How to clean polyurethane foam from hands and other surfaces

Polyurethane foam consists of polyurethane, has high porosity and high adhesion to different types of surfaces. This makes it widely in demand in repair and construction work. But these same qualities make it difficult to clean your hands and head if the composition gets on them and hardens. We’ll look at what to do and what tools are best to use in the article.

How to get rid of liquid foam on your hands

If foam gets on your skin during work, you must act before it hardens. Semi-liquid sealant is much easier to remove from surfaces than hardened sealant. It is enough to take a clean rag or napkin, wipe your hands, and then wash them well with soap.

If the foam has already begun to harden, you can moisten a napkin with nail polish remover or acetone - such products will quickly dissolve the stain and wash away its remnants.

When washing your hands, you can take a little regular body scrub: its hard particles will help scrub off traces of sealant. After getting rid of the stain, it is recommended to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

Removing foam with alkali and acid - is it possible?

Alkaline solutions are not capable of destroying polyurethane foam - the sealant is resistant to such substances. But if they come into contact with the skin, strong alkalis can seriously damage it and lead to a chemical burn, so it is dangerous to use them. Only soda, which is also a weak alkali, can be used, however, its abrasive properties will play the main role in removing polyurethane foam.

As for acids, their effectiveness in getting rid of polyurethane foam stains is higher, but only in sufficient concentration. For example, vinegar essence (70%) can soften the sealant, but its harm to the skin will be serious, possibly causing a burn. A weak vinegar solution or apple cider vinegar will not have the desired effect, and you should not waste time using them.

Useful tips

In order not to waste a lot of time dealing with the remains of the building mixture on your hands and head, follow the recommendations:

  • When working with mounting compounds, use safety glasses, gloves, and cover your head. Clothing must have long sleeves tucked into gloves.
  • The components of the polyurethane mixture have an aggressive effect on the skin of the hands and head, so after cleansing, be sure to treat the area with a regenerating and softening agent.
  • Try to use the same brand of solvent as the mortar. They handle it better.
  • When carrying out work, prepare a clean rag in advance to remove excess composition.

Methods for removing hardened foam

If it was not possible to get rid of the liquid product and the stains went unnoticed, you will have to use more effective methods for cleaning the skin of your hands.

Special aerosols

Many sealant or paint manufacturers produce special cleaners in aerosol form. You can buy a can along with foam so that you don’t have any problems cleaning your hands or other surfaces. Also, with the help of aerosol solvents, it will be possible to remove the mounting foam from the gun, which gets the sealant on it even more often. It is better to buy an aerosol of the same brand with foam - the cleaning efficiency will be higher.

Liquid solvents

Organic solvents should be used with caution. They do not cause burns, but they dry out the skin greatly, so contact with hands or other areas should be as short as possible. After cleansing the skin, wash your hands with soap and apply nourishing cream.

Kerosene, gasoline, acetone and white spirit

Any organic solvent can remove a sealant stain, because most installation products contain such substances and harden only after they evaporate. It is best to use acetone or nail polish remover - they are more gentle on the skin.

Stubborn stains should be removed with gasoline or kerosene, moistening a cloth and applying it to your hand for 5-10 minutes. After softening, you need to wash the composition, if necessary, using a body scrub. All solvents emit an unpleasant odor, their fumes are harmful to health, so you need to work with them in a well-ventilated area.

Traditional methods

Unconventional methods of cleaning hands from polyurethane foam are used when solvents are not available. Those that involve the use of food products are the safest, suitable even for children and allergy sufferers.

Vegetable oil

Before use, the vegetable oil must be heated until it is warm (about +40 degrees). Then apply to a cotton pad or bandage folded in three and apply to the contaminated area of ​​skin. After 10 minutes, the sealant will soften and can be wiped off mechanically or washed off with plain water and soap. To be sure to get rid of the stain, you can rub your hands with dishwashing liquid after the oil.


Salt serves as an excellent abrasive that quickly cleanses the skin of your hands of any impurities. A small stain can simply be rubbed off with salt using vigorous movements. If the polyurethane foam has become ingrained and cannot be removed, the actions should be as follows:

  • take a liter of hot water;
  • add a tablespoon of salt, dissolve it;
  • place your hand in the solution, hold for a couple of minutes until the skin steams;
  • remove the stain using coarse salt or scrub.


This drug is sold in any pharmacy and is inexpensive. It perfectly removes contamination from sealant, paint, and other building compounds. It is only important not to use Dimexide undiluted, as it can cause burns . You need to add water to the product in a 1:1 ratio, then wipe your hands with a cotton swab or cloth. If signs of an allergic reaction appear, the skin should be immediately washed with soap.

Mechanical methods

Mechanical cleaning can damage the skin if not done carefully. Therefore, it is advisable to use any abrasives (scrub, salt), brushes and pumice stones after preliminary steaming of your hands. It is enough to hold them for 5 minutes in hot water - in a bath, under the tap. Afterwards, the skin should be lubricated with a rich cream, oil, then begin to rub off the stain. Another option for safe hand cleansing is to use an abrasive on soapy skin. Do not use a knife, scissors, or metal scrapers - this can cause injury and infection!

Types of construction pistols

In construction, two types of tools for polyurethane foam are used:

  • household - made of plastic, inexpensive and not suitable for repeated use. They have a non-separable design, which prevents high-quality cleaning;
  • professional - made of metal, resistant to various chemical compounds (sealant and cleaning composition). They mostly have a collapsible design and are suitable for frequent and long-term use.

For regular construction and repair work, it is preferable to use a metal collapsible gun, which is reliable, durable and easy to maintain due to its collapsible design.
Professional builders are recommended to use metal models that can be disassembled, thoroughly cleaned and, if necessary, replaced worn out parts. Such pistols are a simple design that includes:

  • adapter for fixing the cylinder;
  • trigger;
  • metal barrel;
  • adjusting screw (allows you to adjust the speed and amount of sealant supply);
  • handle.

Cleaning different surfaces

Spray foam stains can also form on materials, products, and parts that are being worked on. If you use aggressive methods, the finish will deteriorate, because chemicals corrode the protective coating.

Laminate and linoleum

The top layer of foam should be cut off as much as possible with a sharp stationery knife, acting carefully so as not to scratch the floor covering. Afterwards, you need to take a solvent (except acetone), moisten a rag or sponge with it, and apply it to the floor for 5 minutes. Clean any remaining foam with a stiff plastic brush.

Nail polish remover should not be used for this purpose - it, like acetone, leaves dull white spots on the coatings.


It happens that foam hardens on carpet, artificial or woolen carpets. You can remove it from such materials with acetone or Dimexide. Use a sponge or rag soaked in solvent to wipe off the mounting foam, and then wash the area of ​​contamination with special detergents (for example, “Vanish”).


If the sealant has hardened on doors made of veneer, wood, or MDF, you can use Dimexide, a soap solution and a soft brush or sponge. The procedure is quite labor-intensive, because strong pressure and friction leave stains and scratches on the doors. Upon completion of treatment, the solution containing foam particles must be washed off. After such manipulations, lightened areas are often revealed on a varnished door, so the canvas has to be coated with a new layer of varnish.


Plastic surfaces can be cleaned of any dirt using specialized products (for example, Cosmofen). They contain powerful plastic-friendly solvents that remove traces of foam without leaving any residue. The only disadvantage of such funds is the high price. Fresh foam stains can be removed with a regular wet sponge, but you must act quickly before the sealant sets.

In order not to damage the top layer of plastic, which in the future will lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the window and its regular contamination, you should not use hard brushes or coarse abrasives. Cleaning powders also cause plastic deterioration. It is better to carefully cut off a thick layer of foam with a knife, and then use one of the following methods:

  • heat vegetable oil, apply generously to the stain, remove any remaining dirt with a brush after half an hour;
  • pour hot water over the stain, place a rag on top, after 10 minutes carefully wipe off the foam with Dimexide;
  • Mix solvent 646 and acetone in equal parts, treat the surface of the window, then finally remove the foam and wash the plastic with soapy water.

What can't be done and why?

When removing sealant from various surfaces, the following recommendations must not be violated:

  1. The foam should not be spread over the surface. The material is removed with sharp movements.
  2. Do not try to wash off fresh foam with water. It only enhances the adhesion of the sealant to the surface.
  3. Painted products should not be treated with acetone or substances based on strong solvents.
  4. Do not clean stains with sharp objects that can scratch the product.
  5. It is not advisable to use metal brushes and scrapers that can scratch the surface.

Removing foam from clothes

It is quite difficult to wash off foam from fabric without damaging it. You can wipe the affected area with white spirit, purified gasoline, and acetone. Organic solvents can leave lightened stains on clothing, so it is better to try the procedure on an inconspicuous area.

Contaminated fabric can be cleaned mechanically by cutting off layers of foam with scissors or a knife. Afterwards, lather with laundry soap, washing powder, and wash the stained area by hand. Delicate fabrics are unlikely to be damaged, so it is better to work with polyurethane foam in old, unnecessary clothes or work kit.

How to remove with special compounds?

There are compositions on sale that can be used to safely and effectively remove polyurethane foam. They can be purchased at construction stores or ordered on the Internet market. Top 3 best products:

Tytan Eco Cleaner

A product for removing fresh foam from various surfaces . The basis of the cleaning composition is solvents. The liquid can be used to treat clothing, glass, plastic and metal products. Price for 500 ml – 450 rubles.


The universal composition is intended for treating surfaces made of different materials. Price for 360 g – 300 rubles.

What should not be used to remove the mixture from skin, nails, hair

An important task is not only the effective removal of contamination, but also the minimization and, optimally, the elimination of damage to the skin. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose products for cleansing your hands, nails, and hair. Experts note the following substances that may be dangerous :

  • acids and vinegar ; they are not able to break down the composition and can leave burns, so you need to exclude these products in order not to encounter health problems;
  • chlorine-based products that have a negative effect on mucous membranes are prohibited from contact with skin;
  • alkalis are not intended for removing foam and may cause burns;
  • Dimexide , careless use of which can lead to overdose or allergy.
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