Why do you need a decorative plinth for walls 06/12/2014 – Published in: Choosing a plinth – Tags: decorative plinth, plinth, wall

Man has always strived to improve his living conditions, and the first thing that can be done for this is renovation.

The photo shows wall skirting boards.

More recently, it was compared to a natural disaster, and there were indeed objective reasons for this:

  • shortage and limited choice of finishing materials;
  • minimum practical skills of amateur repairmen;
  • almost complete lack of quality tools.

With the advent of market relations, the situation has changed dramatically, and now the choice of everyone is limited only by their financial capabilities and wild imagination. However, it is clear that a variety of modern materials alone cannot transform an apartment.

In order for the completed renovation to look exclusive, modern, and most importantly professional, it is necessary to follow, if not all, then at least the basic design rules.

Decorative skirting boards - transforming the interior

The photo shows decorative skirting boards.

The surge of interest in interior design can be associated with the appearance of television programs and magazines dedicated to renovation. And it is thanks to them that the use of modern decorative skirting boards in interiors has become as commonplace as hanging wallpaper or painting the ceiling.

They are made from inexpensive and lightweight materials, which makes it possible to use them in almost any repair, which in most cases is done by hand.

Do you need decorative skirting boards?

Now in every hardware store you can buy skirting boards not only for the floor, but also for decorating ceilings or walls. Their importance in design is so significant that with proper use, the most ordinary room in a typical apartment can be changed beyond recognition, turning it into a North American ranch or a Norman-style bedroom.

In addition, the presence of baseboards in the interior gives the entire renovation a finished look, and, importantly, helps to hide flaws expressed in the curvature of the walls or the unevenness of their connection to the ceiling or floor.

"Floating Wall" effect

Experienced craftsmen recommend abandoning the front bar. A unique anodized aluminum profile is required for installation.

  • This is a durable composition that has moisture-resistant properties.
  • When the installation is completed, the surface seems to hang above the bar, this gives the design originality.
  • Visually it seems that the part rises above the floor.

A greater illusion can be achieved by using backlighting. This technique can be used not only indoors, but also outside the building.

Floor skirting boards

Photo – floor skirting boards.

This is the most used decorative element that can be found in almost every room. In most cases, its purpose is to hide uneven joints between the floor and the walls. In addition, it also carries an aesthetic load, decorating the interior and making the renovation picture complete.

Just 20 years ago, floor skirting boards were made mainly from solid wood. In most cases it was spruce or pine, but for exclusive orders they could be made from more valuable species, for example, oak, cedar or walnut.

The modern market of construction and finishing materials has made decorative floor plinths the best-selling decorative element. Thanks to the materials used in its manufacture, it has become possible to minimize wood costs, but at the same time imitate the structure of any tree.

Many companies sell very high-quality products, and no one will have any difficulties choosing skirting boards. In addition, their price is affordable even for people on a budget.


It is mounted in a hidden profile and looks very impressive and unusual, which will definitely surprise guests. The recesses for the wires can pass both from below and from above the element.

There are also models that have several channel rows, or when they are located in the middle. The backlight, the brightness level of which can be adjusted, can create an unusual and fascinating “floating effect”, and can play the role of a night light.

The hidden plinth looks ideal in any stylistic direction, expressively emphasizing the simplicity and laconicism of the walls.

Wall skirtings

The photo shows a wall plinth in the interior.

In cases where a designer is thinking about zoning individual parts of a wall, it is difficult to find a better way than decorative skirting boards for walls. With their help, you can divide the wall plane not only horizontally, but also vertically, thus highlighting false niches, decorative panels or other elements.

Often designers use panels of the same color as the wall. This technique not only achieves the identification of individual zones, but also adds volume to the texture of the entire vertical plane.

Installation of these types of panels is quite simple. Liquid nails or special glue are applied to the back of the panel, after which it is applied to the wall. It is enough to press down firmly on the panel once and hold for a few seconds until the glue hardens.

Advice. The color of the plinth can be chosen either to match the color of the walls, or to the color of some design element: the floor, door jambs, etc.

Installation of plastic skirting boards

Photo - skirting boards in the interior.

Ordinary wooden or veneered skirting boards can be fixed to the wall using ordinary liquid nails, but the installation of plastic models has its own characteristics. If you do not have experience installing laminated plastic floor plinths, then these instructions will help you understand its installation.

Before purchasing material, you need to carefully measure the length of all the walls along which it will be laid. In addition to the plastic laminated sheet itself, you will need plugs and corners, the color of which should be the same as that of the baseboard itself.

To secure the canvas to the walls you will need special clips.

The consultant of the store where you will purchase materials will help you determine their quantity.

  1. Installation work begins with drilling holes in the walls for clips. This is best done with a hammer drill, and the distance between them should be no more than 70 cm.
  2. After all the holes are drilled in them, plastic dowels are inserted, to which the clips themselves are screwed with self-tapping screws.
  3. Installation of the canvas comes down to the fact that the plinth is attached to the clip, and with a light blow of the hand it is secured to the mounting grooves.
  4. If the design of the canvas does not have fastening grooves, then it can be fixed to the wall with a regular self-tapping screw without clips.
  5. In places where the fabric is interrupted, decorative plugs are installed on the glue, and special corners are hidden in the corners of the joint.

Advice from professionals

In order for the baseboard to look good against the general background of the room, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

  • If the baseboard coating has a fuzzy, blurry texture, this indicates that it has been treated with low-quality varnishes and paints. During operation, this will lead to deformation from moisture and detergents during cleaning.
  • Even a slight difference in the shades of the baseboard itself and its connecting element will be very noticeable when installed.
  • It is better to buy flooring and baseboards from the same type of wood; they will have a similar structure. In this case, the tone may differ slightly, but you should not give preference to stark contrasts.
  • If you can’t decide on a color right away, it’s better to buy an uncoated baseboard for painting.
  • For baseboards made of solid wood, it is better to drill neat holes for finishing nails before starting installation.
  • If the plinth is attached with self-tapping screws, then the holes are successfully masked with overhead decorative moldings or using colored wax to match the color of the plinth.
  • Skirting boards and platbands of the same width look harmonious.

Otherwise, the purchase and installation of wide skirting boards is no different from similar types of skirting boards of other sizes.

Wide plinth with thread

A wide baseboard helps complete the interior, emphasizes the individuality and taste of the owners and helps the premises look elegant and cozy. And it doesn’t matter what material was chosen, the main thing is that the plinth is professionally installed and looks good against the general background.

Wide veneered plinth

Ceiling fillets and their installation

The photo shows ceiling plinths.

This type of decor has been known since the times of ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. They decorate all the most beautiful architectural structures that have come down to us from antiquity, but fillets were used especially often in France.

It is thanks to this that styles such as:

  • Provence;
  • Norman style;
  • palace style.

Decorative ceiling plinth is especially often used in the Norman style. Almost any interior includes friezes, moldings or baguettes, inlaid with various lines, patterns or plants.

Modern decorative ceiling skirting boards are made from lightweight materials, making their installation extremely simple. In most cases, panels are made of PVC, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. PVC panels are often used not as a separate element, but in composite structures, in particular in combination with lining, which is why their use has not gained much popularity among home craftsmen.

Foam plastic and expanded polystyrene skirting boards are very light, and their manufacturing technology allows you to obtain almost any size, shape and ornament. At the same time, installation can be done even by a person who has never before done repairs or decorations on their own.

Installation of ceiling plinths

The photo shows the installation of ceiling plinths.

In order to install a decorative plinth on the ceiling, you do not need to drill into the walls with a hammer drill.

Their weight is so small that liquid nails or special glue are almost ideal for fastening moldings, friezes or baguettes made of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

  1. Installation starts from the corners. To do this, use a miter box to cut the plinth at the required angle.
  2. The glue is applied along the entire length, both on the end adjacent to the ceiling and on the one that is attached to the plane of the wall.
  3. When applying the molding, press it firmly and do not let go for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Be sure to immediately remove excess adhesive from the wall and ceiling with a damp sponge.

Advice. After the glue has hardened and all the skirting boards are securely attached, coat the junctions with the wall and ceiling with white silicone. This will not only hide all the bumps and cracks, but will also prevent the moldings from starting to crumble over time.

Shadow seam

This method implies a gap between the front part and the wall. Its size may vary. As a rule, options that are very limited in size or oversized are not considered. The material you should choose is MDF for painting.

Painting is done in the same tone as the working wall. As a result, it looks perfectly smooth and has a beautiful edging with a shadow seam.

Examples for non-standard ceilings

The functionality of skirting boards makes it possible to use them even in non-standard solutions.


On such a ceiling, baguettes look especially beautiful. In addition, they allow you to hide transitions between levels.

The photo shows a two-level ceiling structure, decorated with wide plinths.

Sloping ceiling

Skirting boards for a sloping ceiling on the attic floor in a country house or wooden house must be flexible in order to neatly frame numerous corners in the room.


Radius fillets are perfect for rounded ceilings. Such elastic models will easily allow you to decorate semicircular corners without unnecessary problems.


When you go to the store, you can see baguettes made from a variety of materials. Let's look at them in more detail:


Foam baguettes in a specialty store

Polystyrene foam is well known to everyone, and the fillets created from it have some advantages that make it easy to fill store shelves with them:

  1. Very low price. Compared to products made from other materials, they generally cost mere pennies;
  2. A wide variety of shapes, sizes and textured patterns applied to the front surface;

Demonstration of foam baguettes with different textures

  1. Easy to process and install with your own hands. Cutting a pliable foam strip is not difficult, as is gluing the resulting easily bendable sections;

Cutting can be done even with a simple stationery knife

  1. Light weight. The wall will not feel the presence of foam plastic samples at all, and you can easily manipulate them yourself even while standing on a stepladder.

But there are also negative aspects, due to which the market has not been completely captured by this product:

  1. Low strength indicators. On the one hand, ceiling fillets are called that because they are installed under the ceiling, and who can damage them there? That is, it seems to be a very minor minus. But the problem is that they can easily be damaged during installation work, so be extremely careful when handling such fragile products;
  2. Toxicity. When exposed to high temperatures, toxic fumes may be released.

Here are a few examples of the variety that I came across in stores:

  • Model "Kindecor M-50":
Manufacturer countryRussia
Width of the side in contact with the wall5 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling5 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product43 rubles

Sample model "Kindecor M-50"

  • Model “Format 207-501”:
Manufacturer countryRussia
Width of the side in contact with the wall5.3 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling5.3 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product139 rubles

Sample model "Format 207-501"

  • Model "KonigDeko 06001KD":
Manufacturer countryRussia
Width of the side in contact with the wall5.3 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling2.8 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product84 rubles

Sample model "KonigDeko 06001KD"

  • Model "Kindecor K-100":
Manufacturer countryRussia
Width of the side in contact with the wall8 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling8 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product108 rubles

Sample model "Kindecor K-100"

  • Model "Format 204-525":
Manufacturer countryRussia
Width of the side in contact with the wall3.3 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling3.3 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product59 rubles

Sample model "Format 204-525"


Ceiling fillet made of polyurethane

Polyurethane contains rubber, which distinguishes it from expanded polystyrene products, adding and enhancing such qualities as:

  1. Elasticity. If the foam strip is simply able to adapt to small unevenness of the wall or ceiling, then the polyurethane baguette can even be tied into a knot;

Amazing flexibility of polyurethane skirting boards

  1. High water resistance. Such products do not absorb moisture at all, which makes them very convenient for use when decorating bathrooms, kitchens and even rooms with swimming pools;

Polyurethane tolerates moisture well

  1. Good resistance to mechanical stress. That is, here you no longer have to worry that the installed sample will break in your hands.

A wide range of textures, light weight and ease of installation work are also present here. Is there a negative side? Yes: significantly higher cost compared to foam samples. But again, as you can see, this minus is relative.

Examples of store offers:

  • Model "Orac Axxent CX133":
Width of the side in contact with the wall2 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling2 cm
Plank length200 cm
Cost of one product242 rubles

Sample model "Orac Axxent CX133"

  • Model "Perfect AB132":
Width of the side in contact with the wall3.8 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling3.8 cm
Plank length240 cm
Cost of one product384 rubles

Sample model "Perfect AB132"

  • Model "Harmony K2250":
Width of the side in contact with the wall3.5 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling3.5 cm
Plank length240 cm
Cost of one product454 rubles

Sample model "Harmony K2250"

  • Model "Decomaster 96251":
Width of the side in contact with the wall2.5 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling2.5 cm
Plank length240 cm
Cost of one product459 rubles

Sample model "Decomaster 96251"

  • Model "Gaudi Decor P2010":
Width of the side in contact with the wall3.8 cm
Width of the side in contact with the ceiling4 cm
Plank length244 cm
Cost of one product625 rubles

Sample model "Gaudi Decor P2010"

Polyvinyl chloride

PVC has entered our lives very tightly, and today plastic can be found literally everywhere. Interior decoration did not escape this fate, so polyvinyl chloride fillets also filled the market.

Such products are distinguished by their set of advantages:

  1. Excellent water resistance. PVC baguettes easily tolerate not only dampness, but also direct exposure to water;
  2. Affordable price. Plastics have never been expensive;
  3. High-quality imitation of expensive types of wood and marble, as well as a wide variety of colors. Of course, upon closer examination, the deception will be revealed, but no one will climb onto your ceiling to examine the frieze in detail;

Imitations of wooden fillets

  1. Availability of special channels for laying wires. Such a device allows you to hide communications so that they do not catch your eye and do not interfere with movement around the room;

The PVC baguettes are hollow inside

  1. Possibility of using your own system of fastenings and connecting elements. Of course, there are also models that are simply fixed with glue, such as foam plastic or polyurethane, which we will talk about below, but there are also those in which the back side of the plank is first screwed on with self-tapping screws, and then the front panel is inserted into it;

Convenient corners allow you to do without cutting

  1. Quite high strength indicators. Plastic products are used not only on ceilings, but also on the floor, as they are quite capable of withstanding periodic contact with human feet, animal paws and furniture legs.

But there are also some disadvantages even with such innovative specimens:

  1. Fear of temperature changes;

You should not install a PVC baguette above a gas stove, since during very intense cooking the air above it becomes very hot. Of course, the baguette won’t melt, but it may deteriorate over time, which will negatively affect the entire interior.

  1. Impossibility of painting. Here the color is set immediately at the factory. On the one hand, this makes the work easier, since no additional manipulations with the paint are required, on the other hand, it takes away the opportunity to change the shade in the future, when you get tired of the old one.


A wooden fillet gives the room solidity

If your interior design is strictly classic, and you can spend a fair amount of money on its design, then you won’t find a better choice than wood.

Despite the availability of many cheaper and more practical materials, wooden baguettes are still in constant demand due to the following advantages:

  1. Natural origin. The highest level of environmental friendliness of the product is guaranteed here;
  2. Classic beauty and originality of wood surface. As I already noted, an ideal choice when decorating a room in a classic style;

Wooden ceiling molding and classic - the perfect combination

  1. High strength. Accidental mechanical impacts will not cause significant damage to wooden fillets.

As for the minuses, here they are:

  1. High price. All natural building materials are not cheap, but wood is in the forefront among them;
  2. Hydrophobicity. Moisture penetrating through wood pores destroys cellulose, triggering the onset of rotting processes;

Wooden ceiling skirting boards should not be installed in bathrooms and other rooms where there is a high level of humidity. They will not last long in such conditions and you will simply lose your investment.

  1. Low ductility. If there are unevenness on the wall, then it will have to be leveled before installing the wooden fillet, otherwise it may break at the bend or leave an unsightly gap.


Intricate plaster moldings

Gypsum is very malleable, and almost any shape can be created from it, which is what manufacturers of gypsum fillets take advantage of.

The benefits you will receive by purchasing such exhibits:

  1. Unique luxury appearance. It is even possible to carry out individual orders;

The unsurpassed beauty and luxury of gypsum ceiling plinths

  1. Environmental friendliness. The stucco molding contains exclusively natural materials;
  2. Durability. Such works of art are installed for decades.

But there are also plenty of negative sides:

  1. Large weight of products. This complicates the installation work and increases the load on the walls, which will also need to be taken into account;
  2. Fragility. One more “stone” in the direction of the installation, since gypsum fragments can easily crack if it is carried out carelessly;
  3. Very high cost. Even wood is at a premium here, so if you want something special, be prepared to pay accordingly for it. Prices for them start at approximately 400 rubles per linear meter, provided there is no decoration.

Features of choice

Based on the material, you have already received an approximate picture, but this is not all that you should decide on before purchasing a ceiling molding. There are two more important parameters:


Example of a wide molding

Fillets can have a width from one to twenty centimeters.

The wider the baguette, the more:

  • Smoothes out corners more, making the room more rounded and thus more comfortable;
  • Better hides possible flaws of both contacting surfaces;
  • Visually “lowers” ​​the ceiling.

You should not install wide ceiling skirting boards in rooms with low ceilings, as this will create an oppressive feeling in them, causing discomfort for both residents and guests.


Color solutions also allow you to “play” with space, here are their main techniques:

  • A white baguette that matches the ceiling will “pull” the ceiling upward, making the room visually more spacious;

White plinth “raises” the ceiling

  • The coincidence of the fillet color with the walls will, on the contrary, make the room seem smaller than it actually is;

When decorating a room, do not use more than three primary colors, as this will make it colorful and pretentious.

  • A baguette of a color contrasting with both surfaces in contact with it will look impressive, but only if there is a high ceiling and objects of a similar shade.

Contrast can be advantageous if certain conditions are met.

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