Matte wall paint Dulux Professional Diamond 10 l

When performing interior finishing work, an important component is painting the walls or ceiling. The paint must be of high quality, environmental safety and long service life. Dulux products hold a leading position in the paint and varnish market. Dulux paint for walls and ceilings is especially popular. This article will discuss its varieties, advantages and features.

Benefits of Dulux paint

Dulax paint has a number of advantages over products from other manufacturers:

  • The mixture is highly matte, thanks to this you can hide defects in walls or ceilings.
  • Optimal viscosity of the solution, which allows you to complete the painting procedure quickly and without much effort.
  • Dulux paint contains only environmentally friendly components.
  • Due to its good protection against moisture, Deluxe paint can be used for cladding walls or ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • The drying time of the composition is fast, and there is no pungent odor, which is characteristic of many other paints.
  • There are varieties of mixtures with increased moisture-resistant parameters; they are used in rooms with high humidity or risk of contamination. The surface painted with this coating is easy to clean.
  • Small paint consumption per 1 m².
  • It has a rich palette of colors, and with the help of a special tint you can choose the desired tone.
  • Similar compositions can be used for wallpaper for painting.
  • High adhesion and wear resistance, which allows you to repeatedly clean the treated coating.
  • Retains the original shade for a long time.

The main water-based paints on the market

Tikkurila – in the photo (approximate price for 9 liters – from 2400 rubles)

Tikkurila has been present on the domestic construction market for a long time, confidently occupying one of the first places there in the “paint and varnish materials” section. The Finnish company opened a plant near St. Petersburg, so now you can also find domestic Tikkurila brands.

Average paint consumption is:

  • For uneven absorbent surfaces – 9-11 sq.m. per 1 liter of paint or 110-130 grams per 1 m2 .
  • For flat, non-absorbent surfaces – 6-8 sq.m. per 1 liter of paint or 150-200 g/sq.m .

Brand advantages:

  • pure color;
  • a huge variety of paint colors and, as a result, possibilities for coloring;
  • high Finnish environmental standards;
  • durability and UV resistance;
  • excellent technical characteristics.

Dulux (approximate price for 10 liters - from 2700 rubles)

Dulux specializes in matte paint options.

The company also opened production in Russia, but the quality of domestic products is not yet comparable to British ones. The average paint consumption is: 1 liter per 12 sq.m. or about 120 grams per 1 m2 .

The well-known British brand strives for the highest quality of manufactured materials, the main characteristics of which are:

  • excellent light absorption, masking all irregularities of the surface being painted;
  • high hiding power, allowing you to achieve an ideal appearance with just two layers of coating.

“Snezhka” (approximate price for 10 liters – from 1400 rubles)

The average paint consumption is: 1 liter per 11 sq.m. or about 130 grams per 1 m2 .

Paint from a well-known Polish manufacturer occupies a leading position in the budget segment of water-based paints. The advantages of the material include high hiding power and the ability to combine surfaces made of different materials (for example, plaster and drywall).

“Tex” (approximate price for 9 liters – from 850 rubles)

The average paint consumption is: 1 liter per 6-8 sq.m. or about 160-220 grams per 1 m2 .

The material has decent technical characteristics at a low price. Its main feature is its increased resistance to moisture, so the paint is most often used in bathrooms, kitchens and other similar rooms. At the same time, Tex paints have insufficient hiding power, which results in increased material consumption and surface preparation requirements.

Main types

Depending on the composition of Dulux paints, they can be divided into water-based and organic. The first type is made on the basis of acrylic or latex polymers. They provide high strength, protection from moisture and high temperatures. Such mixtures are often sold ready-made and only need to be diluted with water before use.

Organic mixtures are made on the basis of alkyd resins, which bind the other components together. Such compositions are more harmful, so they are used extremely rarely for cladding residential buildings.

In the video: Dulux ultra resist or regular paint.

By invoice

Based on texture, there are the following types of solutions:

  • Glossy.

  • Semi-gloss.

  • Matte.

  • Semi-matte.

The glossy composition allows you to create the effect of a shiny coating, but such solutions should be applied only to perfectly smooth surfaces, since they practically do not hide defects. Semi-gloss and semi-matte paints are intermediate types. They also shine, but at the same time partially hide the defects of the treated surface. Dulux dazzling white matte paint is the optimal solution if you need to hide imperfections in the surface of walls or ceilings.

By chemical composition

Depending on the chemical components included in the composition, there are the following types of paint:

  • Water-based. It is environmentally safe and odorless. It is washable and can be easily tinted using special dyes, which allows you to choose the shade according to your personal preferences. Dulux water-based paint can be used on walls or ceilings.

  • Acrylic paint. Resistant to abrasion and moisture, as well as ultraviolet radiation. Dulux acrylic paints for kitchens and bathrooms are used quite often. The mixture can easily heal small cracks with a thickness of no more than 0.5 mm. Has a large number of shades. Acrylic paints may change their shade slightly after application and drying.

  • Latex paint. It has a fairly high price, but at the same time it has a number of advantages over other varieties. It has good protection against abrasion and moisture, is capable of sealing cracks up to 1 mm thick, has low consumption per m2, and has the ability to cover relief surfaces. It also has a high vapor permeability rate and such a mixture is extremely difficult to remove from any surface.

  • Silicate. Silicate products are classified as mineral materials. Liquid glass is used as the basis for production. This mixture practically does not seal cracks, as it has an extremely low level of elasticity. When painting, it is necessary to use protective clothing and glasses, as there is a possibility of skin damage. The palette of dulux silicate paints cannot be called diverse, but with the help of tinting you can choose the desired shade. The advantages include a high rate of vapor permeability and the absence of the need for treatment with antiseptics, since the mixture prevents the formation of mold or mildew.
  • Silicone. This variety is capable of healing cracks up to 2 mm wide due to its high elasticity. Dulux silicone ceiling paint can be considered one of the best solutions, as it protects the surface from dirt and moisture. This mixture lasts quite a long time on the treated surface.

Dulux ultra resist

This washable material is ultra-resistant, protected from dirt and moisture. Manufactured using innovative technology, Dulux ultra resist contains wax, which repels moisture and dirt. Walls painted with this mixture are not afraid of spilling wine, juices, soy sauce and Coca-Cola. The surface is simply wiped and becomes beautiful again.

This solution is produced matte and semi-matte, and is produced separately for the living room and office, kitchen and bathroom, and children's bedroom. Each variety has certain additives. For example, for the living room and office it has increased resistance to loads, shocks and scratches. For kitchens and bathrooms it has special additives that protect against the appearance of mold and fungi, reliably protects against steam, condensation, and repels dirt. The composition for children's bedrooms contains silver ions that protect against the growth of bacteria, and even if a child draws a picture on the wall, it can be easily and quickly removed with a regular damp cloth.

Tips for choosing

When purchasing such solutions, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The purchase can be made at any hardware store or supermarket, or you can order via the Internet.
  • The cost of dulux paint directly depends on its type and volume.
  • If it is necessary to cover the ceiling in buildings with high humidity levels, you need to choose ceiling paint with water-repellent characteristics of acrylic, silicone or silicate type.
  • If the surface has minor unevenness, a matte or semi-matte mixture will be the best choice. For cladding smooth walls, you can also use a glossy variety of the composition.
  • To decorate a bathroom, kitchen or nursery, it is better to use compounds with an antibacterial base and antiseptic parameters. They help prevent the formation of mold or mildew indoors.
  • If there is a lot of smoking in the room, washable paint will be an excellent solution; this will also allow you to easily remove any dirt from the walls or ceiling.
  • To give the ceiling the effect of a new whitewash, you need to use compositions with a mineral base.

The optimal choice for any surface is a silicone mixture. It has a long service life, does not become dirty and has good elasticity. But at the same time, the cost of such wall paint is quite high.

Dulux Bindo 7

This latex paint, produced without gloss (matte), is suitable for painting large ceilings and walls. It is applied very easily and simply, no splashes or drips appear during application, and is practically odorless. It has minimal consumption, excellent leveling, and is an environmentally friendly solution. Certified for use in medical and preventive institutions, in children's rooms.

Can be applied to dry mineral materials such as brick, plaster, concrete slabs, as well as plasterboard and even wallpaper. It is recommended to paint in rooms with low humidity levels, for example, in dressing rooms, dining rooms, storage rooms, living rooms and bedrooms.

Popular products

The manufacturer has divided its products into different types, according to characteristics, purpose and cost. The most popular options are the following:

  • Dulux diamond matt paints. They are a water-dispersed solution with a high level of wear resistance. Drying time does not exceed 4 hours; 1 liter of mixture is enough to cover 16 square meters of surface. This composition is applied in at least 2 layers. Can be used as wallpaper paint. The solution is easy to clean and emphasizes the relief of the treated coating.

  • Dulux ultra resist. It is a matte type of water-based paint, with the addition of acrylic copolymers, light-resistant pigments and water. Dulux ultra resist has a pink tint during veneering, which is completely removed after time. Complete drying time can vary from 2 to 4 hours. There is no unpleasant odor of the solution, and its characteristics are among the best on the market. The disadvantage can be considered the inability to use in homes with a high humidity content.

  • De luxe trade supre matt. Supermatte water-based mixture for interior decoration. Any surface is suitable for cladding, even wet plaster. The main advantage of the composition is the extremely high level of vapor permeability.

  • De luxe Kids Room WO. The main advantages are quick drying, which does not take more than 2 hours, and the absence of odor. This composition has antibacterial properties, so it is often used for tiling kitchens or bathrooms. Thanks to these characteristics, the possibility of mold or mildew formation is minimized.

As you can see from the article, Dulux paints are an excellent solution for painting walls or ceilings. They can be used for different surfaces, and thanks to the rich palette, choosing the right color and tone will not be difficult. The main thing is to follow the instructions for applying the composition, which are indicated on the packaging of the product, and then the quality of processing will be at a high level.

Dulux Easy wallpaper paint review (1 video)

All products of the manufacturer (20 photos)

About company

Dulux products are manufactured by AkzoNobel Corporation, which is a well-known manufacturer of varnishes and paints that are in demand around the world. The paint and varnish products of this company have a wide palette of colors, attractive prices and high quality. This manufacturer creates Dulux paints that have different purposes, characteristics, shade saturation, resistance to various factors and texture. Paint is produced for ceilings, walls, rooms for various purposes, including bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and others.

Dulux paints are produced today in 26 different countries around the world, and the number of consumers of these products is increasing every day. Many have appreciated the high quality of paints and varnishes, both experienced designers and professionals, as well as beginners in the field of finishing. The company offers a wide variety of color palettes, both glossy and matte paints, so that everyone can choose the most suitable option for any, most original and unusual design ideas.

Dulux employees carefully select raw materials for the production of paints. And although paint and varnish products are very popular and distributed throughout the world, the brand continues to improve its product, providing consumers with a wide selection of high-quality paints.

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