Transparent adhesive B-6000 for working with mobile phones, jewelry, costume jewelry. 5 pieces. 15 ml.

Comparison of adhesives

The table below shows the characteristics of popular formulas: viscosity, color, bonding time, hardness, dryness rate and storage temperature. Now you can clearly see the difference between the products.

Rules for using glue b-7000

In order for the work to proceed smoothly, without errors and stupid oversights, you should rely on the words of professionals who understand the features and intricacies of the enterprise. The tips below are simple and will help you understand the points you need to know for operation. For example, how long does it take for b 7000 glue to dry? Or what affects the drying process?

  • If the substance contaminates other surfaces, it is recommended to remove it immediately. Hardened mass is more difficult to remove. If the mixture is dry, it is wise to preheat it before removing. Then, using a solvent, remove the residue.
  • The average setting time is 15 minutes. There is no need to use the item right away - complete drying takes one day.
  • In addition to acetone, you can degrease with medical alcohol or other alcohol-based substances.
  • Acceptable temperature conditions when performing work are 18-30 degrees Celsius. It is reasonable to try to constantly adhere to acceptable indicators.
  • Trying to influence the drying speed of the formula is contraindicated; it is better to wait for the natural completion of the process. Otherwise, for example, trying to speed up the process by supplying directed hot air, the drying technology will not be observed. The glue will simply dry out and turn into a lump, deprived of its molecular properties and characteristics.

Glue analogues

Product 7000 has a huge number of analogues of varying quality. Some are marked “T” and “E”. The products are also produced in China, but they cannot be called identical. Analogues have unique technical features and characteristics that have significant differences. The information below will allow you to learn more about the most commonly used analogues.

E 7000 and t 7000

E 7000 has a narrow specialization - it is used for gluing rhinestones, jewelry, accessories and other decorative items. The volume of containers varies - from 10 to 50 ml. The basis of the adhesive mass is epoxy resin.

The product is characterized by a high degree of adhesion, transparent appearance, and viscous consistency. Additionally, E 7000 is used for repairing items made of ceramics, metal, plastic, and wool. The glue is invisible on clothes. The composition is often used by nail technicians as a fixative for decorative elements on plates.

T 7000 brand adhesive has identical characteristics. The only difference is the black color of the substance. The product is used in the same cases, the hardening time is similar.

E 8000 and 8000

Sealant B 8000 is largely similar to glue B 7000. It is used for household purposes, but the main area of ​​use is repairing monitors, televisions and laptop screens. The main difference from B 7000 is increased density and strength.

E 8000 is similar to the previous version with one single difference - the main component of the product is acrylic, therefore the substance has a more viscous consistency (minimal fluidity), which prevents spreading over third-party surfaces.

In addition to joining glass, metal and ceramic parts, it is capable of joining decorative bricks and fiberglass. True, the high cost of the product encourages us to look for cheaper alternative options for such purposes. Moreover, the glue is sold in insufficiently voluminous tubes.

E 6000 and 6000

E 6000 and B 6000 are essentially outdated generations of the 7000 and 8000 series. The mixture can be used for domestic and industrial purposes. Used for repairing accessories, fabrics and wool. Effectively interact with metal parts, plastic and stone. However, there is a minus - the hardening time (up to 3 days). It is preferable to use the new 7000 and 8000 series with fast drying.

At 6000 it has a transparent appearance. Suitable for repairing smartphones, tablets, laptops, jewelry. The glue contains acetone, so the work is accompanied by a pungent chemical smell. For people susceptible to this, it is advisable to refrain from buying B 6000 and buy B 7000 (there won’t be such a strong smell). The basis of the composition is epoxy resin.

Obsolete glue at 5000

An obsolete brand that has been discontinued. It is impossible to purchase in construction stores. Product properties and applications are the same as described above. There is a high probability that the expiration date has expired. Therefore, if there is a thought to use old stocks, then it is better to refrain and purchase new, modern models.

Test Two: Extreme Stretch

Each knitwear sample was stretched as much as possible in different directions until it stopped without violating the integrity of the material. Imitation of the event if, during operation, the product got caught on something and was pulled strongly or was quickly and carelessly put on.

Samples continue to live:

  • No. 1 E6000 CRAFT;
  • No. 7 Hot-melt rhinestones Preciosa (HotFix).

They also performed well under such inhuman treatment:

  • No. 5 UHU Power glue;
  • #4 Crystal Hobby.

There is almost nothing left from No. 2 Moment Crystal and No. 3 Fevicryl Fabric Glue.

Test one - "CARPET"

Each sample was slightly stretched and fixed onto a small paint roller and rolled for five minutes with pressure and periodic slipping over a piece of carpet (my greetings to rhythmic gymnasts).

Samples came out without loss:

  • No. 1 E6000 CRAFT;
  • No. 3 Fevicryl Fabric Glue;
  • No. 7 Hot-melt rhinestones Preciosa (HotFix).

No. 2 Moment Crystal suffered the greatest losses.

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