Main types, properties and applications of MA-15 paint

Description and purpose of paint

The paint and varnish material oil paint MA-15 is manufactured according to the state standard GOST 1503-71, Infrakhim, LKZ Kolorit and many others. This product contains combined drying oils (brands – K2, K3, K5) or drying oil of natural origin “Oxol”. Various fillers, pigments, and special-purpose siccatives are used as additives.

The paint is available in different colors:

  • beige;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • black and others.

The color of the product depends on the type of pigment included. The composition may contain titanium white, ocher, zinc white, mummy, chromium oxide, red lead and others. It is possible to produce any shade of material at the request of the client.

The use of the product is wide. It is used to cover wooden products, apply it to metal, concrete surfaces, paint floors and walls. It is used for exterior and interior decoration and is popular in construction and renovation. Material properties:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • rust protection;
  • giving a beautiful appearance to products;
  • formation of a durable coating in areas subject to severe wear;
  • light fastness, plasticity;
  • excellent adhesion to any surfaces;
  • antibacterial qualities, the ability to resist microbes and mold;
  • ease of application, ease of use.

When the coating is completely dry, it is 100% safe and can even be used in children's rooms.

Oil painting technology

The final result depends on compliance with the dyeing technology. To obtain the desired effect, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. The base is being prepared for work. It is necessary to remove or wash off the old layer of paint. For peeling coatings, use a stiff brush. Washing off oil paint will also help if the previous paintwork is holding up well.
  2. Then the surface is primed. A primer for oil paint is prepared from a coloring material mixed with drying oil. For every 100 gr. Drying oil should be taken at least 600 grams. paints.
  3. Defects in the base are puttied with oil or semi-oil compounds. After the putty has dried, the base is sanded. Not only the degree of adhesion of paintwork to the surface depends on appropriate preparation, but also the consumption of oil paint per 1 m² is reduced.
  4. Then the application tool is selected. A brush, roller or spray gun can be used for painting.
  5. The coloring composition is stirred and the first layer is applied. Subsequent painting should be carried out after the first coating has dried.
  6. To obtain a perfectly smooth surface, it is necessary to use an oil paint primer as the initial layer, and use enamel as the finishing coat.
  7. If the walls are painted white, varnish should be applied over the paint layer. This will prevent yellowing from appearing.

Compliance with the painting technique will not only allow you to obtain an ideal coating with high protective characteristics, but also extend its service life.

Material characteristics

The technical characteristics of this material are in the description of its properties specified in the certificate of conformity and the batch passport. Main parameters:

  • surface – flat, smooth, without pockmarks or craters, without defects;
  • the share of dry residue in the composition is 12%, the share of film-forming substances is 26%;
  • degree of grinding – 90 microns;
  • viscosity according to the VZ-246 viscometer at a temperature of +20 degrees – 64–140 (depending on color);
  • film coverage – 45–210 g/sq.m. m (depending on color);
  • Drying time for one layer is 24 hours at a temperature of +20 degrees;
  • film hardness according to TML – 0.05 cu;
  • lightfastness of the coating – 2 hours;
  • resistance to water at room temperature – 0.5 hours.

Iron minium: what it is, properties and application

The red lead pigment is a natural inorganic pigment. It is an iron oxide with the formula Fe2O3, obtained by processing iron ore. Natural iron oxides have been used as dyes since prehistoric times, and the manufacture of red lead, ochre, sienna, and mumi (a variety of natural iron oxide pigments) arose near ore deposits in all parts of the world. The main impurities of iron ore are clay inclusions and silica, and most often they also contain impurities of silicon, aluminum, calcium, sulfur and others. Natural iron oxide dyes are produced by ore processing by:

  • removal of waste inclusions;
  • grinding;
  • grinding;
  • fractionation;
  • drying;

Red lead is a dye in the form of a dark red powder with a total iron oxide content of 75-95%, which is used as a pigment in most paints and varnishes. Produced mainly from red iron ores. The best performance is achieved when the maximum length of microparticles is in the range of 2-4 µm, and ideally 3 µm. Technical manufacturing conditions are specified in GOST 8135-74.

Main characteristics:

  • High hiding power.
  • Intensity.
  • Light fastness.
  • Weather resistance.
  • Stable reaction to the action of chemicals (weak alkalis and acids).
  • Resistance to corrosion processes.

All these properties ensure the widespread use of red lead for the preparation of paints for various purposes on the most popular film-forming bases. Dry red lead (powdery finely dispersed pigment) is used in the automotive industry, glass making, in the manufacture of plastic parts and other industries.

It should be noted that impurities of alumina and silica have a huge impact on the quality of the pigment. They not only worsen the optical properties, but also, due to their high hardness, prevent the mixture from being crushed into the desired fractions, thereby impairing the pigment’s ability to dispersibly operate. This is one of the main reasons for classifying pigments into natural and artificial. Artificial types of iron oxides have better characteristics, but are much more expensive to manufacture.

The natural iron-containing pigment of the mummy, in contrast to red lead, has a total proportion of iron oxide of 20-75%, and the color, depending on the amount of Fe2O3, varies from light to dark red-brown.

Features of application

Painting with MA-15 is carried out after preliminary surface preparation. It is cleaned from dirt, grease, stains, dust, remnants of old coating, scale and rust. Potholes and uneven areas must be filled with plaster. To enhance the adhesion strength, it is recommended to apply a primer (alkyd, glyphthalic). New wood should be pre-coated with drying oil or wood primer.

Only dry surfaces can be painted. The paint is mixed before application. If the viscosity is too high, add a solvent - turpentine, a special thinner for oil paints. Application methods: roller, brush, direct pneumatic spray. Air humidity during work is up to 80%, temperature from +5 to +35 degrees. After completion of work, the tools are washed with white spirit.

Consumption per layer

The consumption of 1 m2 of product significantly depends on the absorbency of the surface, the method of application, and the color of the material. Indicator - from 55 to 240 g/sq.m. m of surface. Metal bases require less material than wood bases.

Layer thickness

When measured, the thickness of one layer of MA-15 is 25–30 microns. The coating in two layers is 50–60 microns. It is recommended to apply two layers without primer, or one coat with preliminary priming. The thickness of the layer depends on the preparation of the painters, the method of painting, and the viscosity of the product.

Surface drying

Typically, 24 hours of touch-drying at a temperature of +20 degrees is sufficient. But depending on weather conditions, temperature and humidity in the room, the period of complete drying can be 4–120 hours. The final properties of the material appear after 5 days from the moment of application.

Coating service life

If you meet all the requirements for surface preparation, paint and dry correctly, then a 2-layer coating will last for at least a year. We are talking about the complete preservation of its decorative properties when used in a temperate climate. Application temperature – from –45 to +60 degrees.

Painting schemes

For metal, the surface should first be primed with primers of the GF, VL, PF, FL brands. If there is rust, first apply a layer of Unicor or rust converter. Then apply 2 layers of MA-15 paint. Iron products without traces of rust can be painted in 2 layers without a primer, wooden ones treated with drying oil - in 1-2 layers.

Coating service life

Previously, under the influence of external factors, the coating lost its decorative and protective functions after 1.5 years. Improvements in production technology have made it possible to extend the operating period to 3 years. This is the recommended period, after which it is recommended to repaint the surface. If you follow the painting technique, carefully prepare the base and properly dilute the dye, you will be able to obtain a coating whose service life reaches 6-7 years.

Oil paints and varnishes are considered one of the most ancient. The demand for them does not decrease, since these means protect the surface from the negative influence of external factors and ensure aesthetics.

Despite the fragility of the paint layer, the ease of application and availability of oil-based paints allow you to update the coating without much labor or money.

Other MA paint series

There are other oil-based paints and varnishes on sale. Their properties and parameters are described below.

Surik MA-15

Iron minium is used for treating roofs, pipes, and other metal surfaces. The product has anti-corrosion properties, the coating is resistant to temperature changes of –50…+60 degrees. It sands well and has high adhesion. Main characteristics:

  • color – red, red-brown;
  • consumption – 0.1–0.25 kg/sq. m;
  • viscosity – 80–160 s according to the VZ-4 viscometer;
  • film coverage – 35 g/sq. m;
  • dry residue share – 14.5%;
  • degree of grinding – 80 microns.


Thickly rubbed paint MA-015 is produced in accordance with GOST 8292-85, it is a paste with a mixture of pigments and fillers. Unlike liquid-grated paints, which are ready for use, thick-grated paints must be diluted with drying oil in a volume of up to 40%. This paint is used indoors, maintaining its properties throughout the year. It is applied with a brush or roller to metal and wooden surfaces.

Main characteristics:

  • color – green, blue, red and many others;
  • layer thickness – 15–20 µm;
  • drying time – 24 hours at +20 degrees;
  • degree of grinding – 50 microns;
  • the share of dry residue is 13%.


These paints are called oil earth paints MA-0115; the series produces red lead, mummy, and ocher. They are produced on an alkyd, vinyl polymer base and include a number of polyesters. Used for painting metal and wood indoors, with the exception of floors.


  • consumption per layer – 55–240 g/sq.m. m;
  • drying time – 24 hours at +20 degrees.


Paint and varnish material MA-22 is a suspension of dyes and fillers on drying oil with the addition of drier. The paint is used indoors and outdoors to protect metals from corrosion and wood from moisture.

Main characteristics:

  • consumption – 100–180 g/sq.m. m;
  • colors – varied;
  • dry residue share – 12%;
  • viscosity – 65–140 s according to the VZ-246 viscometer;
  • film hardness – 0.05 c.u. using a pendulum device.


Oil paint MA-25 is used outdoors and indoors to protect wood and metal from damage. This product is more weather resistant than the previous one. It perfectly withstands temperature changes and moisture. Drying time – 24 hours, degree of grinding – 80 microns, consumption per square meter – 60–240 g.

All paints in the series should be used without forgetting about personal protective equipment. Work is carried out only with a mask, gloves, and in a well-ventilated room.


5.2. Marking - according to GOST 9980.4*. ________________ * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 9980.4-2002 is in force. — Note from the database manufacturer.

When marking transport containers, a danger sign must be applied according to GOST 19433 (class 3, classification code 3313).

5.3. Transportation and storage - according to GOST 9980.5*. ________________ * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 9980.5-2009 is valid, hereinafter in the text. — Note from the database manufacturer.

5.4. The method of application of oil paints, ready for use, intended for retail trade, is indicated in Appendix 1.

Section 5. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

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