Resistance of the coating at 20 °C to static exposure to water, not less than: 3 hours
  • Film hardness according to a pendulum device type TML (pendulum B) is not less than: 0.12 ue
  • Grinding degree, no more than: 80 microns
  • Mass fraction of film-forming substance, not less than: 27%
  • Resistance of the film to the static influence of moisture at a temperature of (20±2)°C: not less than 0.5 hours

Composition and technical characteristics

The material consists of a combined or natural drying oil and fillers: pigments, driers. Coloring pigments determine color. For this purpose, titanium and zinc white, ocher, mummy, red lead, chromium oxide, etc. are used.

Meaning of marking

The marking of paintwork materials gives a lot for understanding the technical characteristics. The letters before the numbers indicate the type of binder. “MA” on the packaging means that the brand of coatings is produced on the basis of vegetable oils. The first number after the letters indicates the scope of application: 1 - external and internal work. The second number characterizes the composition of the drying oil: 5 - composite.

The manufacturer indicates the date of manufacture and consumer characteristics on the can:

  1. Purpose and scope of application: painting surfaces indoors and outdoors.
  2. Composition, what solvent to use. White spirit or turpentine is recommended.
  3. Method of application: applied with a brush, roller, spray gun. The consumption per 1 square meter depends on this. surfaces.
  4. Storage conditions. A cool, dry place is recommended, away from fire, heating devices, moisture, and sun. Under such conditions, the properties are retained for 1 year.


The main technical characteristics are:

  • dry residue is 12%;
  • film-forming substance - 26%;
  • viscosity measured by the VZ-246 device at an air temperature of +20 ° C - from 64 to 140.
  • film covering ability: 45-210 g/m2.
  • The resistance of fresh paint to light is 2 hours, to water - 30 minutes.

The remaining parameters can be found in the quality certificate for a specific brand of paint, requesting it from the seller.

Precautionary measures

Iron lead MA-15 is a flammable product. Its toxicity is explained by the chemical properties of the solvents included in its composition. When carrying out painting work in enclosed spaces, as well as after finishing it, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room. Rubber gloves should be used to protect hands while working. Avoid contact with lead iron. in the eyes or on the skin If oil paint gets on exposed areas of the body, wipe with a rag soaked in vegetable oil and wash with warm water and soap. Keep the composition away from fire.

Information according to state requirements

Oil paint for walls

Probably every beginner finds it difficult at first to understand the markings of oil and other paints and varnishes. In order to figure out what brands of paint should have according to GOST 10503 71, let's look at this table:

Substances in paintsBrand of mixture and its name
Zinc whitewashLithoponic whiteColor mixturesIron miniumMummyocher
MA-15, MA-15 NMA-22, MA-22 NMA-22, MA-22 NMA-25, MA-25NMA-15MA-15MA-15MA-15MA-15MA-15
For external processesDrying oil combinedDrying oil combined K2 K3 K5Drying oil combined K3, K5
For interior workDrying oil oxolDrying oil oxolDrying oil combined K2 K3 K5Drying oil oxolDrying oil combined K2, K3, K4, K5

Iron minium according to GOST 10503 71 is an anti-corrosion protection for metal surfaces. Surik15 iron is used in painting radiators and garages, batteries and materials that are exposed to negative atmospheric influences. If the iron lead oil paint thickens, it must be diluted using white spirit solvent. Application of the material in several layers is possible using a roller or brush.

Earth paints brand 0115 mummy are used for exterior and interior work, but are not used for painting floors. The material should be diluted using gasoline solvent or turpentine. If the mummy is applied to wood or metal in 1 layer, then the oil paint consumption ranges from 55-240 g/m2. The paint is applied using rollers or a brush to the previously prepared wall surface. To do this, remove the old finish and remove dirt, dust and grease stains.

You should also pay attention to colored, thickly grated oil paints, which, according to GOST 8292 85, have the following grades:

  1. MA021 – natural drying oil
  2. MA015 and MA025 – on the film-forming component
  3. GF023 – glyphthalic base
  4. PF024 – pentafle analogue

Thickly ground colored mixtures must be produced taking into account all technical standards and GOST 8292 85. Taking into account 8292 85, thickly ground colored paints must be diluted with drying oil, after which white spirit can be added. According to the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 8292 85, thickly rubbed paints are fire hazardous and emit harmful fumes, therefore, when applying colored thickly rubbed paints, it is necessary to use special clothing.

According to GOST 8292 85, thickly ground colored mixtures should have a viscosity of around 65/140 units. At these rates, thickly rubbed paints dry within 24 hours. But the most important characteristic of a material can be called its hardness; its resistance to damage and the quality of the entire coating depend on this. Thickly ground oil paints must have values ​​of at least 0.13 units.

Speaking about oil paint brand 015, we can say that it is used, like the previous ones, for bases made of metal and wood. MA-015 can be applied using a brush and roller, but it would be better to use a spray gun. As elsewhere, MA 015 requires surface preparation and for this you need to remove the old finish and clean the base from dirt. At an optimal temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius, MA-015 oil paint will dry within a day. As with previous mixtures, 015 requires respiratory protection and hand skin protection during work. To work with MA-015 in closed rooms, good ventilation is necessary. MA 015 is diluted using natural drying oil and, if necessary, additionally with white spirit and nefras. The use of MA 015 is suitable for interior walls; if oil 015 is used correctly, its properties will remain for at least 1 year.

Other series of paints "MA"

Among the MA paints there are other varieties. They are similar in composition, but have their own areas of application depending on the additives included in them.

Iron minium

The main purpose of the composition is to coat metal surfaces exposed to the atmosphere. It is applied to iron roofs, pipes, garages, heating radiators and other products. It has good resistance to corrosion and temperature changes in the range of -50...+60°C. The material has high-quality adhesion to the surface. Iron minium is produced in brown or red color. The color comes from iron oxide pigment. For 1 sq.m. 100-120 g of paint is consumed.

Thickened paint "MA-015"

The consistency is a paste with coloring pigments and fillers. They are prepared for use as follows: add up to 40% drying oil and stir. Used for interior work. Colors: green, red, blue, etc. The optimal layer thickness when painting is: 15-20 microns. Other characteristics are similar to the MA-15.

The series is also represented by “MA-15 bio” paint - this is a drying oil suspension with pigments, fillers, drier, as well as modern targeted additives. It is produced ready for use and is intended for interior work. The coating treated with it has bacteriostatic properties for a year after painting. Therefore, paint with bioadditives is widely used in medical and children's institutions, schools, and offices.

Earthen "MA-0115"

The composition of MA-0015 paints contains red lead, mummy, and ocher. The base consists of acrylics, vinyl, and polyesters. It is used to paint wooden and metal surfaces inside the building (except for floors) and products outdoors. It is used in professional construction, municipal and private households. The “MA-0115” mummy composition, which is characterized by a red-brown color, is used to paint brick and concrete walls, garden benches, fences, and gazebos. 1 layer takes 55-240 g/m2.


Purpose: interior and exterior decoration. It can be colored, in a variety of shades, and white. Contains dyes, fillers diluted with drying oil, and driers. It protects metal well from rust and wood from rotting, since the paint film on the surface does not allow moisture to pass through. Consumed in an amount of 100-180 g/m2. colored paint and 240 g of zinc white.


This composition has higher characteristics than the previous one. The purpose is similar: painting wood and metal, products from which are used indoors and outdoors. The paint is resistant to weathering, moisture, and temperature. Dries in a day, 1 layer requires 60-240 g/m2.

When used correctly, MA series paints ensure the safety of products and an attractive appearance of surfaces.

Selecting paint for floors

We paint the walls of the house with oil paint with our own hands

As everyone knows, flooring can withstand enormous loads throughout its entire lifespan. And as protection, wood or concrete floors should be painted. Let's look at the criteria for choosing floor paint:

  1. Painting of what floor, wood or concrete, will take place
  2. Cover load
  3. Paintwork is needed for external or internal processes, in a ventilated room or not, work will take place
  4. Floor painting will take place in residential or non-residential premises

If we talk about oil paints for floors, they should be divided into two types: liquid and thick paint. Liquid formulations are immediately ready for application to the surface, while a thickly grated mixture needs to be diluted before use.

Let's look at the advantages of oil paints that are used for floors:

  • The mixtures have an attractive appearance and effectively complement the overall interior of the room.
  • The cost-effectiveness of the material is also a significant advantage, since when carrying out repair work with your own hands, you always want to save a little. The average consumption of such paint is 110g/m2
  • Low cost, unlike other well-known coatings

Unfortunately, the material with which it is possible to paint the floor also has several significant disadvantages that everyone should be aware of. If you are painting a wooden floor covering, then the protection against damage to the material will be of high quality. But using them for concrete floors, they will not have the properties of protection against mechanical damage. In addition, oil paints do not have a long service life. In just a couple of years, you will most likely have to update your floor design.

Remember to consider all factors when painting surfaces with oil paints. Use high-quality materials and tools with which coatings are finished. When painting with oil mixtures, remember that they do not have the ability to breathe. This means that their use in rooms where high levels of humidity are extremely undesirable.

No. 25 Earth colors

Dear masters and project participants, Sergey Nikolaevich Makarov writes to you. I have been living in England for seven years. I am renovating a house and the question of ecological finishing has arisen. For this I used clay plasters and earth paints. I just can’t understand, I wanted clay paint, but ours seems to be earthen. If you can, explain how they differ? How are they similar? Or is THIS the same thing? Thank you for your reply.


Earth paints
This concept has been used for a long time; in Soviet times there was GOST 8292-85. This GOST applies to oil-based, thickly ground colored paste-like paints, which contain pigments and fillers such as red lead, ocher, and mummy. Pigments and fillers according to this GOST are ground in drying oil with or without silicate.

Today the concept of earth paints is quite broad and is very often applied to the concept of clay paints. At its core earth paints or earth paint are nothing more than natural mineral fillers and pigments. Such natural components include all kinds of clays, tripoli, chalk, lime, titanium dioxide and others. The main binders in such earthen paints can be different adhesive compositions, both animal and plant origin. In some cases, silicate, latex and silicone bases are used. The use of the latter components makes earthen paint not entirely natural, but quite safe and practical. To understand, you need to know that all adhesive compositions of animal or plant origin cannot always provide the consumer properties of earthen paint. If someone is confused by the adhesive base, they can safely use earthen paint without it. Only then it will, in fact, not be paint, but whitewash. Whitewashing is quite often used in modern construction and gardening.

Earth paints have proven themselves very well in Europe and the USA. In these countries, the use of earth paints accounts for 40% of all such materials. In Ukraine and Russia, the concept of earth paints is not very popular, which makes them not a famous material. Mega manufacturers do not want to deal with such paints, this is due to the peculiarities of production and sales volumes. Earth paints are not cheap in cost, which makes them economically unprofitable for mass production.

Earth paints are a must-have for modern renovations. They perfectly regulate the thermal conditions in the room, provide partial protection from excess moisture and shield electromagnetic radiation.

Earthy colors are not always bright and attractive, but beige tones are the most popular for use in living spaces. And earthen paints have a wide range of such colors.

Earth paint is not just a finishing coating for ceilings and walls, but the health of your home and your loved ones. Use earthen paints wherever possible and don't look at what's sold in hardware stores under fancy labels. If you can’t buy earthen paint, you can make your own. It is not difficult. Those who understand indoor ecology have been using earthen paints for a long time without any problems. If you are interested in earthen paint , you can contact the GlinKo company for purchase and buy earthen paint at an affordable and competitive price. Consultants will help you make a choice and place an order. The company also has many related products such as: clay plasters and clay paints, also known as earth paints. Environmental primers and topcoats, clay building sheets (clay slabs) and much more.

Contact us, we are always happy to help. GlinKo - LIFE IN EVERY BIT

Sincerely, Sergey Anatolyevich Sherstnev, GlinKo Project Manager

Other series of paints "MA"

Among the MA paints there are other varieties. They are similar in composition, but have their own areas of application depending on the additives included in them.

Iron minium

The main purpose of the composition is to coat metal surfaces exposed to the atmosphere. It is applied to iron roofs, pipes, garages, heating radiators and other products. It has good resistance to corrosion and temperature changes in the range of -50...+60°C. The material has high-quality adhesion to the surface. Iron minium is produced in brown or red color. The color comes from iron oxide pigment. For 1 sq.m. 100-120 g of paint is consumed.

Thickened paint "MA-015"

The consistency is a paste with coloring pigments and fillers. They are prepared for use as follows: add up to 40% drying oil and stir. Used for interior work. Colors: green, red, blue, etc. The optimal layer thickness when painting is: 15-20 microns. Other characteristics are similar to the MA-15.

The series is also represented by “MA-15 bio” paint - this is a drying oil suspension with pigments, fillers, drier, as well as modern targeted additives. It is produced ready for use and is intended for interior work. The coating treated with it has bacteriostatic properties for a year after painting. Therefore, paint with bioadditives is widely used in medical and children's institutions, schools, and offices.

Earthen "MA-0115"

The composition of MA-0015 paints contains red lead, mummy, and ocher. The base consists of acrylics, vinyl, and polyesters. It is used to paint wooden and metal surfaces inside the building (except for floors) and products outdoors. It is used in professional construction, municipal and private households. The “MA-0115” mummy composition, which is characterized by a red-brown color, is used to paint brick and concrete walls, garden benches, fences, and gazebos. 1 layer takes 55-240 g/m2.


Purpose: interior and exterior decoration. It can be colored, in a variety of shades, and white. Contains dyes, fillers diluted with drying oil, and driers. It protects metal well from rust and wood from rotting, since the paint film on the surface does not allow moisture to pass through. Consumed in an amount of 100-180 g/m2. colored paint and 240 g of zinc white.


This composition has higher characteristics than the previous one. The purpose is similar: painting wood and metal, products from which are used indoors and outdoors. The paint is resistant to weathering, moisture, and temperature. Dries in a day, 1 layer requires 60-240 g/m2.

When used correctly, MA series paints ensure the safety of products and an attractive appearance of surfaces.

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